
Postcards to Richard

@samunderwoodnyc / samunderwoodnyc.tumblr.com

From an Englishman in New York.

"But for Zola, Cezanne would have remained an unhappy banker's son in Provence; but for Pissarro, he would never have learned how to paint; but for Vollard, his canvases would have rotted away in some attic; and, but for his father, Cezanne's long apprentice-ship would have been a financial impossibility... Cezanne didn't just have help. He has a dream team in his corner."

Dear Phil - I found this passage in an essay from Malcolm Gladwell's book, 'What The Dog Saw'. Thanks for kicking off my dream team! Lots of Love  Mr. Cellophane


Dear Bud - 

Hope you are keeping well - late nights, early starts no doubt! "Oh boy!". Just wanted to send you this quick pic. Thought you would appreciate it. You'd love the cast and crew - they are an amazing family.

Anyway, I'll let you get back to your visit at the palace, or wherever it is you are finding adventure right now. Have another drink for me!



It can happen in Starbucks...

It can happen in Starbucks. Anything, really. A chance encounter. Or a caffeine-catch-up. Its about taking advantage of opportunity when it presents itself. Wherever and whenever that may be. Who knows where the Pike Place can lead to. A musical interlude. A first date? Why not. Go with it. Its what you want after all. To step further into the rabbit hole. Who know. You may end up in Wonderland. Or inside Rainbow. Either way you will leave with an extra burst of energy (and thats not just the coffee talking!) So hit a Starbucks at your earliest convenience. Theres plenty to choose from. And who knows where it might lead you...

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