
Yoventura Lovers


I love Yovanna ventura
I call her Queen Yovs
Yovanna Karen Ventura

This queen is here! ;) go buy now @yoventura 's Calendar for 2015, at www.Yovanna-Ventura.com , photos by an @ohrangutang


@yoventura : "If you feel comfortable the way you look, the way you are or doing what you're doing, then forget what people say or think about you, who are they to talk about you or put you down? They don't even know you. If you are in their mouths it means you're doing something good. Now, if you don't like the way you are or look, etc... Then those "haters" should be your biggest motivation, strive to be the best you can be always, make them talk even more when they see you doing better." my queen you are the best love YOU

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