guts & glory

@theguygardner /


theguygardner replied to your post:

"I’m gonna shove my foot so far up your ass it comes out your mouth. You’ll be tasting your own leather-hinted shit for a week."

"I’m just saying, more craft beer will bring in much more business. Plus, imagine the sheer amount of money that can be made from hipsters by putting in PBR."

"Hipsters? We're in the middle of space! What hipsters do you know they trust these days with space travel? That's why half this shit you can't even pronounce. They like it. I get oan credits. Helps me pay my bills and bribe out Salaak."


I learned long ago not to make ice puns at the cold ones and he's soooo lucky I have, because I've got like seventeen sittin' here, waitin' to be cracked.


[ snores loudly in a consruct hammock, hung at the top between two buildings. He was supposed to be on watch duty for the JLI, but he was pretty beat. ]

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