
omg sometimezu i eats fuud

@hatsunemeecoo / hatsunemeecoo.tumblr.com


Carry on (2019 sketch)

[ID: An illustration of a calm tiger picking up a tiger cub by its scruff. The cub is curled up, and happily sticking its tongue out /ED]


Brother Gregor never spoke and often spooked the neophytes with his appearance, but he was a gentle soul and a phenomenal cook and knew more ways to prepare a fish than the abbot knew hymns


Bro I fucking love the DB Cooper case nothing about this whole situation sounds real. None of the passengers on the plane realized they were being hijacked until the plane landed two hours after it was supposed to and the fbi showed up with suitcases full of money. The note about the bomb almost went unnoticed because the flight attendant thought she was being sexually harassed so she didn't read it. One of the main suspects was the first trans woman in Washington to have a sex change operation. A reporter who was so dead set on his suspect that he brought him to court was so upset about being wrong that he went catatonic and was treated with electroshock therapy and it WORKED. There's been multiple "I'm DB Cooper" death confessions. He never even SAID his name was DB Cooper. Either he got away with a million bucks in today's money and the most iconic and harmless crime American history or he impaled himself on a pine tree while falling a zillion miles an hour in the dark while clutching duffel bags full of cash and either option is equally hilarious. He wore a clip on tie. He committed an act of sky piracy. What in the fucking looney toons


the fact that I won't live long enough to travel to every beautiful location on earth.

the fact that I won't live long enough to meet every kind soul and converse in their native language

the fact that I won't live long enough to experience every delicious home recipe

the fact that I won't live long enough to witness every amazing creature roaming the planet

the fact that I won't live long enough to visit every piece of art, hear every song

the fact that I lived and was able to experience any of it at all


​also "intifada" has evolved to mean uprising as we know it today but at its core the word really just means "to shake" so you would hear us use versions of it when we are "dusting" or "folding laundry" lol so I urge everyone to relax

Tags added by @feluka that killed me and I want everyone to see them too

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