
Jack Wills

@jackwills-usa / jackwills-usa.tumblr.com

Follow the Jack Wills Seasonnaires this summer as they grab their bags, the perfect playlist and search for the 7 Wonders of Summer!

Did someone say Figawi? Wet sails and little breeze but that moment between the downpours is stunning!


Grab your mates, pack your bags, preset your playlist, get in the car and don't look back. We're devoting the next 7 days purely to "the road trip."

Let's reminisce for a second. Cue up the Polaroid pictures taken of you sitting in the backseat of the family car between your brothers and sisters... The naps between rest stops, the license plate game, the funky smells, do we even need to say "are we there yet?" Although at the time road trips weren't exactly the foundation of dreams, there was something romantic about heading to somewhere distant with your family and close friends.

Over the course of these next 7 days we're jumping back in the car to road trip with our closest of friends. We don't know where we're going, but that's the key to the perfect road trip. The bliss in being perfectly naive and carefree.


Where did the ideas for our summer events begin? Here's a video the team put together from our summer campaign photo shoot. Destination: Sri Lanka


Sure, it's only Tuesday but it's absolutely gorgeous outside! So - we're rolling down the windows, and turning this one UP!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

-Our first post-


We've been missing for awhile, but finally, we're back! After a long winter in the mountains, we spent a few months in hiding, putting our heads together in order to come up with the most legendary JW Summer to date.  Wanting to put together a summer for the record books is one thing... the process of figuring out what it's going to entail [we're fairly sure] is known to be fatal.

Sure, we had no idea where we wanted to go or what we wanted to do (welcome to the life of a Seasonnaire), but we each had piles of bucket lists that we were ready to turn into truths.  Here were the common denominators:

1. Get as lost as possible while finding a distant shore with the brightest of horizons

2. Experience a new culture in the most traditional of locations

3. Host the most UNIQUE festival the east coast of the United States has ever seen

4. Find something untouched by the eyes of another

5. Leave sand in the city and electricity on the beach

The keys to the Landy have been located, the playlists have been made, here we go...

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