
This hole you put me in wasn't deep enough

@pumpkinblossoms / pumpkinblossoms.tumblr.com

Maddy | 30 | she/her | librarian & community radio DJ | vegan for the animals | weird about typewriters | gay as hell obviously

actually it's worse than that, Biden didn't say that when MLK was in jail in 1963 -- he said it a full 14 years later in 1977, while arguing against integration as a senator in formal hearings

he then had the gall in more recent years to claim he was arrested while "defending civil rights," which I guess he was counting on no one fact checking because there's no record of that and it obviously runs counter to the fact he literally fought against people's civil rights

he even repeated the claim last week, this time changing his story to not an arrest but just being brought home. no record of it, no one left alive to verify any of his very blatant lies

(sorry for using CNN, it popped up first when doing a search to find a report on it)


if hello kitty was real we would be bestfriends

me n u or u n hello kitty ?

me and you


The sick reality is that many of the renowned academics and writers among Gaza's thousands of martyrs will, in twenty years time, be quoted and memorialised by the same universities and institutions that have denigrated them and enabled their slaughter.


the taylor swift spotify ad on here is giving me psychic damage. someone take that poor baby away from her and give it a new ribbon also the strikers are misaligned


cant believe they gave this woman enough money to ruin the environment for singing vapid shit of this caliber for over a decade. have some shame man. get a grip. what the hell are any of you even doing

"you just hate her" i hate you lot. i dont hate her. shes demonstrably incapable of eliciting any sort of strong feelings positive or negative from people that arent functionally american suburbia poisoned. genuinely how do you in your mind explain to yourself the need to justify listening to this wjthout a gun pressed to your temple or like a hefty financial incentive idk you do you but my God. my Good Dear God


This is what happened when a fanfic site is profit driven. Wattpad sucks 😞

The email from Wattpad is so condescending imagine pressuring writers to update and work while they are doing it for free and fun. Also the discovery? Algorithm? Of Wattpad looks like a stressful popularity contest 😑


Hey I just wanna quickly say that you only get these if someone reports the story. I've barely updated on Wattpad in the past two years and haven't gotten any of these, mostly because I don't even have an audience over there who has the potential or drive to report my fics. So, corporate greed is bad, yes, but it's also readers being buttheads


Hmm, that's interesting! You know what happens if someone reports a story for being incomplete on AO3? Jack shit, because not churning out content for your fun little hobby is not a reportable offense on AO3! And that's because, unlike Wattpad, AO3 isn't profiting off of your work, either directly or indirectly, and so when readers are buttheads, the AO3 abuse mods ignore them, instead of sending out weird automated messages harassing writers for daring to have a wip.


i actually dont think there's anything funnier than people watching a show or whatever bc they heard it allegedly had gay people in it then getting upset when it includes incredibly normal genre specific tropes that they personally dont like, like maybe you should have checked that before you watched it king and then they get mad at the show for being the show that it is instead of embracing it for what it is. like I'm so sorry that axe murderer 30000 had axe murderers in it and didnt have a happy ending and was really violent but i do think there are some context clues around it that could have let you pick up on that


just a reminder that BetterHelp is selling your fucking data and that they themselves have said at industry meetings that they're a data-driven company more than a people-driven company

It feels like for a while in there that people were dropping them as a sponsor but now that the controversy has slightly dimmed there are so many ads for them again; do not give them your information, do not give them your money

I know insurance is a pain in the ass and mental health treatments cost too much out of pocket for most people. So do they, that's why they're making this little bait and switch operation. Helping people is, at best, a side product of their data harvesting, and at worst just a trick to lure people in.

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