
skeleton hell

@kawozhin-moved-blog / kawozhin-moved-blog.tumblr.com

hi i'm danny and i hate tokyo ghoul var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<script src="http://freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site=ID4438631&e1=stray&e2=strays&r=' + ref + '&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>');

I barely use this blog anymore so i decided to remake cause fuck it it's new years and i've had this blog for a long time it's time for a fresh new start yeah ! ...gay



I am soon graduating college and this week and I’m presenting to the mentors my grad project, that was made by teamwork of four people (including myself). We had three months to make up an idea, find a way to bring it to life, and implement it.

The result - fitness mobile application for Android. Inspired by HabitRPG, FitnessAdventure is a fitness planner where you get experience points by doing your exercises, lose health points by slacking off, and uncover new part of your quest/plot with each level.

Oh, and you can pick your character class, you know, RPG style. The class affects what kind of exercises we suggest you.

We make suggestions for each level, and apart from that, you can create YOUR OWN exercises, set their difficulty level, number of repetitions, etc.

You can also collect cool badges. You like badges, right?

Anyway - it would really help my cause (read: my grade) if game got some (read: many) downloads. Please keep in mind it’s still a beta version (three months - not a lot). If there will be enough people into our idea, we will keep working on the app and make it even better! Of course, it’s free.

Anonymous asked:

i think that u r relaly cute but i am to scared to ask you out!! :3

Who is this omfg, I have a gf now tho ahhh


Hii! How are you? :33 i reeeeeaaallly looooove you blog and you :33 have a wonderful day or night! :33 *Kisses and hugsssss* :33


Ah thank you!! :*

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