
MyBrolly writes

@mybrolly-blog / mybrolly-blog.tumblr.com


They’re at it again.

Remember the Goodreads fanfic debaucle?  Well, another site is now doing it.  I just found 13 of my stories listed over on ebooks-tree.com, a for-profit site where I neither uploaded them nor authorized anyone else to do so.

I have a very clear statement that says I do not want my works or translations published on any platform other than AO3, for various reasons, yet this seems to have been completely ignored.

They make revenue off your work via ads and if you want to see any reviews which have been left on it, they want you to create an account with TzarMedia for access.

“Access Required.You need to create an account to gain permission to access unlimited downloads & streaming.“ “Take advantage of our special promotional offer to gain unlimited access for 5 days for free.”

Which, gee, that last line sounds like they’re charging for access to your works, too.

If you write fanfic, please check the site for your own works, Google for your name and the ebooks-tree site.

I just wrote them a letter requesting that they be removed.  I guess we’ll see what happens.

Just a few people’s works I’ve found so far:

mydwynter, holmesianpose (bittergreens), shellysbees, mybrolly, chasingriversong (chasingriver), emmagrant01, moonblossom, bbcatemysoultsuki-chibi (sailorchibi), fanfic-by-plainjane (PlainJane),  beltainefaerie, aggressivewhenstartledshinysherlock, fireofangels, atlinmerrick, bitenomnom, corpsereviver (corpsereviver2), eventhorizon451 (eventhorizon), odamakilock (odamaki), rageofthenerd (phyona), residentbunburyistsuitesamba, whitchry9, aspieat221b, xistentialangst, jamesphillimoresumbrella (tepidspongebath), s0mmersprossen (s0mmerspr0ssen), somanyhands, thesevenpercentsolution, madmaudlinart (madmaudlin), berenwrites (beren), pipmer, earlgreytea68, berlynn-wohl (berlynn_wohl), trillsabells, apostate-tony (starkrogers), verity-burns (verityburns), scarletseeker113, irollforinitiative, sherlockedgal (phuchka), jayez-fanfiction (jayez), welovethebeekeeper, writernonsense, lapislazuli, taylorpotato, daasgrrl, ivyblossom, professorfangirl, rose-deklava, random-nexus, eveningsoother (whichwolfwins), valeria2067, jinglebellfic (jinglebell), abitnotgood (nerdymind), mirabilelectu, that-leftycurse (jdmcool), estychan, thetreesgrowodd, jessamygriffindoujinshi, jupiter-ash, moriartystayingalive (quinnanderson), elphen, codenamemeretricious, abundantlyqueer, likeanelephantfootprint (elephantfootprints), merripestin, prettybirdy979, sacrilegist, salsify, tatterdemalionlogic (errantcomment), ceywoozle-deactivated20150330, quicklikelight, lexxxwasniahc (lestradesexwife), kryptaria, cleo2010, alexysmichele, ambientfall (dreykar), leloi, consultingsmartarse (consulting_smartass),

@bendingsignpost, @kedgeree11, @anarion, @slyviarachel, @hobbitfeels, @entanglednow, @goldenusagi, @annathaemah (moony), @standbygo, @misanthropyray, @luthienebonyx, @dreamlittleyo, @fisheyenomiko, @nicnac, @wendymarlowe, @thirdbird, @mommybird, @ariane_devere, @aurora_bee, @keelywolfe, @resonant, @ellen_fremedon, @jesshelga, @expectoprongs, @charliebravowhiskey, @trista_zevkia, @beautifullyheeled, @cumberbatchcritter, @mistyzeo, @cowmow, @reflectiveless, @obligatorysherlockblog (lookupkate), @wastingyourgum, @blackpearl, @liradonne, @chastityhollister, @manuscripts-dont-burn (elle_stone), @flawedamythyst, @guns_and_poses, @jessamygriffith, @heeroluva, @moonriver, @starlingthefool, @irekyn, @aderyn, @hyacinth_sky747, @ladyflowdi, @ceywoozle, @starrysummer-nights, @hobbitsdoitbetter, @belladonna1185, @durrant, @h3rring, @makokitten, @run-along-kitten-pond (comealongpond14), @dierdre2, @iampeevee, @sherlockddfic, @@torino10154, @idontknowwhatimdoing, @eyes-like-the-afghan-night-sky (kizzia),

(more coming, I’m still scanning)

This is not a comprehensive list - please check the site for your works.

