
A Frog and a Bear, seeing America!

@frog-whisperer / frog-whisperer.tumblr.com

Callum I He/Him I Scotland I i love boys but not as much as i love John Favreau's 'The Jungle Book' (2016) I (The Lion King can choke though)

Some day I want to see a show that does the “no filler episodes” thing from the opposite direction. Just a whole season worth of low-stakes character pieces that seem to move the overall story absolutely nowhere, then episode 26 pulls all the triggers at once and this massive Rube Goldberg machine of a plot the show’s been quietly setting up in the background the whole time hits you like a truck.


Incredible one-liners as always


This is fascinating for two reasons.

1. They haven’t actually apologised for anything. She’s pre-emptively rejecting an apology that they have no intention of giving.

2. Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are extremely well-liked. A lot of people are more attached to them in their roles as they are to the actual characters in the books.

What does JK Rowling gain by coming out with this?


OK, I'm gonna tell you what she gains by coming out with this.

A person who isn't extremely online enough to have the full, and I mean the full context of this feud--like, say, my mom, who has no idea what a TERF even is or why it's bad to be one--sees the headline and goes, "Huh. Those two young people did something that made the nice book lady so mad, she won't accept their apologies," and goes away with NO further knowledge than that.

The headline does not include the fact that they didn't apologize. This does not include what they were responding to when they made the statements for which she thinks they should apologize. It only includes the fact that she didn't accept their apologies, which in older generations goes to that whole "civility" thing - if someone apologies, the social rules say you have to accept unless the thing that was done to you was really really unforgivable.

The logical conclusion is that they said something so awful that 1) they DID apologize for it and 2) she didn't accept.

So this gets filed away in the casual viewer's brain and the next time they see Daniel Radcliffe's and Emma Watson's names, what the brain search pulls up is, "Aren't they the two people who were really mean to that nice author lady?"

Think about any celebrity you have a vaguely negative opinion of. Not like "Oh, that's the guy who killed someone" but like "Didn't he get in some kind of trouble at some point?" You probably don't recall the details. You don't have to, to make a value judgment. By the same logic, now Daniel Radcliffe's and Emma Watson's reputations are very slightly tarnished while hers is very slightly bolstered, and the person is slightly more inclined to listen to JKR than to DR or EW in the future.

I'd say even the way the photos are presented is a problem. We read English from left to right so first you see a nice middle-aged white lady (those earrings signal wealth), and then you see a young man with a scruffy beard (I can already hear my mom going "He'd be cute if he'd shave that awful stubble" because that's not what appeals to people from her era). You don't see the young woman at all. This is now subconsciously about the guy being sexist, probably. I mean, who knows? I'm a person swiping through the internet who's not gonna read the article, but it's going into my big squishy human constantly-value-judging brain all the same.

So yeah, this is absolutely conscious on the part of the JKR making this statement with the knowledge that this is how it's gonna be covered by the media, and likewise conscious on the part of the media that are choosing to give the extremely wealthy lady air time for this total non-event of a hypothetical statement.


Exactly. Articles like this very intentionally appeal to casual viewers and they do work. I've had to explain similar ones to my sister/parents who just don't know or care about celebrities for the most part. With context it makes JK look kind of desperate and petty lol, but without it, it can paint her in a much better light.

[ID of original post: a screenshot of The Independent on Twitter showing a photo of JK Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe with a caption that reads: "JK Rowling says Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson can 'save their apologies'"]

something i have noticed lately: as a collective, a lot of gen z are simply getting tired of their phone

granted this doesn’t mean the endless doom scrolling has stopped. but i see a lot more self recognition of how phones have taken away from our ability to live our lives authentically and with variation instead of Hours of Repetitive Scroll. the dopamine may be easier but it doesn’t hit the same

this is good btw. it’s really important that we begin making the distinction between real and virtual life again

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