
Mes que un club

@neymarisaboss / neymarisaboss.tumblr.com


Gendies are really annoyed that they watched a film that affirmed women’s collective class struggle and the reality of the female sex. No “a gender binary” critique is not an inevitable next step.


Girls are doing better then boys so men want to ban women from education. And even do it the Taliban way

"Women enter university for mating purposes" entirely untrue and unfounded claim. Men aren't scared of / hurt by female-dominated spaces, they just hate women's presence in higher fields because they believe women must always be subordinate to men in some way.

Anyways, the more women enter education and higher fields, the better we do at them. We're already seeing this in medicine, where female physicians outperform male ones and are more effective in saving patients' lives. Men are realising that they're not as superior as they thought and are fighting to keep the hierarchy in place.


"Matting purposes"

She wants a double mat with museum grade glass, please. She wants to splurge since its for the display of her PhD.

Where is the third option "ban men from education'?


life becomes so beautiful when you start cooking rice in liquids other than water

put that basmati rice in the cooker with coconut cream and chicken stock and an entire onion that you've diced and sauteed with garlic until transparent. and some salt and pepper. Trust me


TIMs do not see women as people and cannot grasp their existence throughout anything other than a sexualized, objectifying lens.


Why do men always think female oppression is just cat calling

It’s called oppression because it is a system of oppression…….. it impacts literally every single facet of life. It is the reason for female infanticide, child marriage, incest, rape, sex trafficking, honor killings, stalking, torture, lack of education and money, lack of bodily autonomy, etc etc etc. Female oppression is the reason female people are seen as less human than male people. It is deeply ingrained in every culture. Forced upon every single female person starting from the second the doctor tells their pregnant mother that it’s a girl.

Cat calling is horrible, terrifying, violent, misogynistic harassment. Ridiculing, threatening, and sexually harassing very feminine men is also horrible, terrifying, and violent harassment. No one ever deserves that treatment and the men who partake in it are evil. But frankly there is just so much more to it. Also: males literally cannot and do not face misogyny.

Also “misogyny is actually worse for men than it is for women because sometimes people correctly identify me as male” go to hell

Why couldn’t it just be “very feminine men face a lot of targeted violent abuse and harassment”why is it even a competition at all? Why do you have to deny the very existence of female oppression just to prop yourself up?

And “why are you meanie bobeenie feminists not being nice to me about this :( I would never belittle someone else’s oppression for my own agenda :( even though I just did” go to hell!!!!!! Male socialization right before our eyes 🤩

“The difference is that if they find out I’m trans I’m at risk for violence” women are at risk for violence if we respond “incorrectly” to catcalling. Women and girls get stalked if we don’t respond “right.” Pushed and punched and shot if we get angry or ignore them. They really want to pretend that women don’t have to deal with horrible violence from men


i can’t read about a lesbian bar in France being vandalized with “fuck terfs” and not think “en anglais? really?”

like if you don’t have the language to express your ideas in your own language, are those ideas really your own, and not, say, an obviously american import?


white men make a million lame movies a year that actively destroy the film ecosystem and nobody cares about the lack of diversity but every time a white female director makes a movie thats even a little bit about women’s oppression the intersectionality police come out in full force. obviously this film does not speak to the nuances of the experiences of every kind of woman that exists


It's the same with books. A man's writing about himself and his experiences and thoughts is seen as deep and universal, a woman's writing about herself and her experiences and thoughts is seen as niche, irrelevant, and immediately outdated.

It's not really about diversity, it's about finding any excuse to tear down women who have the audacity to create things.

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