Please reblog/signal boost this so as many authors as possible know about it.

If you find your works on their site, please leave a comment so we can get a more comprehensive list of everyone whose work has been compromised.

Also, even though mine is a long list, it is nowhere near all-encompassing.  If you have time and energy to do so, please check for other authors that you’ve read or actively follow (if they’re not already listed above) and let them (and us) know if their works show up there.

Note: Valeria2067 pointed out the link to get these removed, and it’s a rather arduous process here.  I’m not sure if we actually need to provide all that or not.  Especially if there are a whole slew of us and they were obviously harvested without our permission from AO3 (a good number of mine were *only* posted there, so it makes it rather obvious).  I’ve written AO3 to see if they can aid us in the removal.


John wasn't going to let the opportunity pass though. How many times would he have Sherlock drunk and unable to control that mouth of his. It was time to get as much information as possible and pray to god he remembered it when he sobered up.

“Go on. We've got all night locked in here. Tell me something at least.” John slurred and sank a bit further down the wall of their holding cell, “Was there ever anyone...special?”


Pranks: The Spider

“Oh that was nothing compared to the spider.” Mr Holmes smiled.

Mrs Holmes rolled her eyes, “Don’t get me started on that damn thing.”

“Spider?” John clutched his cup of tea a little tighter, it was great to hear all these tales of the Holmes childhood, Sherlock would never share them himself.

“It was a monster.” Mrs Holmes corrected.

John looked on confused and Sherlock’s father began to retell the story. “Sherlock was rather scared of spiders as a boy. Mycroft teased him of course, brother’s do that, don’t they? He would trap the thing under a glass and tell Sherlock he would put it in his room. The source of a few nightmares for him, let me tell you. But Sherlock was never one to let his brother have the upper hand, he somehow talked a lad a few streets over to let him borrow his tarantula. He spent weeks getting used to the thing, desensitising himself and getting over his phobia, clever boy he is. He brought it home when he could finally hold it and I think the plan was to scare Mycroft with something so big. He let it loose and waited but the spider -”

“The blooming monster” Mrs Holmes interrupted.

“-it got into the kitchen instead and it started to climb up my wife’s leg.”

“I was terrified of the damn thing. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw it. Oh it was disgusting, hairy and those eyes. Oh.” She shook her head at the memory.

“It’s not my fault the stupid thing ran away from Mycroft.” Sherlock called from the kitchen, “And stop telling John those stories!”


Pranks - The moustache

“Oh John you wouldn’t believe what it was like, always playing silly pranks and trying to outdo each other.” Mrs Holmes smiled with fondness at the memories of her boys growing up. “When Sherlock hit puberty, Mycie managed to convince him that he wasn’t anything more than a child unless he could grow a moustache. He obsessed over showing his brother he could grow one. He practically had a mirror in his hand constantly checking the growth. He didn’t realise Mycroft snuck into his room during the night and shaved off anything that had grown.” She chuckled, “The neighbours called the police the night Sherlock woke up and caught him. The scream made them think there was a murder in the house.”  


“Oh boys, think of the neighbours” Martha muttered to herself as she rinsed the soapy glass.

Sherlock had been back for a month now and it was such a joy to have him home, as much of a pain as he was, Martha still considered him as a son. It was nice to hear that John had finally forgiven him – he hadn’t moved back in but the noise coming from upstairs was reminiscent of that which caused her to buy earplugs long before Sherlock’s death. It was lovely they were continuing their relationship but did their sex life have to be so noisy?

Clearly John had been trying to move on with this woman he was planning to marry, but it was obvious, even to an old fool like Martha, that the boys belonged together and loved each other dearly. Even if they did try and hide it.

Finally they silenced in the flat above, hopefully that would be it for the night, new earplugs were definitely needed.

