
pon , pop , J-POP!!!

@mimipon / mimipon.tumblr.com

hello there !! Welcome to my blog , hope you like it ~
About me ?
My name is Mariam I'm 19 years old , Leo girl♌️ INFP , SLP , yoroshiku~ ❤️☺️https://curiouscat.me/Bubblyheart_xo
nothing like something sweet to get rid of stress~

A comic about controlling your symptoms and trying to get other people to understand why it’s so hard to do so, in goo form


One thing we don’t really talk about is the menstrual cycle as a mental health issue. My mood gets noticeably worse when I’m pmsing, my temper gets a lot shorter, my anxiety often gets worse, and I’m a lot more likely to spiral into a depressive episode. And it happens every month.

There’s all this joking about girls on their period, but like… mood regulation is enough of a disaster for me in a genuinely serious way without my hormones going off the rails.

Anyway we need to be better about talking about menstrual cycles, and part of that discussion has to be the serious implications it can have on people with mental illness.


‪If you failed at one thing, you are not a failure.‬ 

If you failed at many things, you are not a failure.‬  ‪

If you fail in the future, you are still not a failure.‬ 

You never were and you never will be one.

You are not a failure, okay. 


me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts


Dear People Who Smoke

I don’t know if you have considered this but stop smoking in areas where people are forced to wait at. Don’t smoke at crosswalks. Don’t smoke outside doorways. Don’t smoke at bus stops. People with asthma or other breathing conditions or people that idk DON’T WANT TO BREATHE IN YOUR CIGARETTE SMOKE are trying to get to places and need to be able to breathe. Stop smoking in crowded areas. stop smoking in crowded areas. STOP FORCING NONSMOKERS TO SECOND HAND SMOKE. 

This may be news to some people, but this applies to marijuana too.

This actually also applies to vapes. My asthma goes off to even vape smoke, it’s not harmless, there are particulates in it that other peoples lungs can and are affected by.

You do not have the right to force anyone else to smoke or vape your fumes.

with a special shout-out and fuck you to parents that smoke in the car with their children


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