
Dreamer of impossible dreams

@dreamer-of-impossible-drea-blog1 / dreamer-of-impossible-drea-blog1.tumblr.com

"I'm and I always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of impossible dreams." Emeline. 24. French. I disappear from time to time.

Coucou les français de tumblr ! J’ai besoin de votre aide. Voilà mon grand frère, ma belle-soeur, et leurs fils : 

tl;dr: mes neveux, Henry et Liam, ne pourront pas passer Noel avec nous : la France, qui a validé leur adoption, refuse de délivrer leur visa et celui de 52 autres enfants indéfiniment. 

>> Comment nous aider ? Vous pouvez signez la pétition et reblogger ce post. La pétition est aussi sur Twitter et sur Facebook. << 

J’ai déjà vu tumblr faire des trucs extraordinaires, c’est pour ça que je fais appel à vous <3 Nous avons besoin du max de visibilité possible. Je reste dispo pour toutes vos questions. 

Merci d’avance pour votre aide. La moindre signature et le moindre partage auront énormément de valeur pour nous. 

Pour en savoir plus (je mettrai les liens à jour au fur et à mesure) :

To my non-French speaking followers: my brother and sister-in-law legally adopted their two sons last May but France refuses to deliver long stay visas to my nephews and 52 other children from Congo. My nephews can’t come home. Please sign the petition and share <3 Find this on Twitter and Facebook too.


Lay your arm on a flat surface and push your thumb and pinky together. If you don’t see a raised band across your wrist, you are a product of evolution. If you do, you’ve got a useless extra muscle in your arm that is slowly being erased from our genetic code. Source

I just did some research on this and apparently this muscle actually helps you hold a spear (something we as a majority haven’t needed to do much of in recent times, thus it is a mutation that is neither harmful nor helpful to lack this muscle) But I’ll see you all in the post-apocalyptic world with my genetic advantage to hold and throw spears~

Looks like you’re going to have to do all the spear throwing for me.


tag yourself im a spearholder

*walks up to couple* so which of you is evolved and which is the spearholder


types of friends (tag yourself)

  • the mum/mom friend - very loving - always worrying about friends - cares a lot - has a crush on brad pitt, probably
  • the dad friend - cares about friends but sometimes kinda distant - tells bad jokes - sometimes embarrasses friends but they still love them so its ok - the cool awkward friend
  • the sister friend - no one can pick on their friends except them - nice usually but can be deadly - embarrassing sometimes but loveable - surprisingly good with advice
  • the brother friend - annoying but loveable - has a rivalry with their friends - makes bad jokes - constantly has to be reminded that they can’t fight everything
  • the grandma friend - always has sweets with them for reasons unknown - makes things for their friends - loves hugs and friends to bits
  • the cousin friend - kinda distant and their friends don’t see them often - when they do see them you’re like temporary best friends - cool as hell - understands


  • when you reach 18, you can have wine at important celebrations such as christmas or new year
  • fleur probably was super annoyed at everyone giving her shitty english bread but toughed it up because she has been raised right
  • she also probably surprised many people by touching their arms or else randomly because french just do that when comfortable
  • beauxbâtons being in the pyrénées i guess skiing af ??? tan human beings everywhere except around the eyes ???
  • or a spell has been created to avoid these fugly tan marks ?
  • amazing wizard cook
  • what is buffet for school food, wtf is wrong with u people, no you get a damn plate and you eat what’s in it
  • but special meals without pork or meat at all for religious and vegan people just like muggle schools do
  • the french minister of magic imposing muggles subjects in beauxbâtons such as maths, literature and geography because it’s important to share the same values with your own people !!!!
  • all skin colors represented because France has known several impressive migration waves so diversity \o/
  • all religions too even though, except in food, no sign of it must be seen, because church is seperated from state, magical world included
  • no houses like hogwarts, kids being parted in pairs by level and weaknesses and strength so they can pull each others up
  • ‘toujours pur’ is still actually a thing though and french pure-blood are hardcore af
  • free education even after beauxbâtons
  • also help to buy the furniture because owls and shit are expensive af
  • drunken muggle borns singing patrick sébastien ( vpourvelociraptorvaillant )
  • amongst the teachers one of them did May 68 (which is French historical date of us being socialist af and proud of it (not liberal ffs we’re socialist)) ( vpourvelociraptorvaillant )
  • no house elves because we already have a past with slavery and we’re smart enough not to do the same mistake twice ( uncoeur )

Muggleborns trying to educate others to the French side of youtube. Muggleborns pranking others into thinking that Tragédie is a trend and laughing when everyone fucking sings 2000s songs at school