“That bloody doorbell.” She cursed as she made her way to the front door, god knows what Sherlock has done to it this time, coming back from the dead was nothing, the miracle would be if he answered the front door.

“Forgot my keys.” John smiled when she opened the door.

“Oh that’s alright dear. I thought you were upstairs, I was going to bring you up some shortbread I made this morning.”

“Sounds lovely, but I’m not staying long, just need a word with him.”

Clearly still some animosity there but the boys would work it out, they always did. Nothing can stand in the way of true love.



Mrs Hudson overheard the men pass each other on the stairs and give the curt greeting as she made her way back into her own flat.

It wasn’t until later that night that it hit her. The noise from upstairs, John wasn’t there, Mycroft was. It wasn’t possible, she was sure she misheard but it was hard to think it anything other than the obvious.

Mycroft Holmes?

But they’re brothers.

It couldn’t possibly be. No. Definitely not.  


Captain Redbeard - 221b ficlet

“Thought you could steal my treasure, did you? Prepare to die Redbeard.”

Sherlock laughed as he began tickling the dogs tummy. Usually they ran around the house, Sherlock chasing the evil pirate Redbeard with his wooden sword but Redbeard was tired, he didn’t want to run today. Sherlock had tried to take him out into the field behind the house but he just lay there uninterested.

“Come on Redbeard, play!” Little Sherlock nudged the dog gently only for it to look up with his sad, tired eyes.

Dejected, Sherlock went to the kitchen, dragged a chair to the counter and climbed up to reach Redbeard’s special dog treats. They were Redbeard’s favourite treasure, Sherlock would bury them and watch his pet try and find them. He always did, the evil Captain Redbeard was the fiercest pirate to sail the seven seas.

“Find the treasure, Redbeard, go on boy, find the treasure.” Sherlock encouraged when he had successfully hidden some treats under the stairs. “Why don’t you want to play? You always want to play.”

“Leave the poor thing alone, Sherlock. He’s not well, let him rest.” Mummy chastised as she entered the room. “I think he may have to… go to the farm” She whispered to Dad.

“You’re not sick are ya?” Sherlock rubbed the dog’s ear, “You’re a good boy.”


A Weather Eye - 221B ficlet

“I’ve kept a weather eye on him, of course.”

Far more than a weather eye was kept on John Watson.

It had started as a gesture to Sherlock, watch over his precious doctor and make sure there was no back-up plan from Moriarty. Somehow it grew from having one of his staff watch for John’s safety to staying by the computer each night, watching John in the most mundane of activities.

The camera in the new flat was excessive but it gave the best footage possible. Mycroft watched John eat, drink, cry and adjust to life without Sherlock. He watched the attempts at dating women Sherlock would never approve of and saw John’s heart attempt to mend.

One fortunate night he watched John down another beer and load the porn on his computer. Mycroft knew it was time to turn off but he sat frozen, staring at the screen as John released his erection and began stroking it. He watched John’s stubby fingers slide along his ample cock as he threw his head back and bit his lip through a breathy moan.

Mycroft’s own cock twitched and he decided to join John. One filthy session of masturbation and then he would cure himself of his obsession with the man. It was the only choice afterall, John belonged to his damn brother.  


Whiskey and Cigarette Smoke

Mycroft Holmes had walls built in a multitude of places, around his heart were the strongest and that beautiful man broke each one down. Gregory Lestrade. He was gentle and kind while being rugged and manly with deep brown eyes a man would happily get lost in, even a man like Mycroft Holmes. How could one man do so much damage?

  Mycroft’s feelings began the moment he met the detective inspector. Sherlock was causing his usual trouble and his elder brother stepped in to stop him being arrested (something he had to do far more often than most siblings). Gregory was flustered but seemed to stop when their eyes met, everything slowed around them and in that moment Mycroft knew his defences would take a blow each time he saw the stunning man.

