
I'm worthy and will not be erased

@sinflowerknight / sinflowerknight.tumblr.com

24 | german | he/him | just screaming into the void about my obessions

I wanted to draw an angel and I wanted to draw Ardyn so I did just that. I wanted to draw a courruped angel and have the wings be all scourgy and what have you, but I thought this looked more fun in the end.


i don't know man, i just wish that we could [suddenly realising i'm coming dangerously close to expressing a real and earnest thought instead of filtering everything through several layers of intangible running bits] blow up the entire world. or something.


now that i am a real adult i am starting to realise. media lied to me about the availability of rooftops to go hang out on. every day i wish i could be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere looking cool as fuck


The biggest change I would have made to pokemon is that I'd have emphasized unevolved pokemon as their own species and made it possible for them to get just as strong as if they had evolved, maybe even stronger sometimes? The difference would be evolved pokemon grow a lot faster and might have a few more moves. I just don't like that say a Gastly has to always be understood as an immature Gengar. Their vibes are different. They deserve to be able to shine equally in different ways.


wish i could go missing for a little bit and no one would freak out and then i could come back and they'd be like "did you have fun going missing" and i'd be like "yeah, thanks" and then i could do that every couple of months or so and it wouldn't be a big deal

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