

@drdrank00 / drdrank00.tumblr.com

The Mage of Mind's domain
HERO OF MIND { wear }

reblog the money pigeon for a financially stable future


I reblog  the money pigeon because I love him.


Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.

If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals


I liked this post, scrolled for like another minute before I went “SHIT FUCK SHIT” and scrolled back to reblog it

I always reblog this one when I see it on my dash. When someone posts their own art, writing, or music here they are really hoping you will share it.



This has been sitting around in my files for a while. I wanted to add a background too but I think I got burnt out.

Instead of letting it gather more dust in my folders I might as well upload it now and if I pick it up again at a later date then so be it.

The separate img sequence or slowed down frame by frame will be uploaded another time for people who like seeing the nitty gritty details. I’m a big fan of looking at smear frames in animation. You can view the previous wip here Total Time: about 20 hours Program: Clip Studio Paint EX Frame Count: 77 (at mostly 12 FPS) I’m very proud of this all considering, Transformation sequences are my some of my favourite things to watch, I’ll definitely be making more in the future - with a touch of mrsketchy styled horror of course~


@stealingyourbones look at this awesomeness!!!!


I know many of you out there are feeling a bit down. Have a crow to Wouldn’t it be Nice by the Beach Boys to lift your mood.

He stops and looks both ways?!?

You wanna know what makes this better?

Crows normally walk. This one seems to have both legs working, so he’s not hopping out of necessity, he’s doing it for fun. Corvids can sometimes be seen doing things like this for no evident reason other than enjoyment.


This is my new favorite post

I can’t ever not reblog.

Have some happy crow vibes


a lesson on nonbinary individuals and why we feel the way we do about numerous basic things, such as the mere fact of our existence and our pronouns.


As a non-binary person, this describes the truth, the sad one, about how society sees our identities and how they make us feel like we aren’t seen.

We are purple. We are valid.


love to follow veterinarian practices on facebook because every one in a while they’ll post a picture of something so bizarrely funny. this axolotl getting an x-ray just took me out

ive been getting a lot of people really worried for this axolotl so i thought i’d clarify: she’s fine. she’s moist on the puppy pad so she won’t dry out and the x ray only takes a few seconds. the x ray was because she had an internal gut blockage due to the wrong substrate being used. they took another x ray after giving her barium to determine where in the gut it was, but the barium lubricated her gut enough that she passed the blockage with no invasive surgery and she’s completely fine. here she is not-flattened

She looks very pleased to be unflattened and unblockaged




This is one of the most adorable Pride posts I’ve ever seen

What I love about the imagery of the turtle is that it’s sending the message that they are protecting themselves by being in their shell. It’s not about deceiving straight people (like we are often told), but about the turtle’s own safety. They’ll come out when the time is right and they feel comfortable. 💕🏳️‍🌈


just came up with a really good 4 word cooking horror story but idk if you guys are ready for it

2 cups vanilla extract


okay but what did they cook after they drank two cups of vanilla extract?

wow! never seen someone invent a whole new type of sin in just 14 words before!


fyi the point of fucking up your data patterns isnt to avoid suspicion. it’s to make EVERYONE suspicious. same logic as the bloc, pals.  protect your comrades, be suspicious. ESPECIALLY if you aren’t doing anything likely to get you arrested.

the state is less omniscient and significantly more incompetent than you’d think. overextend their resources at every possible opportunity.  make them cry wolf repeatedly. run their data analysis agents fucking ragged.  and strike. attack.

YES i’m a postgrad statistics researcher and i can tell you that the state honestly has NO IDEA what to do with the data it collects, it has an obsession with big data but it’s almost impossible to work with in practice. the traditional statistical approaches that are used can’t be scaled up, the adapted approaches are substantially weakened, and the machine learning approaches have the same problems and often tell them nothing. data scientists are only just coming around to these issues too, most still just push on with it anyway - incompetence is the word. above all this though, like you say, the biggest issue for the state is at the point of data collection. they will NEVER get anything useful if they’re collecting shitty messy data. they will eventually figure out that the real solution is working how to collect accurate and meaningful data, we should make it as difficult as possible for them to do that

This makes me think that we need WAAAY more apps that generate junk data

Apps that generate junk data? tell me moooore.

Ooh I know this one!

Ad Nauseum is an adblocker that stores the ads it blocks and continuously generates fake clicks, fucking with analytics and costing the ad companies money

TrackMeNot automatically does randomly generated searches on a variety of search engines to obscure your real searches and fuck with analytics, and you can set it up to work with anything that has a search bar (including facebook, twitter, amazon, youtube, etc)

WhatCampaign replaces analytics parameters in links with the string “FuckOff”. I thought there was a similar extension that used random strings, but I can’t seem to find it

Privacy Possum is a fork of Privacy Badger with a focus on costing tracking companies as much money as possible, and idk if my limited tech knowledge is enough to understand what it does but the description does say it falsifies some data so that’s good enough for me

Boy it SURE would be a SHAME if this were SPREAD AROUND for everyone TO SEE


You also have these baby teenage mutant ninja turtles to protect you.

This is actually such a good tactic for people with serious anxiety problems. Thank you. Really. Omg.

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