
Barnes Reporting

@barnesreporting / barnesreporting.tumblr.com

"There are things from the Winter Soldier days that I'm just remembering. Weapons left in the field...dangers I can still prevent. I think maybe that's the path...a way to the redemption I've been looking for."
“I am sure you don’t look too bad.”

“Mmm, I’m not so sure. Even with the janky serum, I bruise like a peach, just heal up a hell of lot faster afterward.” Bucky stated, head marginally tilting to the left. “I guess that’s gotta be similar for you, bein’ all...godly and whatnot.”

“I love when you leave marks on my skin,” he whisepred in a shaky voice, fingers tugging gently at the ends of Bucky’s hair. He groaned when the other lifted him and stood a the same time. “Fuck… I love that you can still do this despite the serum… used to love it so damn much back before it all, too…” 

“Just as well I like leavin’ em then, huh?” He replied, warmth flooding his tone as he left a little kiss, a promise for later as he started down the hall to their room. “Might have to thank the arm that I still can, were a hell of a lot easier to cart around before all this sciencey shit we got ourselves into ya know.”

O’Neil exhaled slowly into his hands, the chef retreating to the boiling pot in hopes that the gods of cooking would grant him safety. “Oh dear lord. Please don’t let the fish man eat me in my sleep. I promise to swear off breakfast whiskey…”
Roxanne chuckled, grabbing her serving and sitting down with Bucky. “That’s a cruel thing for you to do, you know. He’s already such a chicken when it comes to the ocean. You’re gonna make him phobic…” She shook her head, slurping down the contents of a clam shell.

The mer held his laughter as O’Neil retreated, only letting out a brief snort when Roxy called him out for his little white lie. “A pirate who’s afraid of the ocean?” He queried, glancing back at him and squinting for a moment. “I can’t help it if he’s gullible. And those stories have kept my people safe for generations even if they’re eighty-five percent false.” Bucky told her with a small shrug as he carried on eating, burning his tongue a little.

“You don’t need to apologize, Bucky. We’ll see if this works and if not, we’ll adapt and try again later.” He smiled softly and headed into the kitchen, humming for a moment as he started pulling out what he would need to make the soup. “Is it okay for me to ask where you’ve been? I was worried and I tried looking for you but… obviously you’re good at hiding…”

It wasn’t often he was glad of the open plan modern places seemed to love but right now he liked it, liked the way it allowed him to stay put but keep an eye on the blonde, eyes following his various movements in the kitchen space. “Just been keeping low. Went a few different places to see if it would trigger anything.” He started, chewing on his lip and pausing for a beat. “I...went to that exhibit of yours. After the insight mess.”

Being vulnerable in public was terrifying to her, Roxanne’s stern reputation was her security blanket. No one bothered the hard ass woman that worked at the gym. She sheepishly grabbed his hand, leading him up the side staircase before pausing a few floors up. “N-no one takes the stairs in this complex since the steps are so awkwardly steep…” Her eyes glanced down at their conjoined hands for a moment, clearing her throat as she reluctantly let go. “Talking here feels less exposed.” Sigh. Say it first. Say it first. You’ll freak out if you hear him say it first. “Buck. I know why you’re here. I’m stubborn but I’m not stupid. I don’t think my heart can handle you getting the headstart so I’m gonna say it first.” Her hands covered her face, not wanting to see Bucky’s face as she spoke. “Barnes, I’ve had feelings for you since like the first year of meeting you. But for some unknown reason I really struggle with actually flirting properly. We always just end up…bullying each other. I just assumed that you weren’t fond of me, honestly…”

A pleased little thrum of something ran through him as she took his hand, led him to a quieter spot, up a strangley steep staircase, not that he had much time to think about at as she let go of his hand not long after, leaving him a touch bereft at the lack of contact. He wanted to ask if she was okay but then she was talking, spilling most everything it seemed so he just stood and listened, resisted the urge to reach out when she hid her face. By the time she’d finished, a small lopsided smile had graced his lips and he gave into that urge to reach out. Hands sought hers to gently coax them away from her face, ducked his face so that they were looking at one another.  “Roxy, I kinda think that was our version of flirting, neither of us have particularly...quiet personalities. N’ where it counts, we’ve always been kind, been good friends to each other I think. Or...I thought at least, didn’t realize you thought I didn’t like you...” 

