
Damon Chandler Dev Blog

@damonchandler / blog.damonchandler.com

Here I share glimpses of things I am working on as well as things I shouldn't be working on. damonchandler.com @whirred_up

#spacecowboygamejam update 4 - This week has been a little slower due to dealing with life things, but we had some playtests and I’ve added a bit of little fx where I can into the game. I decided in this post I’d put up some of doseonesite's music for the game. This is going to be the title screen track. I've got to say working with doseone has been pretty amazing and I'm really glad I got the opportunity to. He's beaming with creative energy and gets sfx done SUPER FAST. He also sends us these awesome little drawings of characters from the game. I'm hoping we can incorporate one of the NPCs before Sunday, but we will for sure get him post-jam. We decided that we’re going to remove free-aiming and just have the game use the auto target - player color button aiming based on feedback from players. I’m hoping we can fix our scoring system and convey the simple rules of the game before we have to submit Sunday night. We can always add more content later, but I want people to be able to pickup the game, understand it in a couple of seconds and just go! Anyway enjoy the sick space western tunes. See you next time, space cowboy!


#SPACECOWBOYGAMEJAM Update 2 - Character intros and first environment. I thought I would do a little brief bio on the player characters in our game. 3L D1ABL0 - (RED) - An assassin bounty hunter created to originally capture bounty hunters without harming them, but has gone haywire and will gun down anyone that give him a funny look ZZYZX - (YELLOW) - An ancient alien that speaks a language no one understands, has a deep connection with the sadness of the universe, has been seen around the galaxy causing strange things to happen FISH BULB - (GREEN) - A rogue fish that has taken control of a robot cowboy suit, old fashioned rootin’ tootin’ cowboy right here…besides the fish head thing BLUBEL - (BLUE) - A smart and sexy bounty hunter that lures in her victims with her looks then quickly takes them out before they can even make a move on her. doseonesite gave us some awesome sounds and music and it’s pretty crazy how fast he’s able to work! We’re hoping to layer the music and make it feel really dynamic when you’re on the battlefield The landscape above is by Ted, at first I thought it didn’t really fit with the rest of the game art, but it actually contrasts well with the characters. A lot of multiplayer pixel art games have the problem of having the characters blend in with the background, but with Ted’s work it makes the characters really stand out. It’s also crazy how fast Ted works and he showed me some cool tricks with dithering pixels.

damonchandler has been crunching away on putting in more feel and polishing our current mechanics. I’m hoping we’ll have something that feels close to a final level by Friday so we can have a hardcore playtest. I’m also super excited for the next environment / level, it’s gonna be gooood. I finished up 95% of the character animations and then I’ll be onto doing some NPC characters. Cheers!


