Mechanical King (HIATUS)

@masterofallmachines /

I don't want to say that I'm a hero. I mean I save the world sometimes sure but I don't want to say that hero is the right word. Some people (mostly kids) call me a superhero. Most days I don't think I am much. I mean I'm hardly a Captain America. If anything I think I'm just the mechanic. Here to fix things.
Indie Tony Stark mun and muse 19+ nsfw & triggering will be tagged Mun is Sebie feel free to come say hi!


So I think this was obvious from me not being here the last couple of months. But here it is guys. I’m on hiatus because of school and life. I have another blog that you guys can follow me on. Though my activity is kinda eh most days once again because of school


"Stick out your ass more, everyone knows it's your most attractive feature." (Eh let's go with Qu'Ral this sounds like something he might say)


Tony rolled his eyes cause he was actually trying to work thank you. He was not here just for Qu’ral’s amusement. But that didn’t stop him from doing what was said. “You know what would make it much more attractive? if your face was attached to it.” He said shooting Q a wink.


There was a subtle movement of the camera as it shifted it’s focus from Qu’Ral to Tony. The lens clearly adjusting as Tony spoke. “Yes. I am invested in your interactions and well-being.” Blue stated, as if this was obvious. “I am unsure how this makes me ‘adorable’.” The camera shifted again and then Blue’s voice answered, “Yes, you wish to ask if I would find issue with sexual interactions between yourself and officer Qu’Ral. …I would not. Officer Qu’Ral’s past status as a harem slave makes him far more experienced in this area and observing you together would provide me with excellent data.”

Qu’Ral chuckled, fingers dancing just over the hem of Tony’s pants, over the base of his spine. “Mm, if that’s your way of saying I’m good at this I’ll take that as a compliment Blue.”

He wants to point out it’s adorable because know one says it the way Blue does. Everyone else is subtle about it and near comes out and says it. He hates subtly and hearing Blue say it out loud makes him happy and keeps the insecurities at bay. Instead he says, “Cause you’re adorable.” And he can feel himself doing heart eyes. God he loves Blue like nothing else.

“What’re you collecting data on?” He asked curiously. He’s curiosity would always get the best out of him even when sex was an option. Though it was hard to keep his attention on Blue at the feeling of Qu’ral’s fingers on him.


Now that was a challenge.  “They’re three days from bein’ done, Momma.  Now please can I save this car from certain death?”  Grey asked insistently.

“Like Momma’s gonna get you anywhere.” It was because Toni had a soft spot for her babies. But she didn’t need the other to know that. “So finish them first and then we’ll talk about it. I don’t even think this car is worth saving.”


The Ground || Closed for MasterOfAllMachines

Although he did turn to look at the voice, ‘cause he wasn’t expecting any except for maybe his own, he didn’t actually stop digging. Slowed down for a second there, but mostly Hunter was still at work.

“Why not?” The Time Lord questioned, his words coming out rich with his Scottish tones and vowels. But before the kid could answer, he was back at work, adding in as his shovel hit the dirt again, “If it’s cause of the mines, there’s none right here.” Although about a foot away north there was.

Well not from here. He thought he would be. One of the locals that got tired of the war and thought the best way to kill themselves was with a landmine. Unfortunately he had seen that before.

Like he said war was a grim place.

“There’s no way of you actually knowing that, Scot.” He said before looking around to make sure that A the guy wasn’t a decoy or something. And B because it was war. Always have your guard up. “I don’t think you’ll find anything outside of dirt or a landmine here.” He looks back at the other and shrugged. “Maybe a body.”


“Well, it’s not as though they would have had to make a particularly large cabbage for it to be giant to me,” Erie pointed out, laughing at the thought of trying to drag it home. Instinctively, he pressed up into Tony’s hand, still occupied with squeezing the cabbage. Tony’s words caught his attention though. Kiddo. His smile. Too much affection, not enough warning. Erie squeezed the cabbage a bit tighter, trying to come up with an appropriate answer, something that would demonstrate his gratitude of not only the cabbage but the display of Tony’s kindness. “Are you a father? You’d probably be an okay one.”

Tony snorted because he was right. Erie was tiny and giant for Tony would just be massive to the little Irish boy. He should have made the cabbage talk. It probably would have freaked Erie out. But everything freaks him out. The words that come from Erie startle him and he has no clue how to reply so he laughs. But some part of him has never been happier to be told that. He was always worried about becoming his father. “I’m not a dad. Haven’t got any kids, unless you count robot children.”



‘ you’re doing this to avoid 5 minutes of work? ‘ ‘ yes, concerned parents can be so annoying. ‘ ’ when did my signature get so girly? ‘ ‘ next time you want to get my attention wear something fun. low-rise jeans are hot. ‘ ’ any recent shootouts at your high school? ‘ ’ this may seem incredibly controversial, but I think sexual abuse is bad. ‘  ‘ yeah, he probably got restless and shifted one hemisphere of his brain to a more comfortable position. ‘ ’ you know another really good business? teeny tiny baby coffins. ‘ ’ i hear he tortured kittens. ‘ ‘ Ii’m bad at search parties, and i’m bad at sitting around looking nervous doing nothing. ‘ ‘ why does everyone always think i’m being sarcastic? ‘ ‘ i am older, certainly, but maybe you like that. ‘ ‘ show of hands. who thinks i’m not in my right mind? ‘ ’ yeah, pain’ll make you do stupid things. ‘ ‘ just thought i’d toss you a really inappropriate question. ‘ ‘ i’m a people person. ‘ ’ how’s your hooker doing? ‘ ‘ if they don’t know what you look like they can’t yell at you. ‘ ’ you’re an ass. ‘ ‘ don’t be condescending. ‘ ’ if i don’t keep busy with trivial things like this i’m afraid i might start to cry. ‘ ‘ why are we getting hung up on what i did? ‘

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