Steve stopped, but his back was still to Bucky. “Look, it’s fine. Really. I’m just… tired. I’m not feeling all there. Don’t worry about it. I just… I just need to settle down. I’ll be fine. Don’t… worry about it.” He sighed softly and headed into the art room he’d made for himself, but the canvas in there was blank, or rather, it had been painted over several times as was evidenced by all the layers of white paint that could be picked out in the light of the room.

He could have kicked himself as he watched him walk into his art room, hand hovering awkwardly in the air from where he’d reached out. There were things he wanted to say but none of it would fix whatever he’d done. Not now at least and he let his arm drop to his side, shuffled on his feet before he quietly padded back to the kitchen, put some water on to boil for some tea. 


//on my way home, bit tipsy, replies incoming after a cup of tea!

@asgardheir continued from X

“Yeah but there’s so many of em’ that it’s kind of amazing. Normally if I look that battered I look like someone’s dragged me ass-backward through a hedge and into a ditch.” 

O'Neil turned pale, eyes staring too long at the mer’s pointed teeth. He could’ve sworn that they weren’t always that pointy. Somehow he had become hyper aware of the merman’s teeth. “I-I’m glad that you c-can enjoy the meal.” He smiled nervously, leaning back down to whisper to Roxanne. “Please be careful swimming with him once we run low on food. I’m absolutely positive that you taste the best out of the whole crew since you’re so lean…”
Roxanne’s pupils dilated at the sight of his teeth, suddenly picturing it’s applications. He could cut nets. He could probably crack open coconuts too. “Dear God I hope so. I wanna see those teeth at work.”

With O’Neil successfully spooked, Bucky settled in to eat his own portion of grub after snarfing the crab. “Can see why you wanted those coconuts now, they’re so tasty. Maybe more than people.” He’d set things straight eventually, let them know that he’d never eaten a person in his life but for now he was content in knowing that he’d pulled one over on at least one of the humans. 

“It’s embarrassing. Confessions always feel so embarrassing. Especially in public…” She muttered, struggling to hold eye contact. It was hard to ignore his heartbeat, its rhythm was similar to her own. Roxanne was struggling to think clearly with the frantic thudding pounding in her ears. “I’d feel better if we did this in private. Can we go upstairs to my apartment?”

Bucky tried not to feel hurt by the admission that she thought confessions were embarrassing, tried not to wonder if she thought he was being embarrassing right now and instead quashed that feeling down for now, instead just wanting to get the whole thing over with and finally figure out just where they stood with one another. “I’ll go to wherever the hell you want if it means we can finally talk about this.”

He wasn’t sure if he was simply tired or if he just was feeling off for some reason, but Bucky’s continued teasing and acting like he couldn’t figure out what Steve wanted made the blond kind of snap, only it wasn’t in an angry, petulant way. It was more of a quiet… almost cold way. Like he simply shut down.
“Never mind,” he said quietly, turning and grabbing his shirt from the floor, tugging it back on. “I’m gonna go work on my painting…” He turned, heading for the extra bedroom he’d converted into an art studio.

Bucky murmured a quiet ‘shit’ under his breath as his brows drew together in concern and he scrambled up off the sofa to follow him, knowing that he’d fucked up somehow. “Stevie, wait - I’m sorry.”

“That’s fine. I’m sure Mousy will probably just let me apply the ink to myself. We may integrate some of the lab rats to handle the jewels.”
“It wouldn’t be too strange. I make everyone wear gloves when touching any of my works before it’s put on display. I hate the idea of fingerprints on the gems I’ve worked so hard to collect.” Chen squirmed at the very thought. The designer was often known to go into mines himself to search for the perfect pieces. 

“In all honesty, the ink may not even work considering the fact that any jewel thief worth their salt is almost guaranteed to be wearing gloves but if they drop the gloves at any point we might be able to grab at least a partial print from the inside.” Though that was less ‘we’ and more Mousy.  “But hey, if for some strange reason a fingerprint does get on one a’ the gems, at least we know it won’t have come from our side.”

Steve shivered at the way Bucky’s lips felt against his throat and whined when the other pulled back. “I don’t care about making a mess on the couch. I just wasn’t sure we’d be comfortable here is all. But we can stay here… and you really didn’t need to stop kissing me like that….”

“Mmm, guess the bed does give us some more room to work with,” he said smirking and leaning back in so that his lips were just barely touching his skin, brushing against his neck when he spoke. “And why? You need me to leave you some reminders? Mark you up a little?” He asked, swiping his tongue over one of the lighter marks he’d left already before he got his hands under Steve’s thighs and lifted him up as he stood.

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