
Time Listening

@backupmakeshiftlifeinwaiting / backupmakeshiftlifeinwaiting.tumblr.com

JJ/Aces/Wings. TERFS/RADFEMS DON'T INTERACT. 29. INFP, nonbinary poly bisexual, they/them, cosplayer. Ask me to tag anything 💙 Instagram: Violettewings; Whenever life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let them wonder how you did it.

not to be boring but I like when evil characters.... well not become “redeemed,” more like they become domesticated. its just delightful when like an evil monstrous little bastard man goes from committing murder to getting mad someone misplaced their costco card or left the jar of mayo on the counter all day.


I just needed to preserve these tags. For reasons.


"You can have an experience of lacking trust, but you're trusting that. That's the power of paradox. You can feel out of control but you're controlling that. You can feel like you lack confidence, but you're confident about that. You can create an experience of lacking trust, but you're trusting that. If you can trust the untrust, why can't you trust the trust? What's the difference? Whatever you say goes."


something you said has been on my mind for a while - "kink is not inherently sexual". good faith! I don't understand that at all, could you explain it a bit?


This post is educational, hooray! Extensive discussion of kink under the cut. Nothing explicitly sexual is described in detail.

Please note that in this post, I use the terms top and Dom/me interchangeably. This is because I personally identify as a "top" and not a Dom. Some communities draw sharp lines between these two terms, and it's useful to make sure that you're using the same definition as other people when you're talking. Some people use "top" solely to refer to the giving or penetrative partner, which is not synonymous with the dominant partner. Topping subs, power bottoms, and all other permutations exist. I just use that term for myself because I don't like being called a Dom. It sounds like a guy's name to me, I don't like it.


I’m so happy they did this song.  My stream kept stuttering so the video is dodgy but it’ll do for now.  Fixed!

Something Rotten!


omg a musical song about COMPLAINING ABOUT WRITING My whole life I have been waiting for this. MY WHOLE LIFE.


@queenofzan have you seen this


I need people to stop blaming the death of movies on “quips”. A quip is just a funny line of dialogue. That’s all. Like I just saw a post talking about quips and the death of movies and brought up Pirates of the Caribbean as an example of a better movie and yes it is but also that movie is FULL OF QUIPS. I just rewatched The Princess Bride. It’s all quips. Every single line. And it’s a masterpiece.

Movies suck when people don’t care about the art they’re making. That includes them not caring about their quips. Which is why a lot of comic relief dialogue ALSO sucks now. But the problem isn’t that funny dialogue exists.

The Princess Bride is almost all quips, but it’s all sincerity. Every aspect of the plot is ridiculous and yet no movie dialogue has ever gone as hard as “I want my father back, you son of a bitch”


people recognize the problem contained within Whedon-style quippyness without knowing the term for the actual issue so they say “quips” when they mean “bathos”


another problem with quips that’s a little harder to analyze and explain is the quips are all in the author’s voice, NOT the characters’.

steve rogers, natalia romanoff, james barnes, tony stark, pepper potts, and bruce banner are people from radically different walks of life, and should therefore have extremely different styles of communication, despite all off them nominally speaking the same language (english). they should have different senses of humor, different senses of where the boundary lies between irreverence and insult, different boundaries, different sore spots, different goals as well as different methods of communication.

the fact that all these characters banter the exact same way, i.e how joss whedon thinks is funny, is incredibly shallow and grating.

steve grew up as a challenging little shit, who was also very small and poor, and he did it in 1920′s-30′s brooklyn new york. he regularly got his ass kicked. tony stark is also challenging and provocative, he’s a shit stirrer, but he grew up rich as all fuck. no one was beating the piss out of him in a dirty alley. tony has grown up surrounded by sycophants, rich enough to get away with whatever amount of bad behavior he wants to pull; steve grew up poor and disabled in a society that openly advocated for the death and degradation of the weak and unfit. why the fuck would they enter a conversation the same way? why would they deliver a snappy retort the same way? natasha romanoff is a spy, she’s manipulative, she’s always watching to see how a joke lands, she’s always conscientiously tuning herself this way and that to get results. she doesn’t have the luxury of casual defiance, or unthinking obnoxiousness, or even standing by her principles and pissing off someone she hates. again, why would she be tossing off little asides the same as tony, or even the same as steve?

