tender is the ghost

@beetlcbum / beetlcbum.tumblr.com

geri//16//libra//bedroom dancer

Amazon is the fucking evil megacorporation from every near-future cyberpunk story they have warehouses full of wage slaves that can’t even take a piss or fall behind their ridiculous expectations without getting fired on the spot while their CEO is nearing trillionare status day by day while quite literally making local governments pay them to determine which city they install their next slave warehouse in and now their wiretap HAL 9000 bots that are in millions of houses all over the country are doing evil laughs and reading off names of cemeteries and funeral homes completely unprompted I know anger at amazon in general is very outrage-of-the-day basic entry level american leftist reaction but Jesus fucking Christ people


You could make up the dumbest shit ive ever read like “i saw a whale and it sang its song and i thought of its smooth back and then your smooth back my darling dearest darling” and then say “—virginia woolf in a letter to vita sackville west, c. 1928” and id be like wow…romance


i won’t say (i’m in love) from hercules (1997) still absolutely goes… so hard


there’s a really bad cold snap happening in the UK right now (as you’ve prob noticed if you’re here) so the whole topic of what to do when you see people sleeping rough comes up again - in England and Wales don’t call the police, preferably make an in-app or online submission to streetlink (they deal with online submissions faster bc they’re primarily referral, so they’ll be passing on your information to the right people) or, if you can’t do an online submission, phone them at 0300 500 0914

In Scotland councils have a more stringent <24hr burden of care and the best thing to do is contact local authorities (again not the police), there’s a list here of Scottish organisations to contact

In Northern Ireland contact the most local office of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (that is a really out of date website but I triple checked the information and there’s nobody better)

there’s a severe weather emergency protocol that local councils can use to open up extra emergency beds for the homeless but it never happened while I was homeless so ihni how to check if it’s in effect, either way streetlink in England and Wales is still the best shout. Just because a SWEP isn’t in effect doesn’t mean the weather isn’t really threatening for the homeless - SWEPs require subzero weather for three nights in a row, but even 2-3 degrees can be really dangerous for addicts/the elderly and it feels fucking freezing on the street when you can’t go inside, trust me

obviously please call an ambulance if a homeless person seems in immediate harms way but try to make calls to the police a last resort, not least bc all the police will do is go through the internal institutional version of reporting to streetlink. if you do call anyone (but especially the police, with whom a hell of a lot of homeless have bad experiences) try to tell the person sleeping rough that you’re doing it. I get you might not feel safe doing so e.g. if you’re a woman alone at night etc etc but if you can

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