

Alisia | Soccer | CA |
sometimes there is so much to be said without saying anything at all. there are so many ways to say i love you without uttering those three little words. it’s the little things. you know me like the back of your hand. i can tilt my cheek towards you ever so slightly and within moments your lips collide with it. you feel my excitement with the speed in my step and so you walk just a little quicker too. my hand brushes yours and so our fingers intertwine. sometimes you know me better than i know myself, and i think it means something when someone learns the little things about you without you saying anything at all. you have created a blueprint to my heart without any direction at all. your love is worth a thousand words. but the difference is it doesn’t need any at all.

love is actions not words (via place0fperfecti0n)

You don’t need another human being to make your life complete, but let’s be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn’t see them as disasters in your soul, but cracks to put their love into, is the most calming thing in this world.

Emery Allen  (via perrfectly)

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