
Friendly reminder that if you shake hands with a guy you shouldn’t eat or touch your face until you’ve washed your hands.

this isnt some Feminist Joke, btw, they basically teach this in food safety since so many guys think its fine to not wash their hands after they’ve touched their dick



I have to share this now.

I work at a tech company. One project had me interacting with a software engineer that kept installing new versions of the project over his previous work, causing us all sorts of headaches. I told him this was the software equivalent of cooking a meal after using the toilet, and he was making us all sick.

Fast forward a bit. I’m coming in to work and pass this individual on the way in to the gowning area/locker room/restroom (we have showers and changing rooms at work). He enters the bathroom area, washes his hands, THEN uses the toilet, and then LEAVES.

I can do nothing but stare disbelieving at his back. What is going on? Does he think the order of the steps isn’t important, as long as he does them? Is he doing this to spite me because of what I said?

The answer is none of the above.

Dudes just be like that.

One of the first pieces of advice my doctor told me after I became immune compromised was to avoid shaking people’s hands but especially the hands of men. The second piece of advice was to go plastic and avoid handling cash ever, but especially cash back from clerks who were men (so if the clerk was a woman and I had cash I needed to offload go ahead and play roulette but credit/debit only if the clerk was a dude).

Then they showed me a study about the restroom habits of men complete with bacterial/viral/fungal cultures taken from hands of men who did wash, who didn’t wash, and who claimed to wash but hadn’t actually. It was real gross, y'all. There was a similar study for women but even the women who didn’t wash their hands had less contagion because they were not directly in contact with their genitals.

So like, big pass from me on hand shakes in general.



I’ve been looking for my friend Athena since she disappeared in 2015. I met her through the app Vent and we talked on Kik, where her usernames were fuckah. She disappeared with no warning and no goodbyes. She struggled with depression and an ED, and I’m worried that’s why I haven’t heard from her. She never told me her Tumblr or Instagram or anything else so it’s impossible for me to find her on any other social media except for the ones pictured. Again, she has been missing since 2015. Messages sent to her on Kik will not deliver. I miss her so much and I’m so worried about her. Please reblog this, my hope is that she or someone who knows about her will see this and have some kind of information.

She had many hair colors, including a silvery purple. Last I know she was dating a boy named Dominic. I don’t know how old she is. She’s white. She loved twenty one pilots, so much, she even saw them live once. She was very kind but took no shit. She was a good friend.

Please help me find her.



I’ve been looking for my friend Athena since she disappeared in 2015. I met her through the app Vent and we talked on Kik, where her usernames were fuckah. She disappeared with no warning and no goodbyes. She struggled with depression and an ED, and I’m worried that’s why I haven’t heard from her. She never told me her Tumblr or Instagram or anything else so it’s impossible for me to find her on any other social media except for the ones pictured. Again, she has been missing since 2015. Messages sent to her on Kik will not deliver. I miss her so much and I’m so worried about her. Please reblog this, my hope is that she or someone who knows about her will see this and have some kind of information.

She had many hair colors, including a silvery purple. Last I know she was dating a boy named Dominic. I don’t know how old she is. She’s white. She loved twenty one pilots, so much, she even saw them live once. She was very kind but took no shit. She was a good friend.

Please help me find her.



I've been looking for my friend Athena since she disappeared in 2015. I met her through the app Vent and we talked on Kik, where her usernames were fuckah. She disappeared with no warning and no goodbyes. She struggled with depression and an ED, and I'm worried that's why I haven't heard from her. She never told me her Tumblr or Instagram or anything else so it's impossible for me to find her on any other social media except for the ones pictured. Again, she has been missing since 2015. Messages sent to her on Kik will not deliver. I miss her so much and I'm so worried about her. Please reblog this, my hope is that she or someone who knows about her will see this and have some kind of information.

She had many hair colors, including a silvery purple. Last I know she was dating a boy named Dominic. I don't know how old she is. She's white. She loved twenty one pilots, so much, she even saw them live once. She was very kind but took no shit. She was a good friend.

Please help me find her.


Since I’m not seeing her name nearly enough on the press, let’s give the attention Katie Bouman deserves. Thanks to her, we are now possible to see the first ever image of a black hole, something that people talked 200 years ago for the first time. It’s no longer a myth. We are girls and we can be whatever we want to be. Einstein would be proud of you, Katie. Thank you!

Here you can see a huge stack of hard drives she used for Messier 87’s black hole image data.

Because I just saw the number- in case anyone else was wondering, those hard drives contain 5 petabytes, that is to say 5,242,880 GIGABYTES OF DATA, which is apparently what is necessary to photograph a black hole. 

Me: *takes a deep breath*
Me: I lo-
Anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes you love That's the Spirit, we know, you love That's the Spirit so much, it's the light of your life, you love it so much, you just love That's the Spirit- we KNOW, you love That's the Spirit you fucking love That's the Spirit ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE THAT'S THE SPIRIT. WE GET IT.
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