
Bloody hell

@nachocipher / nachocipher.tumblr.com

Vicky | INFP | Mostly GF and SU | Pretty gay | Garnet is my one true love |

I just watched Gravity Falls and can’t believe this is the end. ASDFGHGHJKL this cartoon was so good ; (エ) ; My Reverse!Gravity Falls AU fanarts. Thank you, Alex Hirsch, for a great show!


NICE FORESHADOWING. Some of us were right about this detail being important but none of us guessed this.

But remember this, something we (esp me & @thewittyarsonist some time ago) were struggling to make sense of and couldn’t before? It was in the promo for Society of the Blind Eye


Specifically shot by the memory erasing gun because the scene when Dipper shot Stan’s portrait with the NYARF gun in Dreamscaperers (also in the SotBE trailer but I can’t find the screencap) 

is IDENTICAL to him aiming that gun at Ford in The Last Mabelcorn


honestly im glad this show is over because i am so fuCKING DONE WITH IT

Adult: Teenagers never discuss anything of importance
Teenager: *discusses politics, race, body positivity, equality, etc.*
Adult: oh shut up you're a teenager, what do you know?
P.S.A ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL COSPLAYERS  This is why we cannot have nice things. (i took this from a post on facebook i saw someone put up that had to be shared elsewhere) “1: Broken Light Fixtures on a couple different floors. 2: Busted Exit Sign cause some fuckwad thought it would be A Good Idea to high-five it. 3: Actual fucking flooding in a room. 4: Punching a hole in the bathroom door and writing “One-Punch Man was here.” 5: Writing “Katsucon 2016” all over the stalls on the main floors.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS NEEDS TO STOP, THIS IS LITERALLY DISGUSTING.  This beautiful hotel is holding an events for cosplayers to enjoy time away and this is how you repay them? you wonder why they raise prices?. This is totally fucking immature and disgusting and the cosplayers that did this make our community look like shit  Spread this like wildfire, this is not okay stop destroying things. 

Fun Fact: This shit kills small cons.

Our con got kicked out of it’s established space because the hotel kept getting trashed by drunk, rowdy con-goers. The last year they broke a fucking window, among other things.

Have fun at your cons. Have fun in your cosplay. But don’t be an asshole while you’re staying in a hotel. The shit is not cute, you ruin future cons for everyone. Part of the reason hotels spike their rates for smaller cons is because they expect con-goers to be disrespectful and destructive. Pricey rates drive people away from cons without a reputation. Those tiny cons don’t get a turnout because of hotel prices, they can’t collect revenue, they can’t afford the space, they wither up and die. No more tiny fun cons. Most of the staff volunteers and works hard to make your experience nice, and the hotels hold them responsible for the aftermath.

Just don’t be a dick, especially if you’re attending a small convention. It’s not hard.

FOR ANYONE WONDERING THE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES OF THIS, IT KILLS BIG CONS TOO. Youmacon started putting up their rules for no obstructive masks or face paint due to people needing to be IDENTIFIED AS THEY DESTROYED THE CON CENTER AND SURROUNDING HOTELS. ALA (Anime Los Angeles, a well known, huge, secure con) got moved to Ontario, CA, after 2015’s convention because so many people destroyed the Marriott that they said “fuck it, fuck you, we aren’t hosting this anymore.” It doesn’t just kill small cons, it kills the biggest, most well known conventions in the country. This is why larger cons, the hotel blocks are hundreds of dollars, nobody gets a discount anymore, nobody gets the “free CONtinental breakfast” that was super common when I started cosplaying in 2010. Because we, as a collective, destroyed these hotels. I’ve paid my fair share of fees due to ruined hotel towels, but I’ve had friends charged with destroyed chairs, tables, etc. etc. that they DIDN’T RUIN because of the fact the hotels have to find SOMEWHERE to get the money to FIX WHAT PEOPLE DID RUIN. Take care of your hotel rooms. Leave tips for the cleaning staff. Bring a big garbage bag to throw your cup noodles in, and bring your own towels if you think your paint/makeup might destroy hotel ones. Don’t throw massive room parties, bring a small pack of wet wipes and wipe down your makeup station every day, don’t be a jerk!!!!!!! Keep Cons Clean and Safe and Secure by not being a massive fucker!!!!!


