
The Stand Stand

@stand-stand / stand-stand.tumblr.com

Are you a fan of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? Do thoughts of stands haunt your every waking hour? Can you imagine the countless possibilities that simple arrows and bones can produce? Well, us too!  ( Just click submit below, and make sure to read our Important Links for a better idea! I love you.) DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS OR SUBMIT STANDS THROUGH FAN-MAIL, PLEASE.


Namesake: Death and all his friends by Coldplay

Appearance: 「Death and all his friends」appears as a second shadow following the user. The shadow holds a large scythe and appears to be wearing a simple shawl. Its outline is very hard to spot over its user’s shadow. Its size changes with the size of its user’s shadow. If its user is in extreme danger or close to death 「Death and all his friends」may appear to aid them. When in this form it appears as a skeletal figure carrying a scythe.

Destructive Power: B (C)

Speed: - (B)

Range: D (C)

Durability: - (C)

Precision: A (A)

Development Potential: B (C)

Abilities:「Death and all his friends」activates when someone is in its user’s shadow.  When triggered 「Death and all his friends」will infect the person who crossed the user’s shadow. The infection is quite slow and hard to notice in its early stages. It begins with little things such as lack of appetite, unexplainable bruises and minor hair loss. As the infection progresses the victim begins to loose teeth and painful develop sores. As the infection reaches its final stage the victim’s skin begins to rot and the brain looses the capacity for higher thought. When the infection is complete the victim’s shadow gains the same effect as 「Death and all his friends」.  What remains of the victim will then begin to seek out other unfortunate souls to continue the cycle. The original user of 「Death and all his friends」is capable of taking control of the husks that his stand leaves behind and bending them to his will. While quite durable the husks can be dispatched by normal methods.

Withering: when any living thing other than a human enters 「Death and all his friends」’s area of effect it will begin to quickly wither and die. 

Notes:「Death and all his friends」’s shadow form does not activate on command instead remaining active at all times. Due to its nature as a shadow 「Death and all his friends」hates being put directly in light. When under a bright light its range diminishes significantly and it may disappear all together if it feels threatened. Stats in parenthesis denote the physical form’s stats

Submitted by anonymous


Appearance: A stick figure of a stand, maybe four inches thick at its widest and 5'4" overall. Black in coloration, with bright red conical goggles over a normal-sized head. Its arms are very long, and tipped with eight-inch-long black claws.

Power: B

Speed: A

Range: C

Durability: E

Precision: A

Potential: D

Ability: Soul generation – by scratching a target, 「Creedence Clearwater Revival」 can impart it with a soul. These souls are generated from scratch to match the nature of the target, and their ‘contents’, so to speak, are not under CCR’s control. Targets can be anything, animate or inanimate, apart from stuff like “the whole planet”. If the target already has a soul, nothing happens.

A soul granted by CCR does not, on its own, do anything unless the 'receptacle’ has the necessary equipment to let it shine – typically, some sort of brain or computer is necessary for the soul to become conscious and properly possess its receptacle, with the complexity of the expressed consciousness being a function of the brain/computer’s own complexity. Likewise, motion and communication only arise if there’s already a system for them in place. CCR is generally best used on computers or other automatons, or humans who have been deprived of their souls by a stand such as 「Osiris」, 「Atum」, or 「Whitesnake」.

In certain cases, the provision of a soul may allow things to manifest stand powers of their own, even if they are otherwise unable to use the soul; this cannot be predicted or controlled.

CCR can deal quite a bit of damage with its powerful claws and long reach, but is generally impractical to actually use in combat because it is extremely fragile. 



Appearance: A set of three tiny, ornate gold crowns, each about 10cm in diameter. One is decorated with rubies, another with sapphires, and the third with emeralds. When all three are deployed, a thin beam of white light connects each to the other two, so long as there is line of sight between them and they are no more than six meters apart.

Power: A

Speed: C

Range: C

Durability: C

Precision: A

Potential: A

Ability: The triangle of space defined by the three crowns of 「Princes of the Universe」 is under the absolute control of the user. What this means is that any object intersecting that region of space can be examined or manipulated in any manner that 「Princes of the Universe」’s user can imagine. While they are not constrained by the laws of physics (apart from conservation of mass-energy), changes made by 「Princes of the Universe」 will follow those laws unless they are made not to – for example, a person transmuted into a huge chunk of plutonium will go nuclear unless the user specifically stops this from happening.

