
I jumped so high I touched the clouds

@oldeststoryintheuniverse / oldeststoryintheuniverse.tumblr.com

Gretchen. 25. Here you will find Disneybounds, costumes, adventures of all kinds, Cast Member stories, and sometimes photography. I follow back if you don't look suspicious! All photos used in my theme are mine, and any other photos are mine only if I say so. If you'd like to use any of my photos for anything, just ask! :)

Actually Potatoes were originally grown in Peru

As a kid who lives in Peru I can confirm that potatoes are from here and that we have over 1200 varieties of potatoes

only corn


Natives had corn before us. U gonna be a white supremacist u gonna eat white food. Sheep guts and boiled bread my dudes


Haggis is from Scotland. If we’re being fair with no immigrant food whatsoever, they can’t eat that either.


We’re getting down to “if you hate immigrants you can’t eat” and I’m 100% okay with that


Alice’s day off. 

Meanwhile Tarrant is wandering around going “Hey, has anyone seen my shirt?”

it took me ENTIRELY too long to track down this picture so i’m reblogging it with every tag i can think of onto my own blog so i don’t lose it AGAIN. 

Thanks good day


Kind of gives you chills .

Good Lord, how delicious! I wanna do that! The next time I’m in a cathedral, I’m doing it. 

As she stood inside an ancient and empty church in Montefrío, Spain, Malinda Kathleen Reese belted out one of the best Christmas carols of all time-“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and the end result was just heavenly.

I’m obsessed with this because A. Victorian Christmas Carols B. European Cathedrals C. It’s gorgeous and fuckin choristers are my favorite


anyway you should cherish ur weird friends

treasure that friend who’ll yell nonsense sounds at you until you’re both gibbering back and forth like ancient humanity at the tower of babel. love the friend u can make eye contact with before saying some absolute jackshit inside joke you share at the same time and collapsing in entirely unnecessary fits of laughter. acknowledge how lucky you are to have someone you can text at 3am in the morning when you’re on a tangent of a tangent on your bullshit and NEED to blabber incoherently about it to someone or you’ll explode. don’t take for granted the people you know you can talk to about literally anything without fear of judgement or disinterest. because people like that? they’re few and far between.


i think one of the most common dangers I run into in the edible and medicinal plant scene is the problem of “can you eat it” vs. “should you eat it”

a lot of websites and books these days will be like “ten wild plants you can use to make tea” without then listing the actual use for those teas because all they care about is the novelty of making your own tea from things you picked in the woods.

They tell you stuff like “A wonderfully cleansing medicine, it supports the liver, stimulates the flow of urine and the removal of waste by the kidneys.”

And people are so into the idea of cleansing their bodies of supposed toxins, that sounds great!

But what I know is that what they really mean is, this plant is a diuretic, meaning if you use it for tea, you’re going to peeing All. Day. Long. Every. Ten. Minutes.

Which isn’t fun if you’re on a hike or about to get back in your car and drive an hour home.

Some popular plants recommended for teas are used as contraceptives and morning after treatments. So here you are, trying to get pregnant, drinking your natural to rid your kidneys of impurities, being healthy as can be, and all along you’re taking birth control!

And if you’re already taking birth control and trying to not get pregnant, the plant can mess you up too.

There are plants that mess with antidepressants, and with blood pressure medicine, that make you sick to your stomach, that messes with your blood, and on and on.

And all of these sources will just list them as something you can eat, because hey, you won’t die if if you do!

Which is true, you’ll live, but at what cost!!!

Please remember herbal remedies and edible plants have always been consumed and applied with a PURPOSE, and unless you know what that purpose is, don’t consume them just because you can. It’s a bad idea.

The general concept of detoxifying as its implied by all these health gurus (removing ‘toxins’ which is usually super vaguely worded amd virtually meaningless) is mostly bs. You dont need to remove ‘toxins’ from your body manually. Your liver does that, and of your liver isnt doing that then tea is proooobably not gonna cut it.

So yeah, this is super important. Look into the specifics of what anything like that does, because excessive peeing sure ain’t gonna help you with anything

Some herbal website: how to detoxify your body

Me: That’s my liver, babey!!!!!


gentle reminder

the things that make you happy aren’t dumb or annoying - please try your best to not feel bad for enjoying the things you love; they bring a smile to your face, which is worth more than anything


if i was a shapeshifter, half of my time would be spent making myself look androgynous and trimming up the things about my shape I’m not happy with, and half of my time would be spent making my teeth look just a little bit sharper than is normal, changing my eye-color subtly between slightly unsettling shades, and giving myself an intricate “tattoo” that just barely moves every couple of hours, until it’s in a whole new shape next time you look at me.

if i was a shapeshifter id have fat fucking tits


today at work a customer’s card didn’t go through so I asked them to try again and it worked that time and I mixed up saying “there we go” and “there it goes” and I ended up saying “there we goes" and I just

why is this so funny i almost pissed myself laughing for the better part of 5 minutes


i’m so in love with domestic sweetness.

cooking dinner with the one you love while they wrap their arms around you. taking quick kiss breaks in between folding fresh laundry. washing each other’s hair in the shower. giggling and rolling around in the fresh sheets you both just finished putting on. dusting while showing off your latest dance moves and having your sweetheart show off their vocals.

it’s so comforting to have someone that you just enjoy making a home with. because chores done with someone you love isn’t such a chore after all.

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