
futuristic trashcan

@academiaspy-blog / academiaspy-blog.tumblr.com

personal blog | 18+ | retired | likes trolling | a5 junkie var sc_project=10903723; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="41c5f12c"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");

i posted this here before but deleted it cuz i wanted to add another drawing to match this one. in the end i never drew the thing. anyways heres yoos again


modern horror story: a single 200 chapter fic on ao3 summarized as a “collection of drabbles.” it is tagged for 200 different fandoms and every single character who so much as breathes in any of the chapters. it takes you an hour to scroll past. it is always at the top of your search results because it updates three times a week.


So I was rewatching the Unlimited and is it just me or is kyousuke flirting with andy -

you could have just given it to him like, “Here’s your reward, wear it with you at all times. I ordered it especially for you.” you know, your usual cool guy attitude….why did you have to put it around his neck for him?….

kyousuke you stalker

…this shouldn’t be taken out of context

your ship is under attack and you still have time to flirt

seriously what is with you and flirting during emergency situations? in the enemy base?

…Which means you like it right? 

just say you like him it already


First they came for the scientists…

And the National Parks Services said, “lol, no” and went rogue and we were all like, “I was not expecting the park rangers to lead the resistance, none of the dystopian novels I read prepared me for this but cool.”


Best tumblr post by a friend of mine in years.


this is gonna get long and wordy, because i kind of have a lot of FEELINGS wrt the nps.

i grew up surrounded by nps employees, because after earning his masters in forestry, my dad spent his entire professional career working for the nps.

you do not join the nps to make a lot of money. you do not join the nps if you want easy career advancement. especially if both you and your spouse/partner want to work outside the home. or if you and your spouse/partner both work for the nps. because the unofficial motto of the nps is “to move up, you have to move on.” it’s like the army, but for liberal, tree hugging hippie types. and they don’t usually just transfer you - you have to apply for positions you want.

my dad wanted to advance, so we moved every 2-3 years when i was growing up. as his first nps mentor told him, “this job is hard on families.”

so you have a bunch of people who have built a career in which they could be earning much more with their qualifications in the private sector and for which they are literally willing to uproot themselves every few years and move.

might be across the country. might be from urban to rural, or vice a versa. if you start out as a temp/seasonal employee, which is usually how you get your foot in the door, you usually have to make a “sacrifice move” - i.e. apply to a position in a park that you know will be under-applied for, because nobody wants to go there. we lived in corpus cristi, tx for 18 months as a result of this. before that, we had lived inside of mt. rainier national park. it was like moving to an entirely different country.

maybe your spouse gets tired of moving every few years. maybe they get tired of their own career having to be on the back burner, or sacrificed completely, so you can move on to the next advancement, at the next park.

maybe they don’t want to live in a remote area, or an urban area. maybe your kids are tired of leaving their friends and their schools at short notice.

why the hell would anyone willingly choose this career, when they know what kinds of financial hardships it will bring? when they know how hard it will be on their families and their interpersonal relationships? on themselves?

most of them do it because they genuinely, passionately believe in preservation. because they believe in the mission of the nps:  “ The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.”

and motherfuckers, you had best believe they are relying on ~*~actual science~*~ to carry out that mission.

they have been fighting the good fight for decades in a myriad of ways, both local and national. i have watched my dad prepare for local city council meetings, in which he had to tell a group of enraged and concerned townspeople that, no, they could not MOVE THE RIVER BACK after it changed course following spring floods, to flow through an older channel. didn’t matter that your pappy and your grandpappy had always been able to see if from a certain bend in the road, and now you can’t. nature is taking its course, literally, and the nps is not gonna intervene in that, no matter how much you fuss.

i have watched him celebrate small victories, like the time he wrote a funding proposal for a national project that was so fucking convincing he got $2million more than he asked for - under the fucking gwb administration. 

and, like, do not get me wrong, i have had me some issues with my dad over the years. i was not always super psyched to lose friends and have to make new ones every time we moved, or about the damage to my mother’s career some of these moves caused. not to mention their eventual divorce.

but i have never doubted, not for one fucking second, that my dad did what he did in his career because he genuinely believed he could make a difference. because he genuinely believed in the preservation of our natural resources for his children, and his children’s children, and everyone fucking else in this country. because he believed in protecting our environment and our history from those who would destroy it for their own short term financial gain.

the nps is made up of thousands of employees like him.

they have been relying on science to protect the resources under their administration for a long time.

they have been resisting those who would have them ignore scientific evidence for a long time.

you’re goddamned right they’re gonna resist this bullshit that’s going on now.


More of arcv/d. grayman AU because I kinda missed my AUs haha…

I thought it’d be pretty fitting to have Sora as Road and Dennis as Tyki Mykk. Both are deceptively friendly at first but turn out to be terrifyingly strong.

Yuugo is the skirtchasing jokester who surprisingly has a lot of intellect and will one day carry the status of Bookman.


❄  // Happy Holidays, Reri //  ❄

I’m your secret santa this year ^.^ You asked for something regarding the bracelet girls, so here they are, decorating the tree with their favourite ornaments ;)

I hope you like it and happy new year~ - Winter

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