Accepting fear and admitting defeat is the first step to starting again and conquering. Your life is not a scale of values reliant on how many attempts you take, it is a place for you to learn and grow wiser. Life is yours, and only yours. Yours to trial and yours to experience. Failure is not the end, it is simply a opportunity to get up and try once more.

Life by Amy Kennedy

Happiness and peace will only last as long as you allow it to, make time for joy and find space for calm. There are times in this life where people will tell you what you should feel and demand you to act the way they say you should, never lose sight of what makes you who you are. Don’t allow people to dictate your happiness, make sure your happiness is pure, clean, and real. Find your own silver linings everywhere you go.

Happiness by Amy Kennedy


Shoutout to all of the people going through some shit, but still trying their hardest to be positive. I’m proud of you.

Source: cwote
I’ve come to understand that there’s always something positive, even in a negative situation.

Leif Garrett 

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