

Thank you. Especially to the guy with the acne. Lots of people have acne on the chest and back, but almost no one ever acknowledges that. Young children that just start going into puberty need to know this is normal and not something to freak out/ be embarrassed about. Body positivity in the media helps so many people with self esteem issues.



Hugs are actually so underrated especially those hugs that are so tight u can literally feel the other person’s heartbeat n for a moment everything feels so calm and safe like nothing can hurt you


Proof of Time Travel

Could time travel exist? Some people believe so. Look at these images and see what you think.

1. The Chinese Swiss Watch. Back in 2008, a 400 year old tomb was opened. Archaeologists were shocked to discover this small watch among the artifacts. The back of the watch is engraved with the word “Swiss”. They have no explanation of how this modern watch came to be in an unopened 400 year old tomb.

2. Charlie Chaplin Cell Phone. Viewers watching the extras section of the 1928 Charlie Chaplin film “The Circus” noted this person seemed to be talking on a cell phone. Others have claimed it was an ear trumpet, a horned device used to help those who were hard of hearing to hear. If that’s true, skeptics argue, who would she be talking to? Why is she laughing and talking if no one is there to hear but herself?

3. 1940s Hipster. This picture was taken at a small opening event in 1941.Time travel enthusiasts were quick to point out how this man stood out. He appears to be wearing a hooded sweatshirt and printed t-shirt, and holding a modern camera.

4. Rudolph Fentz. Rudolph apparently vanished without a trace in 1876. That alone wouldn’t be enough to constitute time travel, except that he turned up again…in the 1950s. Fentz allegedly materialized in a New York street, where he was struck by a car and died. Police were baffled as to what happened, especially when they found his pockets to only hold currency from the 1800s.

5. The Man in the Book. A couple was perusing an old book store when they happened across a book with this photograph included. It shows a group from 1917, but this man sticks out. His hair is disheveled and his clothing doesn’t fit in with the time period. Also note how the man beside him his staring at him, as though he too is aware of the strangeness.


You missed the best one! The Abydos Helicopter


This scares the shit out of me


Now this is a conspiracy theory I can get behind


I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but I’m here for this.

@antipodean-beauty TIME TRAVEL IS REAL


tfw when you’re reading an exciting part of your book and your eyes keep jumping ahead and skimming paragraphs bc you’re so desperate to know what happens and you’re like hey self, calm down, take it easy and enjoy the ride.


once you start sleeping with no pants there is no going back

harry: the stars are beautiful tonight
ginny: yeah
harry: you know who else is beautiful?
ginny: *blush* who?
harry: cho chang
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