The user must be able to see all three crowns of 「Princes of the Universe」 and be within three meters of one in order to use this ability.



Appearance: A bright orange plant not unlike ivy that creeps along the ground or climbs up walls. It grows golf ball-sized seedpods.

Power: B

Speed: E

Range: E

Durability: A

Precision: E

Potential: E

Ability: 「Fire of Unknown Origin」 is a rapidly-growing plant-like stand that, similarly to 「Green Day」’s mold, grows from the bodies of its victims. Its life cycle is as follows:

1. 「Fire of Unknown Origin」 manifests as a large mass of tangled vines that quickly grows out of the host’s body, spreading a maximum of nine meters in any direction.

2. When a human comes within a meter of 「Fire of Unknown Origin」, the nearest seed pods will violently combust, creating an explosion that flings many tiny seeds over a wide area.

2a. After its initial growth spurt, 「Fire of Unknown Origin」 will generally live for only a few days before withering away.

3. Any seeds that land on a person’s skin will be ‘absorbed’ by that person, permanently, and migrate to the brain. There is no way to remove one of 「Fire of Unknown Origin」’s seeds.

4. The seeds will remain dormant, potentially for years, until the host truly and entirely forgets about their initial encounter with the stand. Sometimes this won’t ever happen, in which case, 「Fire of Unknown Origin」 dies with its host. But if it does happen…

5. 「Fire of Unknown Origin」 will sprout. The newly formed leaves will secrete volatile fluids into the brain, which react violently and produce enough heat energy to let the seeds create more of these fluids, creating a chain reaction that causes the host’s head to combust and go up in flames in seconds. This heat energy is quickly consumed to fuel 「Fire of Unknown Origin」’s expansion.

Notes: 「Fire of Unknown Origin」 had an original stand user, but their identity has been lost to the mists of time – the stand is at least 200 years old, and on account of its manifestation requiring that it be forgotten in the first place, records of it are spotty at best.



Appearance: ⌈Fire Coming Out⌋ is comprised of two entities. The first is a small monkey-like figure, crouched on all fours and walks with an awkward, hunched and spider-like gait. ⌈Fire Coming Out⌋ possesses no actual eyes, merely sunken and dark holes. Out from these comes the secondary form, small shadowy maggots which ⌈Fire Coming Out⌋ can fire reliably at a range up to 50 metres. These maggots are referred to as ⌈Monkey Heads⌋.

Power: C Speed: D Range: E (B) Durability: B Precision: B Potential: B

Ability: The primary ability of ⌈Fire Coming Out⌋ activates when any of its ⌈Monkey Heads⌋ make contact with a target. ⌈Monkey Heads⌋ have the ability to stimulate the molecular structure of a target or to ‘revitalize’ a target, dependant on the User’s will. This can mean two things 1: A target struck by ⌈Fire Coming Out⌋s ⌈Monkey Heads⌋ will either burst into flame or accelerate into a different physical state (gas into plasma, liquids into gas, solids into liquids, etc) and vibrate in a sporadic fashion. 2: An object that is dormant (say, a Volcano or an explosive, or a persons own violent urges) will have these dormant aspects reactivate in an explosive fashion.



Appearance: A humanoid figure made out of roughly-cut, blue crystal. It has light blue crystals for eyes and a hinged jaw. Its legs are digitigrade, with talons on its feet.

Power: A

Speed: C

Range: D

Durability: A

Precision: B

Development Potential: C


  • 「Diamond Jack」can cause crystals to grow on any surface. The crystals are tangible, and are dark blue in color.
  • 「Diamond Jack」can manipulate crystals on any kind, shaping, breaking, and merging them in any way that the user wants.
  • 「Diamond Jack」can reshape itself into anything, such as armor, simple weaponry (such as a sword or spear), a wall up to 5 meters in length and width, or a small cube that can be as small as 5 cubic centimeters. While shaped, 「Diamond Jack」becomes tangible.

Notes: Due to 「Diamond Jack」’s powers, breaking 「Diamond Jack」apart isn’t enough to kill the user, only injure them. 「Diamond Jack」must be fully turned into powder to kill the user, which can be done with enough strength. If broken apart, 「Diamond Jack」will slowly remerge any remaining parts together, forming any missing parts.

