
hunter x hell

@tinyantigen / tinyantigen.tumblr.com

Congratulations! You have stumbled upon the inspiration/fandom nonsense blog of theyoungdoyley.

did anyone actually ever read those animorph books

just stared at the covers for a concerningly long amount of time before putting it back where i found it


Here are some of the spoilers you missed out on by not reading Animorphs:

  • Five children are forced to engage in guerilla warfare, espionage and repeated murder to protect their loved ones from alien parasites as they wait for the other, heroic aliens to finally arrive. When they do, the “good” aliens turn out to not give a shit about humans, caused the whole intergalactic war through their own shittiness and are willing to exterminate whole planets themselves to get at their hated enemies.
  • A child repeatedly experiences his intestines hanging out of his body while in various animal forms
  • A child is mentally tortured until broken and never gets better
  • A child in the form of a fly experiences getting splattered and smeared against a ceiling until his friends who are also flies at the time can peel his body off and take him somewhere he can transform back into a whole human before his insect mind fades completely
  • A child is shrunken and experiences having her eyeballs digested out of her head inside her friend’s stomach while she’s in the form of a tiny elephant
  • The heroes are forced to permanently imprison another child in the body of a rat because he knows too much and they abandon him on a tiny island with only other rats and garbage for company. Rumors circulate that the island is haunted but it’s actually his psychic screams reaching distant boaters.
  • A race of devastatingly powerful, violent aliens turn out to be mental toddlers who don’t know what they’re doing and are just bred to think they’re playing one big game before they’re killed at age three so they don’t learn the truth
  • An alien spends a few centuries hanging from the parasitic tentacle of a much bigger alien, surrounded by millions of rotting corpses attached to its other moon-spanning tendrils. They engage in mental warfare until one finally absorbs the other completely.
  • It turns out another seemingly “evil” alien race is simply driven to kill and eat everything in sight because it was separated from its original world where food was continuous and the entire specie’s life is the torture of perpetual starvation
  • A peaceful robot willingly removes its inhibition against violence to help in the war, only to slaughter a huge number of alien-controlled humans so gruesomely that nobody dares think about or speak of it again and it is the only thing left undescribed in a book series that already describes entrails getting torn out and skulls getting smashed
  • A child stays too long in the form of a flea and instead of turning back into a human, accidentally turns momentarily into one big, giant flea that can only writhe and moan because it shouldn’t exist and can’t live at that scale.
  • The kids discover Atlantis, then discover that Atlanteans are inbred mutants who paralyze any humans they find, dissect them alive to figure out how their organs work, then stuff the corpses as kitschy museum displays for their children.
  • An ordinary ant gets transformed into a human child. It has no idea what’s happening and is so overwhelmed by its huge new brain and sensory input that it can only scream until it dies

Here’s a shocking idea: the way communities describe themselves and identify today is not how they always were defined. In a lot of ways these communities did not exist as we currently know them if they existed at all and it’s dangerous to present current discourses as transhistorical and always present.

Here’s another shocking idea: the ways we describe trans, gay, lesbian and bi now is not how people lived their lives back then. Here’s some unsettling truths but if you want to pretend as if bisexual and gay/lesbian people exist in these perfectly separated categories then that’s just ahistorical.

Bisexuals have existed in “lesbian” communities before such a concept arose, trans men and trans women have existed in both gay and lesbian communities before the idea of them as separate arose as well. There are still places where this is true today. I know this doesn’t jive well with all of your 2016 discourse but you’re going to have to confront and acknowledge this.

These spaces, identities, communities, and people have interacted with each other often in ways that did not suggest insurmountable or separatable differences. These “differences” are not set in stone or always existent which is why to say there was a clear and defined gay or lesbian community that did not have bisexual and trans people in it is false and vice versa.

This means too, the idea that each group faces a separatable experience of oppression is also false. When bisexuals and gays and lesbians and trans people existed together that means we cannot make a discourse of homophobia that excludes them. This does not mean we erase transmisogyny and misogyny but rather see the experiences of “LGBT” people as intimately interrelated. We have to complicate our thoughts on these communities. This means complicating our understanding of sexuality (bisexuals historical relationship to gayness and lesbianism) and gender (trans men’s relstionships to gayness and lesbianism and trans women’s relationships to gayness and lesbianism).

Holding on to the idea of a continuous community does not reveal hidden histories but rather hides them even further. It naturalizes modern discourses of sexuality rather than places them in a social context that is historically contingent.


this is a harvest mouse appreciation post

literally the cutest animal ever in history look at this lil fuzz

tiny bean ! friendly bean

they climb on basically everything. probably to get closer to kiss u

if this mouse gets any more disney than this it will probably break out into song

just look at this tiny nugget !!!

harvest mice use their tails for stability while climbing but also to be unnecessarily cute. this deters predators

tiny feet !!!!! tiny toes !

momma with itty puffs

kisses !! 1 hit KO

they are literally too small how dare

harvest mice !!!

harvest mice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

harv e s t  m i c e  !! ! !!!

thankyou for your time


Tired stressed frustrated blaaaAAAAGHHHH  GODAMMIT I will reblog this Harvest Mouse Appreciation post it is all I have ever needed in life.

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