
This Blog Is A Piece Of Shit. I'm Screaming Into The Void.

@all-rad-urls-are-taken / all-rad-urls-are-taken.tumblr.com

100% organic A-grade annoying, hippie bullshit, I'm here, I'm queer, give me free beer

Has anyone written Rose-on-the-Titanic-meeting-Jack-when-she-dies but it's Dean meeting Cas at the Roadhouse?

If I was a good writer I would totally be on this. But I suck so someone else is gonna have to do it


congratulations to Doctor Who for winning superwholock. the show has been on since 1963 so it wasn’t that surprising but in the year of our lord satan 2020 it is a strangely comforting thought


the way that we are merely a collective of jesters (supernatural fandom) performing for the entertainment of the court (mutuals who do not watch supernatural) and tonight everyone who does not watch this show is logging onto tumblr dot com to watch all of us Fools jingle miserably across the floor


I want George Washington replaced with Dolly Parton on the dollar bill and I want people to call it a Dolly bill and no sir I have not been smoking this idea is reasonable and sound thank you and good day.


Thinking about her (The version of the finale with the brothers trying to hunt like the old days, realizing that it's not the same because they've changed and grown and want new things out of life now with their free will, and therefore make the CHOICE to live their own separate lives, while still being in each other's lives of course, just no longer codependent. Sam goes to be with Eileen. Dean pulls Cas out of the empty by making him human, paralleling Cas pulling Dean out of hell, and then they get together. If they wanted they could show a montage of them ALL growing old together and eventually dying and ending up in heaven together.)


one of my favorite human quirks is when the power goes out and you’re w other ppl and inevitably someone says ‘did the power go out?’ like...you’re all sitting there in the dead dark, tv black, wifi gone, lights OUT but still they’re like ‘hm. well I have a theory but it needs to be submitted for peer-review’

Me, sitting in my dark room after everything short-circuited: Hm. I can't be certain, but I don't think this is how it was a moment ago

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