Not to mention, even if a host site doesn’t turn against the convention, if the people responsible for the damage can’t be found, the convention will likely have to pay a good chunk of the damages via their insurance and their policies for following years may skyrocket.  If the con is having to spend more money to keep running, that’s going to eventually funnel down to the attendees in the form of pricier badges, less perks provided by the con, etc.

This goes for unsealed bodypaint on furniture/walls/etc, people getting into pools or hot tubs covered in body paint, that sort of thing as well.  All of that ends up costing a lot of money to clean and repair, whether you meant to do the damage or not.

Treat your convention spaces better, people, or you’ll lose them.

Please remember this also effects artists and vendors! Please respect conventions and encourage others to do the same!


Fears of the moon signs

If you don’t know your moon sign, click here: [x]

Aries moon: Scared of the unknown, not knowing a possible outcome,  abandonment, failure, being forgotten, not being able to control their lives, or future, growing up and living as an ordinary person, having a boring life, not being satisfied, being left out, feeling ashamed, missing out on things, and afraid of losing control when angry.

Taurus moon: Being excluded and left out or being forgotten, hard work never paying off, never amounting to anything in life, afraid of failure, being alone, not being good enough, they fear unpredictable things, dying young, not reaching full potential, afraid of isolation, the future, ending up doing something they hate and regretting it when it’s too late.

Gemini moon: People seeing through their exterior personality and realizing that they are not as good as people thought, second guessing themselves and making the wrong choices when it comes to trusting people, scared that they over think things to the point where they care more than other people and put more effort in than other people, fear of not being perfect and that people secretly hate them, also afraid of commitment.

Cancer moon: Surprises, things that aren’t in their control, having their bad thoughts cripple them and stop them from achieving their goals and dreams, also, staying in one place forever may scare them, making mistakes because they want everything to be perfect, and not being in control.

Leo moon: Not being good enough, being a burden and people not wanting to be around them, failure, being alone, never finding true confidence within themselves, being rejected by loved ones, society, etc., and dying without any solid accomplishments/dying with regret.

Virgo moon: Failing in life, ending up alone, change, or at least when it happens too quickly, being left behind, inconsistency in behaviors of others, they fear not being punctual, never finding “the one” to spend the rest of their lives with, never being good enough, and trying hard and never achieving what they think they deserve.

Libra moon: Everyone they love hates them, being truly alone forever, losing their closest friends, afraid of not being liked, failure/being unsuccessful, death, not knowing what’s going to happen, never truly finding the happiness they think they deserve, being made fun of or talked about, being left behind, or when the people they care about the most don’t trust them.

Scorpio moon: Being rejected, never achieving happiness, hurting the people they care for, being in a loveless relationship, deep fear of no one wanting them, ending up alone, fear of missing out, making a fool of themselves in front of other people, afraid of being judged and not being able to please people, and not achieving happiness.

Sagittarius moon: Dying alone, in pain, and/or unhappy with how they spent their life, never being good enough for someone, scared that the way they tend to change almost everything in their life based on impulses is going to make them lose all their friends, important people in their life leaving them, commitment, getting old, and being stuck in the same boring routine for the rest of their lives only to regret the things they haven’t done.

Capricorn moon: People thinking they are dumb, being isolated or ignored, afraid of disappointing, rejection, fear of being alone forever, being forgotten, being mediocre, or like everybody else, having no power, being helpless, someone they love betraying them, or being unfaithful to them, and heartbreaks.

Aquarius moon: Fear of immortality, silence from people they fully trust, abandonment, ending up alone, fear of being contained in tight places, failing, being made fun of, not succeeding, doing something they will regret for the rest of their lives, they also fear fully giving their love to someone and being betrayed, and heartbreaks.

Pisces moon: Growing old, having everyone secretly hate them, people not wanting them around, dying, being unloved, invisible, or being a failure, being restrained with rules, boring things, obnoxious people, and being rejected from people they truly love and care about.

ok but the accuracy

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