  • Not just Beauxbâtons but some headcanons about French wizardsHow about the Beast of Gévaudan being not a myth for french wizards but a real werewolf that waged fear on both populations, or even a group of werewolves?
  • Parisian wizards can you fucking imagine what the equivalent of Diagon Alley would look like? Motherfuckings catacombs. I bet you anything that the french wizard community built huge underground cities and the catacombs are the doors to it.
  • If Beauxbâtons is in the Pyrénées, could it be in Basque territory?
  • I’m thinking about how french wizard recipes would look like and I’m hungry as fuck just thinking about it, it’s a damn miracle the Beauxbâtons students don’t end up fat.
  • Wizard equivalent of CGT. Just think about it.
  • Also sea and nature and mountain trips!
  • Instead of a Prime Minister it’s a President of Wizard Community or some shit.
  • Also it’s weird to imagine students in uniforms in Beauxbâtons because it’s really not in our culture?? So yeah there are some issues with kids mocking others kids about not being fashionable enough or stuff.

About Parisian diagon alley I always imagined it somewhere underneath the rue Nicolas Flamel (obviously) and the Tour St Jaques. Something that looks like the passages couverts (passage des Panoramas and the like, google it it’s lovely)…

I’m still not over the “Wizard equivalent of CGT. Just think about it.”

Can you imagine the school going on strike with the muggle world by solidarity?


FLAMEL SI TU SAVAIS TA REFORME TA REFORME FLAMEL SI TU SAVAIS TA REFORME OU ON TE LA MET AUCUNE AUCUNE AUCUNE HESITATION NON NON NON A TES SORTILEGES BIDONS” - Syndicat Etudiant de l’Université Magique pour la manifestation annuelle contre le gouvernement en place.

.. .(son SNCF magique): “Mesdames, Messieurs, SNCF Magique est désolé de vous annoncer que suite à un mouvement social, le trafic en direction de Beauxbatons sera légèrement perturbé.”

I don’t even think they would go on strike in solidarity of the Muggle world, they will go on strike to go against any problems they have against their own government to begin with.


-Professors going on strike before every vacation -Wizarding version of the Guignols de l'Info having a puppet for Harry Potter as well -Muggleborns organizing huge replay of the Club Dorothée and the Minikeums for the purebloods who Did. Not. Have. Childhoods. - Chasing the Dahut being an actual rite of passage for young wizards. -Students and staff alike smuggling cheap cigarettes because fuck yeah the spanish border is near -Muggleborns quoting the Donjon de Naheulbeuk when they enter the castle - Catacombes and castle cellars used to age french wine and cheese -People arguing everywhere about foie gras when Christmas comes around

J'ai commencé à m'étouffer pour la pétanque magique :’) Nan mais aussi imaginez les rivalités régionales avec les accents, les dialectes et les clubs de quidditchs. “Nan c'est pas un pain à la citrouille c'est une citrouillatine!!!!!”

Citer Kaamelott et les Visiteurs quand on se balade autour du château, et les sorciers pure souche qui n’y comprennent rien x) “QUE TREPASSE SI JE FAIBLIS!” “J’ai vu une grosse bête” “Elle est où la poulette?”


Probabilité importante qu’en allant en cours de Potion, certains gueulent dans les couloirs : “ Vous connaissez Panoramismee ? C’est un druuuide ?”

Ou encore en cours de Botanique, deux étudiants qui commenceraient “ Là on fera une grande allée avec plein de statues qu'on appellera « La grande allée avec plein de statues !” et toute la classe suivrait !

MIEUX ! Cours de Métamorphose où il faudrait faire disparaitre un animal : “Il est où le magneau ?!“ !!

Oh putain oui x)



I’m crying!!! IS IT A PAIN A LA CITROUILLE OU UNE CITROUILLATINE?! Laposte having a owlery just for administrative purposes. You can never trust them with your parcels and official documents. Having a secu adapted to the magical world. Being paid back for the different curative potions to fix your bones and other broken limbs etc. The rivalry between the Parisian Quidditch team and Marseille’s one. Quidditch Ligue 1 and Ligue 2. Enchanted dragibus. GUYS. ENCHANTED DRAGIBUS!

god I’m laughing so hard, thanks guys, especially for the kaamelott/visiteurs/astérix references! And for the SNCF!!!

Maybe students would be separated too in fact? Not in houses, and not for the first years, but depending on their speciality during the 3 last ones? Like for our S/L/ES system? I know it’s not a very good system, but honestly it would be more accurate…

ps: #teamcitrouillatine!

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