Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything. They make you feel so alive that you’d follow them straight into hell, just to keep getting your fix.

Karen Marie Moning, Shadowfever (via quotethat)


Tina not only accepting that Newt comparing her to a lizard was his version of romance, but understanding it to the point of finishing his sentence is legit the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He was terrified of being himself because he didn’t want to push her away, and with that one word she told him that she whole-heartedly embraces his true self in a way very, very few people ever have. And it’s the purest, strongest sort of love in existence


Hiding from heavy rains and homeworks💡🦁⚡️

Anonymous asked:

What about a drawing of Abe and Dimitri during their hunting trip?

Traditional archery with a falcon, i think that would be something extravagant Abe would choose. 

(Btw i do not like hunting, but i have a traditional hun assimetric bow… and i can use it). For everyone who asked: i will continue to post here, this is my main blog, and i love this community, i stay here as long as i can. I have an instagram and a twitter account too, but i am kinda lazy to take the time to post (very bad i know).

This is my last fanart of 2018, i finished my 2 other works (i was not choosed for the next round of the contest, but got a nice illness which ended(?) in a hospital with my 5 months old baby) and i take a break to get back to everything. Wish everyone a very nice time of ending this year!

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