

@tomosm / tomosm.tumblr.com

. i delete stuff a lot so thats probably why youll see a bunch of empty pages .meow Pic above by Revo

takenoko, or kinoko?

Pocky person, or a pretz person? 


       There was a country far off the sea,on the land of the east.

  海外存远国 云遥有东土

  I heard it when I was young,Mom said it’s called Tang.

  童稚闻其名 母告吾谓唐

  I once dreamed a poet called Li,wrote a poem on my skin.

  梦遇诗人李 题诗缀吾臂

  But I didn’t know how to read it,so I traveled to find him.

  莫能诵其语 遂别将其觅

  I heard camel bells ring,the vulture fly in the wind.

  沙吹响驼铃 人走见飞鹰

  Far far away from hometown,Dad’s afraid I was too young.

  乡远莫能返 父恐吾尚青

  Ah…..the kids read in morning


  Ah…..the bell tower rings


  Ah…..I pass the temple


  Ah…..the monk smiles to me


  They said there’s a man called Li,he’s famous in Dynasty.

  僧言有李氏 名重王朝倾

  He do poetry with poets in restaurants,left calligraphy on the ground.

  斗诗青楼内 酒醉吐腹轻

  An old sold wine beyond the city,by the road to the moat in the rain.

  路遇翁卖酒 雨沥城门净

  He said that is named An named Chang,so I believed the poet wound be found.

  翁言谓长安 遂入观其景

  Ah…..I see great buildings


  Ah…..In them poets drink and sing


  Ah…..I pass the palace


  Ah……Flowers bloom around me


  Ah…..I see Buddha touching the ceiling


  Ah…..I see Emperor through the street


  Ah…..I pass the lantern


  Ah…..I light up poem on my skin


  I saw a man wear white in the rain,just like the poet in my dream.

  微雨见白衣 恰如梦中影

  He took wine and read a poem,Just like the lyrics of this song.

  把酒笑吟诗 恰如此歌行

  A poem written for the Tang.


nippows - Yesterday at 12:19 AM tyr est un homme trés populair Locaste - Yesterday at 12:19 AM vraiment nippows - Yesterday at 12:19 AM beacoup de petites amies trés chaud Locaste - Yesterday at 12:20 AM non j'ai tres froid je suis* nippows - Yesterday at 12:20 AM ce parce que tu est une canadienne? Rehmiel - Yesterday at 12:21 AM wat nippows - Yesterday at 12:21 AM les canadiennes est froid Locaste - Yesterday at 12:21 AM oui parce'quelle une canadienne je suis tres friod suck da noodol - Yesterday at 12:21 AM tres froid avec la recreation nippows - Yesterday at 12:21 AM mais tyr est trés chaud parce qu'il a beacoup des petites amies Rehmiel - Yesterday at 12:22 AM i feel uncultured suck da noodol - Yesterday at 12:22 AM tres chaud un de petit en font Locaste - Yesterday at 12:22 AM oui tyr est tres chaud avec les femmes suck da noodol - Yesterday at 12:22 AM les femmes grande la creme glace nippows - Yesterday at 12:22 AM oui suck da noodol - Yesterday at 12:22 AM bein nippows - Yesterday at 12:23 AM vous le veux coucher avec moi ce soir Locaste - Yesterday at 12:23 AM beaucoup de la creme glacee sur le tyr nippows - Yesterday at 12:23 AM chaud suck da noodol - Yesterday at 12:23 AM avec la cheme glacee tres chaud nippows - Yesterday at 12:24 AM nous avons les lait nippows - Yesterday at 12:24 AM a la petitie coupe suck da noodol - Yesterday at 12:24 AM petite coupe je sui mange nippows - Yesterday at 12:24 AM sucre delecioux Locaste - Yesterday at 12:25 AM je suis mange les chocolates nippows - Yesterday at 12:25 AM il a mis le lait dans le tasse de café Locaste - Yesterday at 12:25 AM tout le jour suck da noodol - Yesterday at 12:25 AM je ne pas les chocolates Locaste - Yesterday at 12:25 AM le gasp nippows - Yesterday at 12:25 AM zarbee c'est le bizarre mais backwards c'est comment le cool personnes a france doit le stuff I'm not Ryan - Yesterday at 12:30 AM When you guys are done french let me know the nill unmute

suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:07 PM i had them since--days ago HAHHAHA yay i put apple juice in freezer now they r ice blocks hehe nippows - Yesterday at 8:08 PM popscicles ?? Locaste - Yesterday at 8:08 PM pomme-sicles suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:08 PM SGUSIDGHISULHSOH nippows - Yesterday at 8:08 PM POMME DE TERRE Locaste - Yesterday at 8:08 PM tom-sicles suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:09 PM LA POMME DE JUS? Locaste - Yesterday at 8:09 PM jus de pomme suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:09 PM hehe Locaste - Yesterday at 8:10 PM okay forreal nippows - Yesterday at 8:10 PM SANG DE POMME suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:10 PM jus de pomme ne pas chaude Locaste - Yesterday at 8:11 PM c'est chaude i mean froid kek suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:11 PM FROID -didnt know how to say cold so said not hot- nippows - Yesterday at 8:11 PM TRES FROID suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:11 PM LOLOLOLOL nippows - Yesterday at 8:11 PM hfdoiioadijoafsd c'est frappé

nippows - Yesterday at 8:12 PM glacé pourqoi pas Locaste - Yesterday at 8:12 PM AT 100 PERCENT NO LEVEL UP ??? suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:12 PM :cry: nippows - Yesterday at 8:13 PM POURQUOI PASSSS Locaste - Yesterday at 8:13 PM i got a joke Qui est le meilleur type d'homme? nippows - Yesterday at 8:14 PM un homme mort? Locaste - Yesterday at 8:14 PM un bonhomme nippows - Yesterday at 8:14 PM is a bonhomme a canadian thing Locaste - Yesterday at 8:14 PM its snowman lol nippows - Yesterday at 8:15 PM O amusant! suck da noodol - Yesterday at 8:15 PM je ne pas comoprehendo Rehmiel - Yesterday at 8:17 PM i want to boycott sp potion make it stop Locaste - Yesterday at 8:17 PM voila mon passport LOL nippows - Yesterday at 8:18 PM hon hon hon

suck da noodol - Today at 2:51 AM -le pooping- nippows - Today at 2:52 AM are u hving funn suck da noodol - Today at 2:52 AM He avec la toilet Je* nippows - Today at 2:53 AM jouer avec la toilette suck da noodol - Today at 2:53 AM Je sui bien nippows - Today at 2:53 AM est que le breh bien suck da noodol - Today at 2:54 AM Je la toilet froid nippows - Today at 2:55 AM j'habite a toilette froid suck da noodol - Today at 2:55 AM J'habite wa nani desuka nippows - Today at 2:56 AM j'habite was kusoyaro teme suck da noodol - Today at 2:56 AM AJAJAJAAJAJAAAJAAJAJ nippows - Today at 2:56 AM jejejeje je m'appelle sharingan suck da noodol - Today at 2:56 AM DHWKABDKWNDNWKF Sharing aller yeuolle(?? How to say eyes?) nippows - Today at 2:58 AM je forgot suck da noodol - Today at 2:58 AM Je google translate Yeux nippows - Today at 2:58 AM je know nose is nes ooooo bien suck da noodol - Today at 2:58 AM Si nippows - Today at 2:58 AM oui oui voila mon passporte suck da noodol - Today at 2:59 AM Je wish she paid more attention in French class to be able to form more sentences LOLOLL nippows - Today at 3:00 AM c'est bon mon amie ta francaise c'est magnifique j'aime comment tu parles Locaste - Today at 3:01 AM D;0 nippows - Today at 3:01 AM aaa kiki bonjour suck da noodol - Today at 3:01 AM BONJOUR KIKIIIIIIII -shakes uawake- nippows - Today at 3:13 AM LE SHAKES AWAKR suck da noodol - Today at 3:13 AM vibrates ur beb


 she’s like a beautiful norse god come to life and she controls the cows

she’s actually Swedish artist and singer Jonna Jinton and she’s singing  Kulning, an ancient Swedish herding call
Source: youtube.com

The End of Evangelion Episode 26’ “My Purest Heart for You”  (まごころを、君に)


mami got an email from my msgs u kno it must b important winkwink cant et without mami HAHAHAHAAHAH


Fuck you I’m an art student I don’t do math

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