Ian McMaster

@ianmcmaster-blog / ianmcmaster-blog.tumblr.com

Indie OC | Multi-Verse

Hey everyone!

Good news! I FINALLY got internet! I am a little (or a lot) rusty, and I need to get back in the swing of things (meaning I may be slow), but I am excited to get my guys back out there!

I do have a job, which takes away a lot of my weekends, as I am working a 36 hour shift from Friday nights to Sunday mornings, so please keep this in mind.

I’ll be talking with you all shortly, just to catch up, but if you’d like to talk to me, I am available to answer messages now (A lot of the messages I had were REALLY old, and I’m not sure if you still want a reply, but I am getting to those as well).

Thanks for sticking with me/us for this past little while- things have been rough.

I hope you are all doing well, and I cant wait to talk to you!


Hey guys and gals!

I’m sorry I havent been here in forever, things have gone crazy for me, and what used to be RP time, is now Tae Kwon Do, and packing up. We were set to move home NEXT year, but we’ve decided to go this year, as in next month. So, I’ve been packing the house, doing garage sales, downsizing, and the general moving bullshit. 

The move will be rather nuts, as we will be taking a trip AS we move. We’re going to camp out at the Grand Canyon, and then spend some time in San Francisco before we actually get where we’re going- and then we’re going to be camping when we get there for a few weeks...so this meand internet will be even worse for the next month.

That being said, I do fully intend to get back to my boys! I miss both them AND ALL OF THOSE I RP WITH like crazy. My slacker ass is just busy with that real life crap at the moment.

Anyway, thank you to those who have stuck with me (you know who you are, and I love you). To the new followers, HI! I’m sorry I haven't gotten to you, but I will be back.

I hope everyone is doing well, and please know I think about you often!


Boston Runners || Kyleigh & Ian

It wasn’t that hard to take out the last remaining walkers on the roof. The cold weather seemed to slow them down some and they were becoming much more focused on all of the commotion below them. Once the last one was over, she made sure Ian was okay, seeing him looking for a way off the roof and away from the attackers below.

Quickly making her way over to him, she noted how the emergency stairs down were not an option and she began to panic. The gap between this building and the next was way too far for them to jump and she was pretty sure the people below would eventually make their way up to them. Her attention focused back to him when he asked her about flying and she took a step back. He couldn’t actually think that a little piece of rope would help them did he? She had never doubted Ian before and she wasn’t now, but damn they were up really high and if anything happened it would mean certain death.

“I don’t think I can do this Ian. I’m terrified of heights. I’ll fall, I just know it,” she confessed, rubbing her cold hands together. Kyleigh couldn’t even make it up that stupid climbing rope in gym class, how was she supposed to do this? They had come so far that she didn’t want to stop now but fear was a powerful emotion and right now, it was winning over her need to live through this.

“Yer goin te have te lower yerself down with it” he explained, looking from the rope in his hand, to Kyleigh who had a look or shock on her face. “M’goin te distract ‘em, and yer goin te have te get down quick, them move te our stuff te cover me.” It was all they could do; they’d backed themselves into a corner. “Ye’ll be fine” he said, taking her shoulder in his large hand, and turning her attention to only him. “Have ye ever repelled before?” he asked, making a knot in the end of the rope. “S’just like climbin’ down a tree”

He could tell she was terrified, and that this was the last thing she wanted to do, but she also had to know that they were fucked if they didnt do something. “Ye get down quick, then get back inte the woods, circle round till ye can get te the bags. Once yer clear and yer set up, ye fire off some shots in my direction; get their attention. Once ye have their attention, ye move- fast. Go te another point and fire again. Our only shot is te keep em moving an’ hope they think there are more of us.” He gave  her a small smile, and a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before handing her the rope. “Gloves” he muttered, handing her his good pair of gloves. “They’re big, but they’ll keep ye from gettin hurt.”

Then, he patted the edge of the building “Stick yer foot in the end loop- move fast but careful. I’ll wait fer yer signal” He trusted her, and he knew she could handle this, even if she didnt. “Go!” he ordered, moving to the opposite side of the building, and lighting the flair he’d grabbed.


Area 51 || Jack & Ian

“Not anywhere,” he muttered, half asleep and a bit fitful when Ian brought it up. “We’re pretty much stuck here, aye? We can’t go home again. It isn’t like we’ll ever really see Ma and Ireland, and if we did, they wouldn’t be the same. The world has changed Ian, and left us behind.”

The press of Ian’s hand on the top of his head went far further to calm him than anything else could have. Something Ian had had to do in rougher times for him. Jack opened his eyes. The question that had been hovering in his mind for a while now fought to be spoken out loud, even though he struggled not to. “I don’t much see the point of anything anymore, Ian, I really don’t. Here, across the country, across the world, everything is dead anyway.”

Ian kept his face straight, though the doubting tone, and almost sadness in Jack’s voice left him frowning inside. He had always promised his brother that he’d do whatever he could to keep him safe and happy, but it was like the world was calling him on that promise now. “I’ll get ye wherever ye want te go, Jacky, ye know tha’” he replied finally. 

Now more than ever, Ian saw how young Jack was sometimes, how much he still resembled that boy he always looked after. He hated the sadness in Jack’s voice, and yet there wasnt really anything he could do about it. They were on their own in a dead world. “The point is tha’ were still alive, and were tegether, jus’ like Ma wanted. We don’ get te fly the world, or go te bars and pick up girls anymore, but we’re here, and I wouldn’ have anything else” 


Boston Runners || Kyleigh & Ian

Kyleigh stood by patiently and waited for Ian as he checked the door. The noises outside were getting louder and that was making her nervous. Just as she was about to ask him what was going on, he signaled for her to be quiet and she nodded.

