
PetRPG Anonymous!

@petrpganonymous / petrpganonymous.tumblr.com

Submit your anonymous compliments, complaints, or tell us how your day went! This is a place for you to anonymously appreciate, or safely vent about things going on on site. This is NOT for mindless hate, please keep that in mind. Positive Things Only!
Anonymous asked:

the thing I miss most about petrpg being active was the daily drama/arguments. i live off that stuff. at least I have vpl and fr now.

Anonymous asked:

I'm worried that petrpg is not going to have any more updates :c

You could try organizing community events to keep everyone active? Hopefully admins will come back soon :(

Anonymous asked:

i know of some people who say they use 'male pronouns' or 'female pronouns' which rlly rlly bothers me,, i hope they eventually learn that pronouns arent gendered uhghh

This is VERY true! I'll put this in the PetRPG tag because a lot of people make this mistake.

Anonymous asked:

I'm annoyed by a handful of artists who draw and find it necessary on literally every drawing to mention, "Oh, yeah, that? I drew /that/ with a /mouse/." as if they get some kind of points for it. You don't see me saying on every drawing, "Yep, I drew that with my /bamboo small/. I know, I'm amazing." The mouse is a tool just like a tablet. It's not an achievement to learn to draw with a mouse. It's just as easy as a tablet when you've practiced(I speak from experience).

Anonymous asked:

(1/2) i am bothered. there is someone on petrpg who is anti feminist. to quote their blog, "I am an anti feminist and very much against modern feminism for quite a few reasons. I do not like modern feminism is that to many people have twisted it from it's original meaning, turning it from a fight about equality to a hatred for men. Many people calling themselves feminists have done horrible things in the name of feminism and I do not wish to be part of a movement where too many find this"

(2/2) not only this, but they thought it was a good idea to screenshot something i said and talk shit about it on tumblr, like i wasn't gonna find it in the tag LOL. what they said was horribly ableist. (this probably gives away who i am to some people and honestly i don't care and this person can come fight me :/ )


I was shamed as a child for having asthma, a physical disorder, cause I wasnt able to do sports. I tried to hide it cause I was embarrassed, which lead to many hospital trips. Compared to how people with mental disorders are treated, I had it easy.


:(! Your experiences are no less valid and I'm sorry you had to deal with that 3

Anonymous asked:

To the "romanticising disabilities blah blah" anon. I've never seen anyone ever say "I wish I had x" on petrpg, ever. I have however seen people say " think I may have x". Do you see the difference? That last anon was right. People are looking for answers, not falsifying diagnoses, and hoping for disability.

Anonymous asked:

Not just on petrpg, but on petsites/sites with young people in general: why are mental disorders so romanticized and desired? why is it that people are proud to boast about all of the things they think they have? why do they think it's a GOOD THING and WISH they had anxiety and depression and bipolar disorder and autism and everything? it's just sad that people go to such lengths to convince themselves they have these horrible disorders, and plainly insults those who actually do.

I think many people don’t consider autism as something terrible or horrible, People are proud to be autistic because they are often shamed for being aneurotypical when they shouldn’t be, etc.

Sometimes it’s less boasting and more of a form of coping/self-esteem boosting and coming to terms with rather than feeling shame or guilt.

I do agree on the fact that romanticization is really gross and harmful; however, it’s not really up to you, a stranger, to determine whether someone has/”is faking” a disorder or not?


yooooo anon i haven’t seen anyone ‘wishing’ they had a disability, just people who DO have them finally realising they’re not scum for having them and feeling better about talking about it!

attitudes like yours, anon, are the reason most of us have felt personally responsible and like horrid people for so long, and we’re not.

so yeah, if the entire world’s sitting there using autism and other disorders as an insult (the other day i saw a post on my dash that had an ‘autism meter’ spiking at full load and the person was saying that’s how they felt when they saw the st*pid drivel people posted, for example, and this shit’s not uncommon) then can you blame us for wanting to find the GOOD in ourselves?

because there’s plenty of good, we’re not tragic wrecks, and our lives are not nothing but suffering. we’re not worthless, we’re worth as much as anyone else

and honestly, at this point, yeah, i think it’s actually a-ok for someone with a disability to romanticise their disability and own it and recognise the silver linings!

people without the disability shouldn’t, sure, but the thing is, i really don’t ever see that actually happen!!!

the only people who romanticise it that i’ve seen are people who are constantly put down by society and people like you for having the disabilities in the first place, and it’s our way of fighting back and validating ourselves.

some disabled people might take issue with it and we generally respect those people but honestly?

most of the people i ever see saying ‘no don’t glorify that it’s a bad thing!!!’ are abled and trying to convince us that we lack worth and should be only ever suffering.

make sense?

ETA: prpga’s last sentence, also. It’s really not up to you to determine whether you think someone is ‘faking’ it or not, because honestly if that’s your reaction to most people???? that’s uh that’s rooted firmly in ableism right there, please step back and consider WHY you feel that why and WHY it bothers you!

and yes, that goes even if you yourself are disabled. this whole post does! it’s entirely possible to internalise ableism. that’s what the whole romanticising thing is tbh

it’s getting over the feelings society’s ground into our heads.

TL;DR: I basically went into detail about why disabled people embracing the thing everyone wants us to shut up about is a good thing!

Anonymous asked:

I don't think anyone is wishing they had a mental disorder. They're looking for answers.

Anonymous asked:

Not just on petrpg, but on petsites/sites with young people in general: why are mental disorders so romanticized and desired? why is it that people are proud to boast about all of the things they think they have? why do they think it's a GOOD THING and WISH they had anxiety and depression and bipolar disorder and autism and everything? it's just sad that people go to such lengths to convince themselves they have these horrible disorders, and plainly insults those who actually do.

I think many people don’t consider autism as something terrible or horrible, People are proud to be autistic because they are often shamed for being aneurotypical when they shouldn’t be, etc.

Sometimes it’s less boasting and more of a form of coping/self-esteem boosting and coming to terms with rather than feeling shame or guilt.

I do agree on the fact that romanticization is really gross and harmful; however, it’s not really up to you, a stranger, to determine whether someone has/”is faking” a disorder or not?

Anonymous asked:

Like, oh my god, some people need to just, like, chill out before they talk to me! If you're like, trying to start a fight with me, it's like, not gonna happen! Maybe you should like, stop reading into things so much and like, realize that maybe you're wrong sometimes! Go like, take a power nap, it's like, soooo healthy for you, and maybe it'll like, keep you from acting like a spoiled brat! That's like, totally rad, yeah?

Anonymous asked:

Real cute how people on petrpg like to act like they're my friends and then hold shit over my head or team up to try and bully me. Nobody likes you anyway, why are you still on this site?

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