the princess bride is sincere, and the characters still banter in their own voices. fezzik is cautious and methodical, inigo is weary and incredulous, vizzini is desperate to impress everyone with his own intelligence and in so doing often sounds like a complete twerp, buttercup is so incredibly pissed off she doesn’t have any brain cells to spare for joking around, and westley is here to ruin everyone’s day. and it works! the characters have great banter because they’re striking sparks off each other, not meshing like identical cogs in a machine.

humor is about subverting expectations, about breaking up patterns, about confrontation and absurdity. you can’t get that from a blandly uniform pulp.

I have never heard anyone summarize Westley’s character so perfectly in a single line


If you dare come at me about banning straws, I will throw you into the sun cannon. I’m disabled, I’m crippled, I need disposable plastic straws, and all those pricey ridiculous alternatives aren’t working as well. Plastic straws were invented for the disabled.

Way to shit all over a vital access need because you think straws are worse than corporate greed.

We all care about the turtles, the seals, the oceans, obviously. Notice how the easiest thing to yell about was something that would barely affect anything but appealed heavily to emotional discourse.

The disabled community is huge, and it can be joined by anyone. Most of those As Seen On TV products were invented for us. Society still mocks us and ignores us, and often outright harms us in multiple ways.

Communicate better. Listen better. But stop putting us out in the cold because you are inconvenienced by our simplest needs.

Straws aren’t killing the planet, its animals, or people. They’re a microscopic fraction of an iota of a percentage of the problem. You want to do something? Ban plastic fishing nets. Anything else is just a hollow feel-good gesture at the expense of real living disabled people.


i have an environmental degree and i’ve been saying this since this straw ‘debate’ started: its all a tactic by those in power to distract people’s attention from bigger issues such as fishing waste. don’t fall for it. and don’t be a dick to disabled people who need straws to make their lives easier.

“Paper straws.” “Oh you mean a practical joke in sraw form”

That’s the best analogy. Thank you.

There are single-use plastics that don’t need to exist (don’t kill me, let me finish, please). Spices are the most obvious to me—yes, a lot of spices need to be finished off before they expire because otherwise they’re not as potent/don’t taste as good, but salt? Ground pepper? Dried onion? There are other shelf-stable spices that are good for YEARS—slap a best-by label on each batch, put it in a bulk dispenser, and have customers write it on a sticker and put it on a reusable bottle. Customers who care will do so, customers who think “it all tastes the same” won’t but won’t be bothered. Sell reusable bottles or let customers bring their own containers and sell by weight. A few isolated places do this (Winco comes to mind), but very few.

But some stuff can’t be reused, or can technically be reused but it’s really not safe (for example, syringes). We need to focus on things that do not impact QoL, and stop throwing disabled people to the wolves.

Genuine question,I feel like there must be something obvious that I’m missing: what disability prevents one from using a paper straw?

Some people have allergies to wood pulp. Any organic material will have this issue, unfortunately, and people with the kinds of disabilities severe enough to need straws almost certainly have comorbidities such that anything potentially triggering to the immune system could be a problem. As some examples consider chemo patients, organ transplant recipients, and people with autoimmune disorders.

Paper straws also dissolve, which can cause problems for people who need to drink more slowly to avoid choking (there are a TON of disorders where this is a problem), and people with Parkinson’s, some forms of cerebral palsy, and similar conditions may need a straw that bends, which paper cannot do. People with Alzheimer’s struggle to drink and may reject an unfamiliar kind of straw because they can’t process new information, and low-functioning/high support needs autistic people may require assistance drinking but find that paper straws are a Bad Texture, and thus avoid them to the point of dehydration.

@thebibliosphere has a fantastic chart on the different kinds of straws and what the pros and cons of each are for disabled people, and the reality is, only plastic ticks the boxes that cover everyone, and some straws are simply impractical for daily use (figure out how to carry a glass straw in a purse!). (Joy, if you see this, I don’t remember a single stitch of text from that post to look it up on your blog, could you do me a solid and share the link?)

Also aren’t paper straws like, not gluten free? Or at the very least they trigger people who have a gluten intolerance/celiac/similar things (I know I’ve seen ‘not gluten free’ come up before as an issue with, some kind of not plastic straw before). So like, that’s ANOTHER big problem there.

