

@imaginedrabble / imaginedrabble.tumblr.com

My hobbit drabbles... and other Tolkien related stuff... Mainly.

I pretend to be complex and clever but in reality, nothing has ever made me laugh harder than those bad Chinese subtitles from the bootleg Lord of the Rings DVDs. Tears streaming down my face, core aching, slowly suffocating because I’m laughing too hard.

also (because one can never have too many of these)

and my personal favorite:

I somehow forgot to add my own favorite, which is this one:

I also appreciate the ones that really change the tone and suggest that the characters openly loathe each other…

and this one, which gently encourages self-care:

listen you guys forgot some important ones


I am crying. My four year old wants to know what’s wrong with me.

I need a copy of this so much omg

God I need to watch this so bad… @fromthedeskoftheraven

@inkededucatednnerdy oh my gosh…I’ve never seen the expanded post, I’m cackling


‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a Jetplane

... And don’t know when I’ll be back again~ 

I’ve been rather inactive for a long while now, but lately even more so.

I feel bad for not posting as many fics as I would have wished, nor reblogging and answering some posts I’ve been tagged in. Believe me they have all touched my heart and made me feel so included in this dorky and absolutely utterly wonderful fandom (my very first<3)

But due to a pretty tough, yet freeing, separation from a very long relationship I feel my life is now hitting the gas pedal and I’d hate to not be in the car when it drives off into the sunset, so that is where my focus will be. 

So I’m officially going on a break :)

I have no idea how long will last, but I really wanna say a special special thanks to @drabbletastic @averil-of-fairlea @middle-earth-obsessed @fromthedeskoftheraven @immawriteyouthings @trollmblr5000 @writer-of-bagend @oraclesoftime @theimaginesyouneveraskedfor for in one way or another making my time extra precious here, and I do consider you my friends :3 

And to everyone who follows me, has ever liked my posts or reblogged them; I feel so honoured and humble, thank you! *bows* 

This fandom has really been a place for me to grow, finding self confidence in some areas I wanted more out of in life (not gonna lie, the nsfw fics are one of the involved topics here haha), and widen my perspective on so many aspects of life and I care for the lot of you! (Even if we’ve never spoken, because we have this cool thing in common so no butttsss. Gollum gollum.) 

Until next time; take care everyone! <3


Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged.

I was tagged by: @middle-earth-obsessed - Thank you, you precious thing! ^.^ Perfect now that I’m getting to know myself again ^.^


i hate when those couples u think r gonna last forever break up bc its like… love isnt real… everything thing good must always come to an end….

this post is about vanessa hudgens and zac efron tbh

Personal Note.

Sorry, sidetracking from the  tolkien theme again, But coming from the perspective of being one of those couple that ppl think will last forever, The reason to why “Everything good must come to an end” is because that which was good about that relationship isn’t there anymore, but it isn’t gone, it simply moved, or shifted to something- or someplace else. But it definently isn’t dead. People need to realize that. Everytime a door closes a new door opens, and it’s always better- even if it may not seem like it, even if it sucks- it almost always sucks no matter if you’re the one that did the leaving or you’re the one who was left behind. 

People come into our lives, they touch our hearts, they help us grow and we do the same for them, we walk together for a while (sometimes that “while” is a lifetime). But when a chapter is done, it’s done. It’s time to write a new chapter, and considering the fact that we ourselves are the authors of our own lives, we decide what these chapters will contain. And love is everywhere, believe me, all we gotta do is open our eyes and hearts to it and pop said the hamster in the microwave and love will pour out from everywhere. 

And sometimes, people break up, perhaps even meet other people, only to get back together again. Whatever happens, happens because it’s all part of the road called life. This is how we learn, this is how we figure ourselves out. Maybe we need new perspectives to get on with our lives because we’re stuck? Well that’s great! That’s what brings evolution forward. Love will always be there, it will always be a part of our lives.

The end of a long relationship is neither good nor bad, it’s what you make of it. No more, no less.

Learn to love yourself. 

Please don’t be afraid of change.


I was tagged by the lovely @fromthedeskoftheraven​ a long while ago, wasn’t sure if I’d do this one,  but oh fuck it!  