  Of course Greg was married. It was foolish to even think for a moment that the man had reached this age unattached. The ring shone on his finger like a warning beacon, a sign not to let himself get close to the detective, not to even hope for something more than a relationship that revolved around the mutual annoyance that was Sherlock. Though he just couldn’t help himself. Each visit took longer to sign the forms needed to release the devil of a brother, each time the conversation verged on the more personal side, a smile lingered on both men’s lips and a tentative friendship was born.


221B Mythea ficlet

I will, I will, I will overcome writer’s block.

They were trapped, eyes fixed on them and the mistletoe overhead, Mycroft bent his head and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek, ever the professional.

Anthea smiled to hide her slight disappointment. She’d wanted the brush of his lips on hers, she hardly expected him to kiss her here, in front of colleagues and dignitaries, but a girl was allowed a fantasy.

The night continued, the chatter was mundane but the drinks flowed freely. Christmas was always highly celebrated with a party of this calibre and many deals had been made on the back of morning after regret.

The guests dwindled until they were alone, surveying the scene.

“Another success, Sir.” Anthea muttered to break the silence.

Mycroft gave her a genuine grin, “Planned by the best, my dear.” This particular event he knew has taken her weeks to arrange. “Certainly earned your Christmas bonus.”

A small chuckle left her lips. There was only one thing she wanted this Christmas and money was far from it.

Once the last drop of scotch was drained from his glass and the car waited outside, Mycroft lightly held Anthea’s wrist, moved her a few steps and looked up at the mistletoe before kissing her to the point her knees weakened.

“Merry Christmas, my dear.”

“And to you, Sir.” Her genuine smile beamed brightly.



Mycroft managed to keep it from Sherlock a lot longer than he thought he could, his little brother’s lack of interest in his life made it a lot easier. If John hadn’t noticed the jaundice then perhaps he could’ve passed away in peace without Sherlock ever knowing.

His kidneys had almost completely shut down now. Useless things they were. Dialysis was just a hassle and interfered far too much with his work, he’d only consented after numerous collapses and near death moments. Anthea had proved her worth in saving him more than once.

Sherlock likely wouldn’t care but Mycroft couldn’t take the chance that he would. His brother’s blatant disregard for him helped in this situation, it protected the younger Holmes from having to suffer along with Mycroft.

Mycroft knew from the various records he kept, his brother was a possible donor match but he flatly refused to let Sherlock be contacted regarding it. The last thing Mycroft wanted was Sherlock cut open and an organ removed just because he had the bad luck to get ill. Sherlock was fragile, even if he didn’t like to admit to it, he wasn’t weak but he didn’t need to go through this. Either a donor would be found or he would die, an eventuality he was prepared for.

“Don’t be so foolish.” Sherlock snapped at Mycroft when he refused to let Sherlock donate. “Do you honestly wish to die? Would you rather that than take help from me?”

This had nothing to do with help from his brother. Mycroft would rather die than risk Sherlock’s life with an unnecessary operation. Sherlock had so much to give the world whereas someone would fill his position in the government before his coffin was in the ground. Sherlock was irreplaceable, Mycroft knew he wasn’t.

Sherlock sat on the hospital bed and rhymed off a list of reasons why Mycroft should accept his kidney, each logical yet none made the elder brother sway in his decision. His entire life he had put Sherlock first, he wasn’t going to change that now.

“You’re going to die just to stop me having one over on you? Are you that invested in our hostility?”

“Brother, do you think I would give my life for animosity? My reasoning goes far beyond such trivial matters.”

“Then tell me your reason because I fail to understand it.”

There was no way Mycroft could admit why he refused the lifeline. Sherlock would never accept that he cared for his sibling.

“It’s simply my time, Sherlock.”

“Don’t lie to me, don’t dare.”

Mycroft’s eyes fixed on the dialysis machine, he honestly felt he’d crack if he looked in Sherlock’s eyes.

“I’m protecting you.” The words barely audible.

“You’re doing the opposite.” Sherlock’s eyes also fell on the machine, words of affection were so rarely spoken between them. “If you die then you leave me, you hurt me. I refuse to let you go if I can help.”

“Sherlock, no. It’s too risky and I am not jeopardising you.”

“If you wish to do something for me then let me help. If you are to give me anything then give me my brother.”

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