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//Made with ProcessingLyon Tumblrify: //http://p5lyon.tumblr.com/ProcessingJSTumblr //English Version: //http://p5lyon.tumblr.com/ProcessingJSTumblrEn int radius = 25; int minDistance = 10; int maxDistance = 300; float minDilation = 0.66; float maxDilation = 1; float halfSqrt3; ArrayList<HexStar> hexStars; int rows =12; int cols = 11; float pointX = 0; float pointY = 0; float time; color color1 = #04346C; color color2 = #4284D3; //#FF9C00; boolean _SAVE = false; int num_frames = 60; void setup() { size(500, 500); background(0); frameRate(30); noStroke(); halfSqrt3 = sqrt(3)/2; hexStars = new ArrayList(); for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) { float x = c * radius * 2 + ((r % 2 == 0) ? 0 : radius); float y = r * radius * 2 * halfSqrt3 + 12; HexStar star = new HexStar(x, y, radius); hexStars.add(star); } } } void draw() { int frames = frameCount % num_frames; time = map(frames, 0, num_frames, 0, 1); if (_SAVE) { pointX = map(time, 0, 1, -maxDistance, width + maxDistance); pointY = sin((time + 0.16) * 3) * 500; } else { pointX = mouseX; pointY = mouseY; } fill(color1); background(color2); for (HexStar star:hexStars) { star.updateHexStar(); } if (_SAVE) { saveImages(); } } void saveImages() { saveFrame("frame-##.png"); if (frameCount == num_frames) exit(); } //<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>// class HexStar { PVector pos; //s = new PVector(0, 0); float radius; float shortRadius; float dilation; // = 0; HexStar(float x, float y, float r) { pos = new PVector(x, y); radius = r; shortRadius = radius * halfSqrt3; } void updateHexStar() { calculateDilation(); render(); } void calculateDilation() { dilation = dist(pos.x, pos.y, pointX, pointY); dilation = map(dilation, minDistance, maxDistance, minDilation, maxDilation); dilation = dilation * 0.9; if (dilation < minDilation) dilation = minDilation; if (dilation > maxDilation) dilation = maxDilation; } void render() { pushMatrix(); translate(pos.x, pos.y); beginShape(); float r1 = radius; float r2 = shortRadius * dilation; boolean isPoint = true; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { pushMatrix(); float angle = PI*i/6; float r = (isPoint) ? r1 : r2; vertex(cos(angle) * r, sin(angle) * r); isPoint = !isPoint; popMatrix(); } endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); } } Quick sketch. Mouse over to interact. Inspired by Bees & Bombs


Developer Tools

  One very important aspect of game development is utilizing the best tools for the job. When using a robust game engine like Unity, sometimes it’s easy to think you have everything you need, and forget to plan ahead for those time-consuming tasks down the line.

  But then again, while we’d all love to have the time to create our very own personalized engines tailored precisely for our game designs, you’d be killing yourself to “reinvent the wheel”. It is more prudent to ask which parts of a game’s development will benefit most from special tools. 

The answer to that question for Newborn Bard has been:

1. Scripting audio and music events. 

  As my first exercise in extending the Unity editor, I created a custom editor class for our “Jukebox Trigger”— an all-purpose trigger which can 1) Fade to a new track; 2) Trigger a 3D audio source; 3) Trigger a new oneshot clip; 4) Fade out all music. Each of these have a set of parameters such as FadeTime, Volume, AudioClip, and Delay.


I had the pleasant surprise of stumbling upon a playthrough of my Indie Speed Run entry. RockLeeSmile does awesome impressions of all kinds of indie games on youtube. I've been subscribing to his videos for a good year or two, so it was especially awesome (and jarring) to spot a screenshot of my game in my youtube feed. If only the game itself wasn't riddled with bugs. He also randomly found and did an impression my other game, RGB. I don't know how the man does it, but he's a bleedin' gift to indie games.


To put a little cap on October, here is a short taste of some new environments and the latest addition to the soundtrack.


The Art of Newborn Bard

Hello again all! 

After much experimentation with different visual styles we settled on remixing the work of the Hudson River School painters. The narrative of Newborn Bard centers around themes from American Transcendentalism, a literary and philosophical movement started in the mid 19th century by Ralph Waldo Emerson and a group of like-minded writers, and poets. We saw a unique oportunity to add some historical context to our narrative themes by using actual paintings from the same time period. Both Transcendentalism and the Hudson River School emphasized the power and beauty of nature, and in fact many of the Hudson River School painters were directly influenced by Emerson’s writings on nature.

The screen shot above shows a semi-secret cliffside area from Newborn Bard. The hills in the background come from a painting by Thomas Cole titled The Oxbow. (pictured below)

Here are some other paintings we are using. See if you can spot the borrowed trees in the screen shot at the bottom.

Kindred Spirits, Asher Durand

Summer Afternoon, Asher Durand

Copyright issues (for those interested):

After a little research we determined that all of these Hudson River School paintings (dating from the mid to late 19 century) are old enough to be in the public domain, and as long as we use public domain photos of these public domain paintings we are in the clear regarding copyright. 


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