(No, Not Gandalf. The hobbit waving his hand in the lower left corner is the true “Ah, fuck it”-guy)

Rules: Tag the person that tagged you. Answer the questions and tag 20 people.

1. How tall are you? Something around 5′5″ 

2. What color and style is your hair? Curly, dark blonde.

3. What color are your eyes? Green.

4. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Nay! Though they did recomend I should when I got my drivers license... but there’s alot of things one should do in life... like, go travel... or get an education... or run for presidency.

5. Do you wear braces? Wish I did.

6. What’s your favorite fashion style? Lumbersexy C: And boho, but not to extravagant ^^ So yeah... lumbersexy. Haha.

7. When were you born? Sometime in the fall *wiggles eyebrows mysteriously*

8. Where are you from/live? Sweden.

9. Do you have any siblings? Yes, and I was that super annoying, hyper baby sister that rarely got the blame for any shit I did he he.

10. What kind of student are you? I’m a great procrastinator :) Actually skimmed through my old math notebook a while back.... there were alot of drawings of elves and horses... Hah.

11. Do you like school? Well... I didn’t in particularly hate it, but I didn’t like it that much either. But I think I would now though. I’ve found that the company you keep is definently a key component. Would take the Fellowship of the Ring or the company of Thorin Oakenshield any day over the one I actually had in high school.

12. What are your favorite subjects? Art!!! And dancing :) And...to my own big suprise; religion, philosophy and psycology.

13. What are your favorite characters? “May I introduce to you; The company of Thorin Oakenshit...” ...And pretty much everyone from the LotR trilogy, and, well, Chuck (Pushing Daisies), Nina (Being Human), Luna Lovegood (HP), Tyrion Lannister (GoT), Jean- Luc Picard and Data (Star Trek NG), 

14. What are your favorite TV shows? Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Pushing Daisies, The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Game of Thrones, the Office... But I have a hard time on following up on them.

15. Favorite pastime? Oh god, there’s so many! But at the moment it’d be drawing/painting and playing on my friend’s ps3. But as much as I love my lone time, spending time with the ones dear to me is equally important :)

16. Any regrets? Well, it’s not a regret per se... but I can’t help but wonder; if I could’ve gotten my thumb out of my arse earlier, could it have spared a few others and myself from some unneccesary out dragged heartache? And still, I know the answere to that.

17. Do you like shopping? Hehe... yesss, when I’m in the mood. Just give me that money and I’ll spend it. *lowers head shamefully while extending a greedy open palm*

18. Do you want children? Sure, why not. :) But I wanna have some fun first :D

19. What countries have you visited? Norway, Finland, Denmark, Latvia, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, France, Spain, Honduras, USA, Australia, Hong Kong.

20. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Strangely, the only one I can think of atm is from when I was a kid. My family and I is strolling down some country road, it’s summer and the sun is shining, I run ahead of them towards a larger road where I spot a bulldozer closing in. I want to warn my family of the bulldozer, afraid it’s gonna run them over, but I somehow don’t? Like I can’t remember if I just can’t or if there’s another reason. And it all goes so slow, like in a poorly made comedy movie: Image close-up on my family cheerily walking towards the crossing. Next image: close up on the bulldozer closing in. Dun dun DUN. What will happen next? Will my family be able to see the gigantic killing machine (Did I mention it was ridiculously big??) or blindly get rammed by it, turning into ketchup on the road? Haha, god, why am I writing this?

21. Do you have any enemies? Honestly? Don’t think I do :) 

22. Do you believe in miracles? Mhm :)


Tag, you're it!

Thanks for the tag @fromthedeskoftheraven C: 

So I’m gonna tell you guys 3 things about myself and then tag 10 followers, so here goes.. ^^

1. Foxes and japanese long tailed tits has a special place in my heart. 2. My chin crinkles whenever I’m upset. ^^ 3. I always feel safe when I look at the moon, like... She’s got my back and I know that she’ll catch me whenever I fall.

I tag @drabbletastic , @middle-earth-obsessed , @immawriteyouthings , @ladyofthedurins , @dare-to-love-dare-to-dream , @beestille , @noirpanda , @thorinx , @isoldmysoulforwhat , @writer-of-bagend  if u guys are feeling up for it! :)


“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”—J.R.R. Tolkien

(Thinking of Paris tonight. They are in my heart and mind.)

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