
Can't Stop, Won't Stop, Might Stop

@superpikmin / superpikmin.tumblr.com

Maddie | 24 | FL
I like to refer to myself as Dr. Robotnik's Meme Bean Machine
Sometimes I cosplay, most times I just complain about cosplay

yall look at this shit ad*be is tryna pull now on ppl who have outdated software:

(note for context: i’m all for piracy, but in this case my copy of CS6 was downloaded years ago when they were giving it away to students. i got it totally legally.)

so here is what NOT to do if you’re a loyal fan of adobe who has the cash to shell out for a newer and shittier version of the product you already paid for.

1) DON’T use your search bar to find and open the Run app

2) DON’T type in services.msc

3) DON’T find Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Services and right-click to get a dropdown menu, and don’t select ‘properties’

4) if you happen to click properties, DON’T use the startup type dropdown to locate the option to disable the program. be sure you DON’T click apply to finalize that change. 

5) DO NOT do the same thing in order to also disable Adobe Genuine Software Monitor 

if you do all of these things, this WILL disable adobe’s ability to monitor the software, and you will be forced to continue using the same older software that you already paid for instead of having to sign up for a newer, shittier version and pay more for it. so if you have lots of cash to spare and are cool with putting it the pockets of racketeering capitalists, definitely don’t do any of these things. 

however, you SHOULD reblog this to spread the word, as we certainly want to make sure lots of people know what NOT to do :)



Pretend to be upset.

OP how could you

I hope none of my friends who use Adobe programs find this, follow your detailed instructions, and spread the word. That would be devastating!

Anonymous asked:

for an animal rights activist, you spread a lot of negativity ://

if you want to educate people, don't be like PETA. you'd get better reception and people might actually listen instead of react with more anger and defensiveness.

i agree with your cause and what you stand for, i just don't think it's very well received by the general public with how you do it.

Hello, this is clearly bait. First and foremost, I am NOT an animal rights activist.

I am a wildlife biologist who specializes in the conservation of large predators and animal education. I want what's best for the animal based on its individual needs, I do not care about the perceived anthropomorphic "rights" that an animal has. I care that it is healthy and happy, and free to express natural behaviors safely in a habitat that is suited for it. That is called "Animal Welfare" activism.

I am courteous when the situation calls for it, and abrasive when people need to hear it. I'm not going to hold someones hand and go, "Oh honey baby. Wild animals aren't supposed to be kept as pets uwu."

No. Wild Animals are not meant to be kept as pets and anyone who thinks its okay is endangering the lives of everyone around them and the well being of that animal.

I am not going to sugar coat anything either, "Oh honey bear, kitties are inside only pets, you silly willy."

No. Outdoor cats are a destructive invasive species that decimates wild animal populations that have led to the extinction and endangerment of numerous species of small animals. Aside from the destruction to the environment that outdoor cats perform, they are also exposed to untold disease, illness, and predation. Keep Your Fucking Cat Inside.

Anything else that you think I'm being "negative" about anon?


There are actually thousands upon thousands of real peer reviewed studies on the impact of outdoor cats decimating the local wildlife, down to being directly responsible for the extinction of numerous small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

Not only that, they help spread parasites and disease. They also endanger themselves by being outside, they can get illnesses they wouldn't otherwise encounter, they can be hurt by predators such as bobcats, stray dogs, and coyotes. As well as being hurt by humans, from being hit by cars, to being poisoned or shot.

Keep Your Fucking Cat Inside

Here are a few for you to look at:


I will never understand how people can just throw their domestic pet outside, completely unsupervised, while it wanders the neighborhood and still think they’re good owners. I legitimately cannot fathom how people can seriously think that letting their pets free roam is a good idea. Even if there wasn’t mountains of evidence about how outdoor cats are bad for the environment, live shorter lives, and are more likely to die traumatic deaths, how can people seriously look at a free roaming pet crossing roads and dodging predators and still say “yup that seems responsible to me!” Do you all let your dogs free roam too??? Your birds??? Rabbits??? I just honestly don’t get it. Outdoor cat owners will really just close their eyes and plug their ears every time any facts are presented and make some bullshit argument about bUt hOuSeS aRe A pRiSoN like they’re not the ones too lazy to provide actual enrichment and stimulation for their pets.


PSA to my white friends and followers: In the wake of a phenomenally important guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin Trial, I’d like to remind you all that the fallout of this case will likely mean more police violence against our Black friends and neighbors, not less. Looking at the statistics in the weeks leading up to this verdict shows that this is already the case. Police in this country are angry that society is beginning to hold them accountable for their abusive actions, and they are looking for revenge. So if you see a cop interacting with a BIPOC, DO NOT walk away. Video record if you can (and as long as it doesn’t further jeopardize the safety of the BIPOC involved), but absolutely do not walk away. It is critical that we do our part and look out for people, and make cops think twice about abusing their powers of authority and near-immunity to murder citizens.


Adding to this that advance research on copwatching strategies, particularly ones employed locally, as laws can very from state to state, is going to be your friend if you try to do this. It’s easy to imagine yourself pulling out your phone and recording an interaction if you were to witness one, but there can be lot more intricacies than just taking a video. Would you know how to respond if an officer confronted you about your actions? Do you know how best to respect the rights and privacy of the individuals you’re intervening on the behalf of, and prevent the situation from becoming additionally traumatic?

If you’re interested in learning more to prepare yourself, so you can be as effective as possible if you witness a scenario that requires bystander intervention, here are some resources on copwatching to look over. I highly recommend reading over them several times and taking good notes – or anything else that will help you commit the contents to memory – because this stuff will escape you in an actual stressful scenario (signed, someone who has attended multiple copwatch trainings and still totally blanked on most of what I learned the one time I’ve directly confronted an officer)

A fair number of these resources are aimed at people interested in setting up regular copwatching patrols, but even for people primarily interested in being prepared in the instance of witnessing a scenario in which copwatching is necessary, it’s a good idea to do your homework and know how to be the most effective bystander you can. Knowing your rights and other important things to keep in mind will help you avoid being caught-off guard should you end up needing to record an interaction – or aggravating a situation, which is a real risk to consider. I also recommend looking up the specific laws relevant to your own area that these resources may or may not manage to cover.


Ready, aim, fire!



the felines are developing long range weaponry skills


Favorite image of the day: A photo taken by Brett Cizek of a common merganser with a massive brood of over 50 ducklings trailing after her. Biologists guess that she picked up at least a couple dozen who got separated from their mother, and maybe a few more pre-hatching since ducks often lay a couple eggs in other ducks’ nests as a way of not…er…putting all their eggs in one basket. So big broods are not uncommon, but this is definitely larger than usual.

Apparently since this photo was taken, she’s picked up another two dozen and is now wandering around Bemidji, MN, with over 70 ducklings in tow.


she’s spitting facts! take care of yourself or evil can’t prosper!


Okay, but the more we learn from the anime and interviews and sneak peeks the darker it kinda gets for Sango

First of all, 



moroha: wearing her father’s robe of the fire rat, the spitting image of her mother, shooting sacred arrows and acting exactly like her gremblin father’s daughter  hisui and kohaku


The Higurashi's next week when they realise that one of the girls is the spitting image of they daughter/grandaughter/sister and the half-demon she left them for knows nothing about her parents.

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