
Raywood Forever

@raywoodfever / raywoodfever.tumblr.com

That crazy lady who writes instead of doing her homework.

Painkiller fic

HOLD YER HORSES, it’s on paper since it’s nowhere on my laptop

this means I need to find it amongst my 50 notebooks

I will do my best to find it tomorrow <3

Anonymous asked:

As a person interested in that aforementioned fic. Could you pretty please post that fan fic? With several cherries on top. If not I understand. Thank you for your time!

if it’s not up or if there isn’t an update post (because it’s likely on paper, why do i do this to myself?) by the end of the weekend, feel free to come back and poke me with a stick. I will have forgotten :P

Anonymous asked:

I'm super sorry man I really didn't intend to be so rude I'm looking back at that and cringing I am s o sorry you definitely don't have to do anything you don't want to I'm sorry I accidentally implied that

Hey thanks for the apology! I actually have it already written somewhere, the only problem is it’s either on my laptop or in one of my 354,131,358 notebooks and I have no idea which whoops it’ll definitely be up this weekend bc what the fuck am I going to do with it all to myself? :P Again, it’ll all be okay, just maybe do a once over next time because there will be a next time. I’m a fucking wreck who can’t remember anything for the life of me haha

Anonymous asked:

I loved that zombie au so much! I can't wait to see more of it, nice job!

Thanks! I’m literally putting up the next chapter right now! :D

Anonymous asked:

werewolf/shifter!Ryan au where when ryan gets angry he turns into a wolf and the aggressive instincts become more prominent and ray is the only one who can calm him down and get him to shift back(idk I hope this makes sense)

               Gettinga call from the office was usually never anything fun and just when Ray thoughtit might turn out to be a good day. Ryan had left him in the morning with akiss and a promise to see him later if he decided to go in that day and all hadseemed fine. Apparently not because Geoff sounded mildly panicked as he toldRay what had happened, a loud thumping coming from somewhere in the background.The shifter’s truck hadn’t started this morning followed by traffic all the wayto work once he DID get it going and he broke his favourite mug at the officewhen he dropped it once he got there. His computer was bugging out and finallyhis phone had bit it as well. An angry Ryan after all that only meant one thingand luckily Michael was already on his way to pick the younger man up.

“How bad is it?” Ray managed to ask once they were pullingback into the studio lot.

“They’re taking shifts to hold the door shut on him,”Michael sighed. “We can’t get him to calm down.”

“Trust me when I say that I understand,” Ray chuckled andgot out of the car, jogging into the building.

               Sureenough, more than just the Achievement Hunters were at the door. Joel, Burnie,Blaine and Josh were all helping. As Ray walked up, he could see the reliefthat swept over Geoff and he stepped aside to let Ray sit by the door. A fewseconds passed where the banging was incredibly loud but eventually Ryanstopped trying to body slam the door down.

“Ry, it’s me,” A soft whimper came from the other side. “I’mgoing to come in.”

               Carefully,the guys opened the door just enough so that Ray could get in before closing itagain. Inside, a lot of things were knocked over but in his rage, Ryan hadmanaged to leave everything of value alone. The giant wolf had it’s ears downas it stared at the younger man. Opening his arms, Ray let Ryan snuggle intohim and stroked his fur. Slowly, he turned back into himself.

“You okay?”

“Sorry,” Ryan said quietly.

“It’s okay Ry,” Ray said soothingly, running a hand throughthe older man’s hair. “You didn’t break anything expensive.”

“I just hate getting that upset,” Ryan tightened his grip onRay.

“I know baby,” Ray cooed. “You’re back to yourself now, it’llall be fine.”


Let me tell you kiddies a story

So a little life update on my end bc it's currently 3 09 AM and I'm at fucking work and I'm dying. Also exciting things have been happening in my life and even if none of you care I am still posting this. I HAVE A BOY :D so preface to this, a guy I was previously involved with was at my work christmas party and I was looking like a solid 8 to smite his dumb ass and somehow in the process snagged this guy? Idk how it happened either. SO he asked my one friend if I would be interested that night and my friend said no but I made him change his answer the next day because this boy is a fucking 10. Like I'm a 3 without makeup and a 5 if I kind of try. So he was given my number and we talked like every day until he asked me out in the sinGLE SMOOTHEST WAY POSSIBLE. he asked me what I look for in a guy and then went "You know, I seem to fit a bit of that. We should go out" I died guys. Died. And I said yes but we haven't actually had time to go out yet with our crazy christmas schedules. And then yesterday we were working together and after he asked me if I wanted to go out for coffee (duh of course I do) even though it was 9 at night. So we were just chilling with our coffee in his truck and agAIN WITH THE SMOOTHNESS. he was like listing a bunch of stuff I have to do and one of them was "go out with brett" (his name is brett) so I was like "i already said yes to going out with brett" and he replied with "yeah. Would you say yes to kissing brett?" GUYS I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN HANDLE THIS. So I said yes and he is a fantastic kisser and then we pulled apart a little it was like a fucking movie and he pulled me in again and went for my neck and god that felt good. Sadly my mother was calling so we had to put an end to it :( so I went home only to be kidnapped by my friends and brought to two different bars. Today when he saw me at work (he was leaving as I was getting there) his face just fucking lit up and I can't take how cute it was. He's actually going to kill me. I almost went over to his house like now actually bc I don't really still want to be at work but he fell asleep so. Yeah that's life right now. Sorry I felt like ranting because I'm actually happier than I have been in a long time

Anonymous asked:

Hi are you still accepting Prompts. I just don't know now if you are or not because you haven't written a lot this week. Sorry if I'm rushing you bye love you

Don’t be sorry! I am still accepting them, the only problem is I’m back working full time over christmas so I won’t really be able to fill them until after new years :( but for sure feel free to send me more! I love reading them too :3

Anonymous asked:

wait how old do you have to be to get birth control

I would like to say first that I am 20. So age laws don’t really apply but if my mother ever found out, I would be crucified just like her lord and savior.

I think here it’s 14 with parental consent? or 16? i actually don’t know and it depends on where you live


Feel free to send me more numbers or prompts and stuff while I’m asleep! I’ll get to seeing them in the morning.

On a side note, I’m waking up early tomorrow because I’m terrified of my doctor’s appointment. TMI under the cut if you really want

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