
Will You Apocalypse Marry Me?

@apocalypse-married / apocalypse-married.tumblr.com

You've found my Walking Dead tumblr. Loads of Bethyl. I write Out After Dusk on ff.n under the name Alfsigesey. This is a secondary blog, alillywhite is my main URL.

My sister recorded my reaction to Richonne becoming a thing…

**yes I recorded this and watched it again after the shock wore off **



This is not a goodbye post, I’ll still be around :)

I put this post in my queue three days out, and then stopped putting anything in the queue. The idea was to time it, so I had three days to consider if this was really the plan... and since this message made it out of the queue, that means I didn’t change my mind.

Like a lot of us, I get obsessed, and tumblr is a great way to channel that obsession, so that I can indulge, but compartmentalize. Some days it's more positive than others, but over all, this fandom has been a really good experience!

To clarify: I’m not leaving tumblr, or TD, or The Walking Dead fandom, but I am trying to pare down my time on here, considerably. And I’m starting with a hiatus until after Christmas. The next couple of months of my life look like they are going to be even more hectic than the last couple of months, and that’s saying something.

So, to accommodate all this desperate need for me to take a few steps back for all kinds of personal reasons, I’m finished with this particular side-blog. I’m not going to delete it, I’m just going to leave it standing here, intact, because tbh, I’d like to go back and look at all my old Bethyl and TD related stuff from time to time :D And shamelessly reblog some of my own posts onto my main url when the mood strikes me. I might clean up some of the extension pages, or even add a few more, so I’ve got all my old posts organized, but I won’t be posting new stuff here.

Instead, I’m moving all my activity over to my main url @alillywhite 

I’ll still blog about TWD and TD on there, but probably less.

You’re still welcome to message me (@alillywhite) about anything! And I’m happy to chat any time.

So, I hope you’ll come follow my weirdness on @alillywhite, and if not, I totally understand. It’s not exclusively a TWD blog, after all.

But, just to be totally clear, I still think Beth is alive. 

Tbh, I’m slightly more convinced now than I’ve ever been, and maybe that’s one reason why I’m all weirdly calm about it all the sudden.

Yeah. She should be alive. And I think she is.

I’ll also continue to post little notices about when I update my bethyl fanfiction on @alillywhite.

And I’m still planning to watch the show when it comes back.

I just need to make some concerted efforts to focus on school and other personal stuff for a while and I think wrapping up this blog will go a long way towards that.

So, happy holidays to everyone! I’ll be checking back in after Christmas and I can’t wait to see what everyone has gotten up to:)

I love you all, so much! You’re amazing, wonderful people who deserve all the happiness and good things you want 😘 😘 😘


The Signs are All There, & We Know How to Read Them

Alternatively titled: My Roommate Is Awesome, 5x09 is Still Filled with Some Weird-Ass Shit, & Suck My Dick Haters

Earlier tonight I showed my roommate the beginning of 5x09 and Tyreese’s hallucinations. (She had been telling me about the D0ctor Who two-part season finale, and it reminded me of 5x09). My roommate has never seen The Walking Dead and for most shows is a casual viewer. She knows about Beth because I’ve talked about her, and my roommate is great because she is completely unbiased towards the Great Beth Conspiracy. Like me, she is also a Creative Writing Major. We’re studying this for future careers, and she even wants to be a screenwriter. The girl knows television.

At the scene where Rick and Co. pause at the walker in the car, she made a face. I asked her about it, and she said that the scene felt odd because they reacted so much to the walker. She said, “You’d think they just glance at it and go on.” That’s the logical thing. We see Team Family ignore walkers such as Carl ignoring the walker against the tree when he escorted Hershel outside the prison walls during the flu arc. Roughly, they’re two years into the apocalypse. Trapped walkers aren’t a big deal anymore.

(Fun fact: This clip is also used as the picture for the episode on Netflix. It is not the same as other episodes because this clip is around 12 minutes in but for 5x08 the clip is of Dawn during the exchange).

(credit to @deni269 for this: X)

This walker also appeared in at least two separate promos during the season 5 hiatus (X), just sayin’.

Interestingly, they also have a picture of this walker in the Talking Dead studio (X):

My roommate also noticed the grandfather clock in the road and wondered why they had it. When I told her that we thought it was a reference to 4x12, she agreed because, and I quote, said “Writers don’t just plunk stuff in.” Seriously, why would a grandfather clock be in the middle of the road during the fucking apocalypse? It serves no purpose and does not fit the scene and TPTB had to haul it there in the Georgia heat. It wasn’t put there for shits and giggles. That’s a fucking callback.

Then when Tyreese was put in their car at the end and focused again on the female walker, my roommate said, “How many times have they focused on it? Four times now?” She recognizes the significance of it and how it relates to Beth. She completely believes that Beth is alive and believes in us.

Guys, you can not imagine how validating it was to know she noticed all of these things and she doesn’t even watch the fucking show.

To the haters: We’re not overanalyzing and we’re not crazy. Suck it.


bethyl moments - gradient porn.

“I bet there’s a bitch got you all messed up, am I right? Got you walking around here like a dead man, you just lost yourself a piece of tail. Must’ve been a good’un. Tell me something, was it one of the little’uns? ‘Cause they… don’t last too long out here.”
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