
Catnip for Girls

@countrysaladbadman / countrysaladbadman.tumblr.com

Graham Coxon is my girlfriend. This is a blog about Blur. Check out my non-blur blog, too: saltyseaz.tumblr.com

updates on graham's handwriting post -- now the collection looks like this:

i made two new pieces fit this time and this will be the final size of the picture. if i get new ones i'll make it into another collage :). thanks to @aquascene1 for the seymour poster and the letter he wrote to quip magazine on top! <3 🌼


rating pictures of graham coxon based on how quickly id hit on him in a dyke bar

the double plaid/sweater/big collar combination is maybe the butchest thing i've ever seen. highly sophisticated look considering the amount of clashes. and the mean confused stare. only a lesbian could pull this off. HOWEVER she loses points for bringing her twinky friend. 9/10

double denim, plaid, sunglasses, KEYS.....and still that stare of judgement and confusion. this fit gives me painful gender envy. this is a dyke who spends all night at the edge of the room with a pint in her hand before going out the back alley to having a pissing contest. i want her to [redacted]. 10/10

this photo makes me think of literally every queer english lit student i've met and i love it. the round glasses/haircut combo would make me wary re. harry potter fan bc i have been burned before, but she looks very friendly and im also pretty sure i own that jumper. 7.5/10

this is that scary group of dykes who are rly tight w the bar owner and are almost impossible to integrate with. as an outfit this isn't massively exciting, although the jacket is fun. the haircut and general vibe makes me think that if she took me home her walls would be covered in alison bechdel prints. which is fine. but there's a generally very intimidating aura here. 6/10.


i meet her in the smoking area. she takes me home and is gone by the morning. i see her again a week later. she ignores me. 10/10 it was worth the pain

the stripes are arguably not gay themselves, but in combination w the wallet chain and the fun lil newspaper thing she's got going on it hits hard. the pose is a bit intimidating but i feel like i would still hit and risk the rejection. 8/10

everyone loves a sophisticated older dyke. i like the book in the pocket. i feel like she'd be easy to talk to but the energy might be a bit lacking. 7/10

i know her strap is big....i KNOW IT....11/10 this is GF material


Elton John on his love of Blur (BBC6):

“They’ve been together 30 years and I think is the best album they ever made. And I told them so, and I told Damon. Graham Coxon is probably the world’s best guitarist. The space between the drum and the bass player, Alex and Dave, the way they play together. Damon’s voice is like an instrument. He is not really a vocalist but he uses his voice like an instrument, there’s not other singer like him. My Terracotta Heart is just…my god. What an amazing achievement 30 years on to make something which is the best thing you ever done, with that amount of energy and passion, but the musicianship and the space in the production, and I say that because I’m a musician and I listen to it, and I think, ‘that’s exquisite’. The things Coxon plays on every track is just breathtakingly beautiful and simple. When you have four musicians playing in sync like that, so well, is just fantastic.”
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