
These Are Your Relationship Goals

@apocalyptic-isolation / apocalyptic-isolation.tumblr.com

Love and kindness
*Pride Blog*

what the fuck is going on

You can just do and say anything in any way you want huh?

Gay men have co-opted the Proud Boys hashtag on twitter

So there are a bunch more like this and it’s a big fuck you to the Proud Boys and reminding us what real proud boys (Pride) looks like

At least according to twitter

For anyone who was confused, gay men are usurping a platform from white supremacists by filling their tag with images of gay pride.


Let me tell you bout my best friend, he’s a warm hearted Straight person who’ll love me till the end.

Who would have thought he was bi and we were going to be together going on 6+ years now ♥

Wait, is there a thread where I can read all about this development?!?!!

We met in 2012 when I came to Uruguay for the first time after leaving when I was 5. I was in my junior year and he was in his senior. We were in the same friend group with his friends and his girlfriends friends. I always saw him as a friend and knew that he was straight. Anyways I came back to the US to finish my senior year and graduate. We always stayed in touch. After my senior year ended I came back to Uruguay and the DAY I got Back his girlfriend admitted to him that she cheated on him and she was dumping him. He was depressed for months and we hung out every day since we didn’t work and still lived with our parents. I always knew he was straight so I never even saw him as an option. One night we were in my room at my parents watching a movie, and he turned around and kissed me. We started kissing every day for months after that. Then got more serious and then eventually became best best friend and partners. I love him with everything and love seeing him grow every day.

Sorry for the long post, but that’s love

Wow that’s beautiful! I’m kinda jealous 😂


I wanted to post this because I thought it was sweet, but I think it’s also a good reminder to allies and also fellow lgbt members that people seeing you is important and for lgbt+ people when you are ready to come out, if you ever are (if you aren’t that’s also okay, and you should only come out if you are ready), it can make a world of difference to other people and you are doing something good!

Also I think it’s important to remember, amongst the discourse and the horrible things that happen in the world, we have allies and we have each other ✨

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