
Turn to page 394.

@potter-turn-to-page-394 / potter-turn-to-page-394.tumblr.com

Silvia, 23, Sardinia, Italy Harry Potter (Jily and JamesxSirius) Merlin (Merthur) Sherlock (Johnlock) Doctor Who (TenxRose and ElevenxRiver) Game of Thrones Hunger Games The Lord of the Rings And basically everything I like, including braids and hairstyles in general:) GRYFFINDOR { POTTERMORE SORTED }

your favourite local trans woman emerges from the swamp and gently requests financial aid to get food and meds

paypal.me/dajojago or £daisyjago on cashapp if you feel like

or just reblog if you want. or!! hang out in the swamp with me for a while :) its nice i have slime here

times are super rough sorry i gotta keep asking


Ciao a tutti! Sono una studentessa attualmente iscritta al corso di laurea magistrale in Editoria e Giornalismo. Sto svolgendo un lavoro di ricerca per la tesi, e il vostro aiuto sarebbe per me molto prezioso. Potreste, per favore, dedicare due minuti alla compilazione del questionario? (i dati vengono raccolti in modo anonimo)



I’m sorry but Captain America wouldn’t have been a better mentor for Peter in the MCU. Sure- I agree that Peter would have been more torn about the Accords if he had all the information, but Peter’s whole thing is “responsibility over personal self”.

Spider-Man has always been a character riddled with the guilt of a death he could have prevented, and spends his entire life trying to rectify that choice- feeling responsible for the well-being of others. This is reflected in almost every version of Spider-Man, and is shown in his first ever appearance in the MCU:

When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.”

Tony’s entire motivation with the accords is responsibility, and Peter’s guilt is directly mirrored with Tony’s- something we see at the start of civil war with that women blaming him for her child’s death. Tony needs to fix- needs to protect, and to him- as flawed as it may be, the accords are a way to do that.

So here we have Peter Parker- a tech genius who creates web shooters out of scraps and was given insane powers at 14 and used them for good instead of becoming popular. He’s a snarky kid whose impulsive and wants to do good so god damn bad but keeps messing up, keeps hurting the ones he loves and becomes too obsessed with a suit that makes him feel invincible.

You’re telling me the best mentor for this kid is Captain America- just because they both are New Yorkers who were given powers? Their motivations are entirely different- and the way they go about doing things don’t match up.

Tony and Peter come from completely different backgrounds, and on the surface level- are different people. When you look at the core of who they are, how they act- why they do the things they do- Tony is the person who can understand Peter in a way the Steve would never be able to.

People like to criticize MCU Peter for being “Iron Man Jr.”- but he isn’t, not at all. He’s not a sidekick, not dependent- the whole point of Homecoming is that Peter doesn’t need Tony’s tech to succeed, nor his permission to be a super hero. Far From Home worked to show us that Peter would never be the next Iron Man- because Iron Man is his own thing, and Peter is Spider-Man- a hero in his own right. Peter is the Legacy- not a copy, and not Iron Man’s legacy, but Tony Stark himself. The most telling and raw way to show that as a concept, and it was sitting right in front of us.


The supervillain sighs in frustration as he looks at the group of superheroes. “Alright raise your hands if you are adults?” he said. None of them did it. “This battle is canceled and tell your mayor we need to talk! today!” he said angrily.


Tony Stark as a supervillain


Tony Stark trying real hard to be a supervillain, but APPARENTLY all these children need a father figure and his lair has become a daycare, wtf….


much funnier concept for spider-man’s introduction to the mcu: if he just hated steve because he was from brooklyn and wanted to go to germany to beat the shit out of him 

tony: i need you to understand the risks of this, Peter-

peter: didn’t ask don’t care where the hell is steve i wanna see if i can launch him into the air for coming back to brooklyn who does that with a sane mind 


Enemies to "I accidentally came across you while you were vulnerable and scared and I'm not a total asshole so I tried to help you" to "accidental mutual uncovering of softer sides and vulnerabilities" to "I can't be mean to you anymore, not out of pity but because it would feel weird betraying that brief truce we had" to "Fine I'll make an effort to be nice to you now I guess" to "actually now that we're not actively hating each other you're not so bad I guess" to "i think we're friends but I'm not going to say that because I'm afraid you're not gonna feel the same way" to "oh you also think we're friends? Great" to lovers


5 Days Left To Vote

The voting in some categories is still neck and neck and other categories seem to flip every time I check. There are no guarantees at this point, which is exciting, so if you’ve not voted yet, you can here.

If you’ve already voted and are looking for something to fill the time before winners are announced, the AO3 collection of nominated stories is jam-packed with gems. You can find the collection here

If you’re one of the nominated creators and wish to be entered into the raffle to win one of @krystalpomme​‘s custom Polariods - more information here - just drop me a message to add your name to the list.

Art by the incredibly talented @monireh89who has been an absolute marvel when it comes to these awards. She has created the most beautiful winner art, too.

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