
Cada dia és un nou pas

@random-aya / random-aya.tumblr.com

AyA (32) // Loves period dramas // Enjoys Jane Austen way too much // Loves cowboys and outlaws // Loves to draw and create universes for my characters // Currently living in UK looking for a beautiful cottage to sit and relax

Guapis catalanoparlants, fa uns quants mesos que la @aya-kr i jo estem tirant endavant un projecte moníssim anomenat "Dones Modernes": una història il·lustrada disfressada de revista d'època (i més concretament, del 1900).

És totalment en català i tant els textos com les il·lustracions són nostres. Segueix les històries de dues amigues i la gent que té la sort (o la desgràcia) de compartir ciutat amb elles.

De moment estem a instagram i twitter. Allà hi pengem dibuixos i anunciem quan sortirà el proper número (ja en portem tres!).

Si hi voleu fer un cop d'ull, l'usuari és @/cafe_maurici a tots dos llocs ❤


[Image description: A black and white drawing of Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin grinning at each other, viewed chest-up. Ship’s rigging and the ocean’s horizon are visible in the background.]

I’m long overdue for some Aubrey-Maturin art, so here’s a quick doodle of the boys.


part of the problem with conscious consumerism is how exhausting it is–every week there’s some article about how cloth bags are actually worse than plastic bags, or wait no the reusable ones are bad too, and have you considering that houseplants can be bad for the earth as well? And it’s so easy to get caught up in this whirlwind of micromanaging all these tiny choices and feeling immense guilt for making the wrong ones, instead of realizing the more straightforward and more radical truth that unsustainable practices will not change until our political and economic systems do

its a trap, and we’re not going to get out of it until what matters is standing up to colonialism and capitalism and not fretting about which kind of grocery bag is the least bad for the environment


The wrong Dodo went extinct

Wait, why???? The dodo is so cool.

So this is kind of a complex issue and there are far more qualified people discussing why the Dodo is problematic (see this excellent write up by @why-animals-do-the-thing https://blog.whyanimalsdothething.com/post/148060308477/please-let-trusting-the-dodo-as-a-source-go)

One of the main problems with the Dodo is something that is sometimes hard for people without a background in zoology to pick up on, and that is the extreme anthropomorphism of wild animals in their content. Anthropomorphism happens when we erroneously apply human behavior and morals to animal interactions, which might not sound like a big deal at first but is actually incredibly dangerous for both humans and animals. I have seen an article from the dodo claiming that a pet alligator “loves hugs” from his owner. Reptiles do not experience or exhibit emotions the way humans do, and to posit that any alligator loves hugging humans is an absolute recipe for disaster. This is far from an isolated incident in their content. They infamously posted a “heartwarming” video of a polar bear “petting” a sled dog with its paw and suggested that even polar bears can’t resist patting an adorable dog. They later had to pull the content because it turned out that the bear had killed and eaten the dog later that night. Polar bears do not see dogs as cute companions; this was an example of a predator/ prey interaction. If a viewer doesn’t have much background in the behavior of alligators or polar bears, they might accept the Dodos captions as fact, and walk away with a dangerously false perception of how these animals behave.

When we look at animal behavior through the lens of our humans experiences only, we do these species a huge disservice. We have to think critically when viewing animal content online, and do our best to try understand what the behavior actually represents. It’s also incredibly important to educate people and arm them with the knowledge to identify and call-out dangerous anthropomorphism in the media! It’s absolutely okay if you thought of the Dodo as sweet wholesome content- they’ve worked hard to cultivate this image for animal lovers. Now that you have some more background you will definitely start to see the troubling content more and you can work to educate others as well! I love videos of stray puppies finding loving homes, but until the dodo stops producing other videos with dangerous wildlife encounters I can’t in good conscience enjoy their channel.


This beautifully embroidered costume was seen twice in 2019. It was first seen  in キングダム (Kingdom) where it was worn by Ji-Hoon Ju as Crown Prince Lee Chang.  Several months later it appeared in the television show  나의 나라 (My Country: The New Age) where it was seen on Yeong-cheol Kim as Yi Seong Gye.   

The lighting in My Country is harsher, making the depth and detail of the embroidery not as evident as it is in Kingdom, with the exception for the area of the sleeves, which gives be better idea of the dimension. A different belt has been utilized. 

Costume Credit: Ann-Mari


Comments left by Kentaro Miura (author of Berserk) on Young Animal Magazine when he was drawing Berserk and commentaries at the end of the book.

This has been shared before but it is well known that manga authors have brutal schedules they have to work under. So many have died before old age due to health issues.

To quote Junji Ito:

“Sleep is very important. Everyone get enough sleep. Many manga artists die young and it’s because they don’t sleep. Your best ideas will come to you when you’re sleeping. Please everyone get some sleep.”

Remember Manga authors are human beings that deserve better work conditions in their industry.

RIP Master Miura.

Thank you for all the hard work.


De Salses a Guardamar i de Fraga a l’Alguer: les comarques de parla catalana una a una. 26/88: el Vallès Oriental (Barcelona Metropolitan Ambit, Catalonia).

Vallès Oriental (“Eastern Vallès”) is a district that consists of a flat territory completely surrounded by mountains. The central area is very populated and growing, while the mountains have a low population. Its capital city is Granollers.

Some of the mountains in this district include Montseny, Montnegre, and Serralada Prelitoral. Erosion has shaped some of these mountains into cliffs and canyons, such as Cingles de Bertí.

On one of these cliffs is located Sant Miquel del Fai, a monastery built in the 15th century over a site inhabited by Benedictine monks since the 10th century who benerated the Archangel Michael in a cave. In 1832, the monastery was abolished and, since then, the place has become a very popular holiday spot for Catalans, especially writers and poets.

Another well-known place in Vallès Oriental is Cardedeu, a city that became trendy among the Barcelona bourgeoisie. They built a lot of houses to spend the holidays and weekends away from the big city, and for this reason Cardedeu still has a lot of beautiful houses built between 1880 and the first decades of the 20th century.

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