Thankfully there was nothing waiting for them behind the door but that didn’t mean much. Quietly she followed Ian’s steps up the stairs, ready with her knife if something should surprise them. There was an audible gasp from the runner when Ian grabbed her arm and if it wasn’t for the danger they were in, she would have given him a good piece of her mind about touching her like that. But she understood why he did it. This was serious and needed her full attention. But we’re not going to get split up, she thought. They couldn’t. He was all she had left. But again she didn’t have much time to think about it as he pushed the door open.

The cold blast hit her hard and brought tears to her eyes, but she pushed forward. How the dead managed to get up on the roof was beyond her, but she nodded to him. Hopefully some of them would fall onto the others below and give them enough time to get away. Running over to them, she started to shove them over, being careful not go along with them.

Be-lining to the edge to meet with the dead, who he could now see had name tags and vests with the name of the store on them. Casting a quick look at Kyleigh, Ian gave her an encouraging nod before kicking off the first walker.

Once the dead hit the ground, there was more gunfire, which implied that whomever was below was reacting how he’d predicted. Shoving his shoulder into another two ambling at him, Ian then let Kyleigh do the last couple, while he took time to look around and see what they were up against. 

Staying low and finding a place to peek over, Ian gritted his jaw at the dozen or so armed people below. The one safe way down, the emergency stairs, were not an option, and they sure as hell couldnt just jump. 

Hailing her over once they were alone on the roof, Ian watched his breath in the freezing air as he waited; they wouldnt make it long out in the open without a fire or warmer clothes. “How do ye feel abou’ flyin’?” he asked her, lifting his eyebrows casually as he pulled out some rope from his bag. 


Boston Runners || Kyleigh & Ian

Keeping low to the ground as Ian instructed, Kyleigh kept her eyes on him while making sure to keep her ears open for anything else. She watched him check outside, trying to maintain a normal heart rate. She should have known something like this would happen, but she had been so happy to finally find some warm clothes that she had stupidly let her guard down. Now she just had to hope and pray that they could find some way out of this together.

When he motioned for her to come over, she made sure to keep out of sight and as quiet as possible. Of course they had the building surrounded. Anyone with eyes that came upon the place would have. The place was a gold mind and with the weather outside it only made sense that other survivors would want what was inside. At Ian’s suggestion that they move up, Kyleigh nodded. She actually hated heights, but if it meant their safety, then she trusted him to lead the way. “I won’t,” she whispered. Getting up, she kept close to him, searching for any possible signs of an exit. In the far back right corner, she spotted a door and tugged on his arm to get him to stop. “Over there. That might be something.” she said, nodding over towards the door.

Coming to a stop and following her gaze, Ian nodded; they might actually get out of this. Moving to the door and pressing his ear to it, Ian closed his eyes in concentration. Holding up a finger to signal he was going to open the door, Ian opened his eyes and made sure she was ready for whatever may come.

In one swift movement, Ian pulled the door open toward them, aimed his gun into the settling dust of the stairwell, and let out a sigh. “Stay right with me” Stepping into the dim light, Ian moved slowly but deliberately up the stairs; just as they had done in the other building. When they came to the other door that would surely lead them outside, Ian gritted his teeth and grabbed Kyleigh’s arm tightly. He meant it to be something reassuring, but he was sure it wasnt how it came across. “If we get split up, ye get back te the truck and get our stuff, then ye get out’ta the city. Head te tha’ place we gathered water, aye?” his breathe was heavy and stern, but his eyes were steady as he looked at her. 

Pushing open the access door with a grunt, Ian felt the icy wind hit him, moments before he heard the groans of the dead lined up along the edge of the roof edge. “Push ‘em off” he called, rushing over. The falling dead would at least give them some time.


Hey guys,

So my boy gave me the flu, and I am currently feeling like I am gargling the asphalt from the road my body is being dragged around on. I feel like complete shit. I have responses in drafts, but honestly, I am probably going to be a couple more days out. I miss you all, but I'm not going to force you to read my fever induced responses.

I hope everyone is well!


Boston Runners || Kyleigh & Ian

The first thing Kyleigh did was head right for a long rack of heavy coats. The one she had on was very worn and dirty and she gladly shucked it off in favor of a new one. Reaching up to the rack above them, she grabbed a few pairs of gloves and some scarves before moving on towards the hats.

"What’s not to like?" Kyleigh replied with a grin, completely forgetting about everything else at the moment. If she had been paying attention, her instincts would have told her that the place was a little too good to be true. It should have been picked clean by now and trashed just like the others.

She was about to show off what she had gotten so far when she heard the explosion, then felt Ian tug her down to the safety of the floor. Everything was back in focus now and she had to resist the urge to cover her ears from the noise. Someone must have followed them or they had just walked into the biggest trap of their lives. Her wide eyes watched as she slowly made his way to the front, her hand already going to the knife she kept at her side. “Please be careful,” she whispered, not ready for a repeat of what had happened back at their old camp.

Staying low and moving slowly, Ian pulled aside part of the cardboard that was covering the window from inside. Of course everything was dusty and filtered from the explosion, but he could make out some of the daylight and a few pairs of boots moving quickly around the building. He felt stupid; nothing was ever this easy, and he should have known better. Kicking aside his thoughts, he focused on what was happening, and more importantly how to get Kyleigh out safe.

Keeping his eyes on the outside, he waved Kyleigh over, knowing her eyes would be on him. "They've flanked the building" he whispered. Finally putting the cardboard back up in the window and looking at her, he kept his face neutral as he thought. These sorts of places always had roof access; it was where they kept their heating and cooling systems, not to mention the back up generators. "We need te move up" he told her, moving away from the window "Look for a roof access. Don' get spooked an' open a door withou' me there though, we don' know wha's behind everything." he warned, signalling her to follow.

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