I think you’re thinking of a similar type of biodegradable straw that’s made of wheat something-or-other. I know the one you’re talking about, the details are just failing me at the moment. It’s not paper, but it’s marketed along the same lines.

The glue used on some paper straws uses wheat, so they are not guaranteed to be gluten-free either.

And I’ll do you one better, here’s Jessica’s video and the straw ban:

And here’s the chart:

Apologies for the lack of image description, I’m on mobile and my crippled hands hurt.

I will point out that I know some people who are allergic to disposable plastic straws (if having a mast cell disease has taught me anything, it’s that your body can develop a reaction to anything) but as you can see from the chart, disposable plastic straws are the most allergen-friendly next to glass.

Unfortunately, glass is not safe or accessible for many disabilities (my own included) so disposable plastic straws remain a vital necessity for disabled people.


One of the many weird things about depression is that it retcons your life. Not only are you lying in bed feeling like a piece of shit and that everything is awful, but you start projecting those feelings back along your own time stream - you start low-key believing you've always felt this way, that nothing good has ever happened, or if it has it happened a long time ago.

On January 1st of last year I decided to start keeping a tally of good days and bad days, because I stopped trusting my brain to report on that accurately. I expected to come and look at the tally when I was depressed and go "oh, I had a good day only a few days ago. this hasn't always been like this."

What I didn't expect was that the process of asking myself whether a day had been good or bad would radically shift my perspective on what a bad day was and what a good day was. On the very first day, when I'd achieved nothing and had felt sad and slow all day, I went to put a notch in the Bad Day column before stopping myself:

wait, i thought. has today actually been bad? not bad enough to write it off. i played rummikub online with my partner. i drank some water. i had a long bath. no, today wasn't a bad day.

And so I put a notch in the Good Day column and went to bed. The next day I did the same thing, and the next day, and the next day. Just the process of going over my day every day meant that I found at least one good thing that happened every day. I had a good meal. I went to the pub and was around people, albeit quietly. I went for a walk. I saw a duck. There were days where truly awful, terrible things happened, but even on those days there was always something - even if the something was a simple as We Were There For Each Other or We Reminisced.

On December 31st I put the final tally down. Not a single day had been so bad that I could justify writing it off as a bad day. The bad day column was completely empty.

I'm still depressed, occasionally deeply, but I think I have more perspective. Depression is a physical feeling, and an emotional feeling, but even without trying *something* comes along every day that makes me glad I'm here despite that feeling.


things i’ll not call you a whore for:

  • sexual activity
  • how you dress

things i’ll call you a whore for:

  • stealing my food 
  • stealing my lemons
  • my cat likes you more than me

why are lemons separate from food op?

everyone knows lemons arent food


lemon stealing whores are a huge issue separate from food stealing whores. there’s a whole documentary about whores stealing lemons from the trees of unsuspecting victims. you can see the first two minutes of it here.

Thats a rickroll. That totally is a fucking rickroll. No fukin way. Not falling for it.

dude, trust me, that isn’t a rick roll. its something worse

Me to the rest of tumblr after actually watching what was in the link:

…I really don’t know what I was expecting.

What the fuck did i just watch.

It- it’s not a Rick roll

Have we really reached a time when the Lemon Stealing Whores are no longer common knowledge.


[image id: a 3 panel comic, watermarked 'Decade2Doodles'. The first panel reads "In therapy, I learned that this is a risky form of self-care." It shows a pie chart where most of the circle is colored purple and labelled "art", and a small slice of the pie chart remains white, with the label "going on walks". The second panel reads "Because if that one big thing gets taken from you, or becomes your obsession, you're left with almost nothing that is truly yours." It shows the small white slice of the pie chart from the first panel on its own, this time with cartoon eyes and a down-turned mouth, and no written label. The third panel reads "So I'm working on making my self-care a rainbow. That way, I'll have so many colors to turn to when I'm feeling dark blue." It shows a pie chart split into eight equal slices, which are rainbow colored and labelled art, meditating, lifting weights, window shopping, swimming, crossword puzzles, scrapbooking, and going on walks. /end id]

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