

@jbfromdc / jbfromdc.tumblr.com

JB, 32, DC, I come on here to scroll through poetry irregularly.
“Drunk text me. I want to be the one you think of when you can’t think straight.”

— “Drunk Texts are Flattering” by Claire Luisa (via claire-luisa)

“You want to know what it was like? It was like my whole life had a fever. Whole acres of me were on fire. The sun talked dirty in my ear all night. I couldn’t drive past a wheatfield without doing it violence. I couldn’t even look at a bridge. I used to go out in the brush sometimes, So far out there no one could hear me, And just burn. I felt all right then. I couldn’t hurt anyone else. I was just a pillar of fire. It wasn’t the burning so much as the loneliness. It wasn’t the loneliness so much as the fear of being alone. Christ look at you pouring from the rocks. You’re so cold you’re boiling over. You’ve got stars in your hair. I don’t want to be around you. I don’t want to drink you in. I want to walk into the heart of you And never walk back out.”

— Nico Alvarado ”Tim Riggins Speaks of Waterfalls” (via typicrobots)


Tonight all I want Is to dance and feel like fire. Bring whiskey. Bring flames.

sorry if you followed me from twitter and are now dealing with me being nostalgic about tumblr, but i kinda love this haiku i wrote about fireball in 2014 🫣


The full update on the boy drama

So, boy I’ve been fully strung along by all summer recently broke up with this other guy he was pretty close to being boyfriend-boyfriend with and proceeded to invite me over this past weekend and do some more damage to me. As usually happens when he decides he’s interested in me, we’ve been texting pretty constantly this whole week, and he reiterated here and there “he’s not looking to date anyone rn.” Here’s where it gets interesting.

The other guy he just ended it with? Matches with me on tinder today. We have like a regular conversation, and like neither of us acknowledge the elephant in the room that we’ve dated the same guy. He invites me out for a drink. After careful consideration, I decline for tonight. Meanwhile, I text the first boy to be like “hey guess who I’m talking with on tinder, LOL” and we both agree it’s pretty weird.

But you know like, here I am later this evening with this other boy’s phone number now and hey he and I might even get a drink this weekend. Honestly, from everything the first boy told me about him, we might be looking for the same kind of relationship so, who knows.

this whole thing is so fucked and bizarre but like also hilarious and fascinating.

i was really just on here spilling nitty gritty details about my love life in 2014, huh

“…we’ll go quietly.“

Ryusuke Hamaguchi

- Drive My Car


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