
✨Neither Lost Nor Found 🌠

@limes-and-kiwis / limes-and-kiwis.tumblr.com

But a secret third thing: chillen 😎
Hi, I’m limey! And you’ve found my personal blog. I mostly post whatever I want here, and generally that means pictures of cats, cool art I like, and things that make me laugh ☺️🏳️‍🌈
🏵Check out my art blog @Citree 🍊
(icon by @hawberries)

i love you apple i love you cherry i love you peach i love you strawberry i love you banana i love you pomegranate i love you starfruit i love you blackberry i love you blueberry i love you pineapple i love you plum i love you nectarine i love you dragonfruit i love you fig i love you melon i love you kiwi i love you cranberry i love you grape


I humbly request a slug or two


Absolutely kumquat! here are 3 gorgeous little slime friends!


Carpathian Blue Slug (Bielzia coerulans), family Limacidae, found in the Carpathian Mountain region of Eastern Europe

photographs by Ania Jazdzewska

Ghost Slug (Selenochlamys ysbryda), family Oxychilidae, Wales

  • This slug is not native to the UK, and is most likely native to the Ukraine.

photograph by Amgueddfa Cymru

Black Slug (Arion ater), family Arionidae, UK

photograph by Lukasz Puch


That cat is absolutely an orphan-generating coal baron. The mustache and top-hat are there in spirit, if not actually. Legally, that cat's name should be Reacher Gilt.

Apparently this comment got screenshotted, escaped containment, and made its way back to the owner of the cat who found me.

Hew name is Lucy, she is well-loved, and she just looks like that all the time:

feminism WIN: the orphan-generating coal baron cat is a GIRL


I love angry-eyebrow cats. Here's mine:


this from the guy who wrote the sting pain index, a scale he constructed after letting himself be stung by insects

“why did i start this list” pleaseeeeeee this is so funny


his descriptions were extremely on-point, and frankly inspiring when writing a hurt/comfort scene

Instagram poets could never!


For those who want it, here is the entire list:

Anyways, dude's 1,000% a huge masochist. Nobody just describes pain like this unless they're enjoying it.


If im reading a 800 page book I should be freed of all other responsibilities in my life. Like sorry I can’t do that right now because im reading this long ass book. Yeah you know how it is


For 2 days in a row I have seen this little guy removing leaves from my plant and eating them until he passes out. He's missing an ear, so he may be self-medicating his PTSD, but still, I think it's time for an intervention.

I'll let him sleep this time, but when he wakes up, we'll have a serious talk.

Found my fursona


Everyone, I am so happy to see Adriana Varejão in my dash??

She is a brazilian sculptor and artist who is probably one of the best creators of gore in formal art I've ever seen. Here's some more of her work.

She loves exploring portuguese tiling, and her work includes eras that are solely focused on tiles.

She has also went through phases where she explored cracks in ink and in tiling

And of course that evolved into bloody cracks and slashes on tiles, like the walls are living beings

Which then became her iconic meat walls, but I also love her pool paintings, it's a completely different kind of unsettling more akin to liminal spaces

I can't add more images because tumblr sucks but ADRIANA VAREJÃO. Pride of my fucking country I tell you

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