
There's always another story

@necrosis103 / necrosis103.tumblr.com

Hey! My name's Alex

Yo, if anyone wants to keep in contact during this great Tumblr abandonment message me I can share my twitter or something <3

So it’s been a minute, I don’t know if anyone I used to talk to is left but I’m probably gonna finally make a new account, this one’s been around a long time and I want a fresh start

Probably only going to lock it though, but still, I’ll give the new blog to anyone that’s interested


Yo, if anyone wants to keep in contact during this great Tumblr abandonment message me I can share my twitter or something <3

So it’s been a minute, I don’t know if anyone I used to talk to is left but I’m probably gonna finally make a new account, this one’s been around a long time and I want a fresh start

Probably only going to lock it though, but still, I’ll give the new blog to anyone that’s interested


Yo, if anyone wants to keep in contact during this great Tumblr abandonment message me I can share my twitter or something <3


You know that thing Blizzard loves to forget to add? Female character models for NPCs and minor races. 

I needed Taunka females for obvious reasons, so I started messing around with their designs. This was one of the first sketches I did, need more research on clothes.

( also a giant thank you to everyone for all the nice things you said while I was wallowing in misery, I won’t be able to thank you all enough )


Farsight has Mercy on Ultramarines

‘Parley, I think you call it,’ said the xenos, his Low Gothic strangely lilting but accurate.

Sicarius spat a gobbet of acidic saliva towards the xenos leader. It landed a hand’s breath from his three-toed foot, hissing as it burnt into the scorched roof. 

‘You have inflicted much damage upon Dal’yth,’ said the alien warlord. ‘Scarred it deeply as you fought to conquer it for your Emperor. Though I should not say this, I respect you for the skill and strength you have shown here.’

‘You are faithless bastards all,’ said Sicarius, ‘and one day you will be put to death, in the name of the Emperor.’

‘Faith is a powerful force indeed, it is true,’ said Farsight. ‘We have our own faith – not in one of our number raised to godhood, but in a mutual destiny that cannot be denied.’

‘What would you know of honour,’ snarled Sicarius.

‘I know that if it is broken, it cannot easily be repaired. We too have a warrior code.’

‘Lies,’ said Sicarius.

‘For instance,’ said the alien, ‘I would consider it dishonourable to give my cadres the order to hunt down and kill every one of your white-armoured medics, ensuring their ritual death flasks are ground beneath our boots. That would be a stain upon my soul I could not erase.’

‘It would be a great shame if matters came to that,’ continued the xenos warlord. ‘Enough lives have been lost, on both sides, for us to learn from this. But my advisors have recently told me your masters have ordered an evacuation, so perhaps such extreme measures are not needed after all.’

‘Our civilisations will cross paths again,’ Sicarius said, his face etched with contempt and anger. ‘That I promise you, alien. And on that day, there will be blood.’

‘I am sure of it,’ said the xenos warlord sadly, turning and walking slowly into the craft as it drifted towards the stars.

From ‘Blades of Damocles’


do u ever remember all the horrible offensve things u said when u were like 15 and u literally feel ur soul detach and turn 2 dust 


your fave is problematic: yourself

Basically, yeah. That’s kind of the point – you always have to look back on yourself and be mortified and resolve to be better. Shit, the stuff I said just five YEARS ago (and I’m almost 33) makes me cringe like a motherfucker. Burn in mortification. Rise from the ashes and be better. Lather, rinse, repeat for the rest of your life.

This is why purity culture doesn’t work!!! We’re all shit! We can all grow and do better!


Hey, here’s another rogue trader campaign for a group of players I made, featuring a magos-explorator Vendigroth, General Reinhardt “Wild Dog” Mattox, rogue trader Dietrich Van Gelt, seneschal Lady Elena DeGelt,  missionary Acrius Duroniusand and flight marshal Tobias Wake.

Drawing rogue trader characters was my dream for a while and I’m glad I’ve got another opportunity to do so.


I drew/made characters based off of chess pieces

Reblogs are better than Likes

full picture of the pawns:

Gahhhh I really love this. :3


girls in movies: ripping people to shreds with their teeth. traveling in swarms, protecting ancient rivers filled with treasure and danger

girls irl: swimming peacefully, might nibble you if you’re a bastard

ah fuck. it seems I’ve gotten girls and piranhas mixed up again.

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