Stand Cry: ローローロー! (Rororo!)



DESTRUCTIVE POWER: - SPEED: A RANGE: B DURABILITY: C PRECISION: - LEARNING: D ABILITIES: 「ROULETTE DARES」 Is a Long/Short ranged battle stand with an attack range equal to the distance the gun it is mimicking can shoot. 「ROULETTE DARES」Relies on its user getting shot with any bullet in any part of the body to manifest. Once manifested 「ROULETTE DARES」 can mimic the range of the gun that the user used to shoot themselves with. 「ROULETTE DARES can then be summoned on the user’s own will as long as the bullet remains inside them. Once the stand is “Loaded” with a shot from the user’s gun or any gun「ROULETTE DARES」can manifest up to ten bullets at a time, 5 embedded within each hand, which can be shot one by one or all at a time. Once 「ROULETTE DARES」is “Loaded” with a bullet it can reproduce said bullet indefinitely. 「ROULETTE DARES」also has the ability to fire multiple caliber bullets corresponding to which caliber the user shot themselves with. 「ROULETTE DARES」can also work in a short ranged battle acting as a normal punching type battle stand but with each hit a micro-explosion is triggered exploding all 5 bullets within its hands. (in this case, its is a C in power) These punches and bullet explosions are considerably weaker compared to their actual gun counterparts.  「ROULETTE DARES」cannot make its user impervious to gunfire  「ROULETTE DARES」cannot shoot whilst underwater 「ROULETTE DARES」CAN absorb gunfire to protect its user, negating some but not all of the damage. These bullets can then be added to the stands fists. Which are referred to as chambers.

Submitted by anonymous


Namesake: Gin and Juice (Snoop Dog Song) 

Appearance: Gin and Juice is a tall (7 feet), humanoid stand with green coloring and yellow zig-zags running down its torso. Its head is that of a mechanical dog with a purple visor instead of eyes. There are two canisters attached to its back with yellow tubes that run from the canisters to the stand’s shoulders. In addition, its index and middle fingers are yellow orange.

Power: D

Speed: B

Range: A

Durability: D

Precision: A

Potential: D

Ability: When Gin and Juice makes a finger-gun gesture with its hands, it can shoot bullets made of pure alcohol. When shot into a person, it will raise their blood alcohol content. If enough bullets are shot into a person, they will suffer alcohol poisoning and die.

Notes:  Stand Type: Long Range Stand, Artificial Humanoid Stand



Appearance: Mic so hot has the general slim feminine frame with a black and yellow stripped design that covers the entire stand, a pair of bee “wings” grow from their shoulders and cover the stand’s arms, it also possesses a pair of long antennae that reaches their back.

Power: D

Speed: A

Range: B

Staying: E

Precision: C

Learning: E


Beat paradise: Mic so hot’s ability causes all moving objects within it’s range to begin moving in accordance to a beat set by the stand’s “singing”, this includes non stand users but instead of hearing it’s singing they will hear a low buzzing sound similar to that of a honey bee. This is used mainly to predict incoming attacks by moving offbeat and making use of the environment to move quickly.

Mr. Upbeat: it allows Mic so hot’s stand user to move with incredible speed while others are trapped in it’s beat, this can be used with the previous abillity in combat to dodge and deal damage at a much faster rate.

Submitted by anonymous


Appearance: A thick leather jacket, similar to that of which Big Shaq wears.

Strength: E

Speed: A

Range: C

Durability: A

Precision: C

Development Potential: C


Temperature Regulation: While the stand user is wearing Not Hot, their body temperature can never reach above a specified amount by the stand user, and any substantial increase in temperature within a 5 meter radius around the stand user can be immediately negated. Being that Not Hot can freely and completely manipulate the speed of the atoms of any particle nearby, the stand user can negate cold as well as heat, and even can change the state of any molecule that is inside its effective range. For example, the stand user could turn water into ice to run across a wide river, and in another scenario, they could change the temperature of the air around their opponent to either freeze the oxygen in their lungs or burn them alive.

Quick Maths: Using Not Hot, the stand user can activate a variety of chemical reactions within some substances, and can even stimulate their brain in order to achieve superhuman reaction time and decision making. Also, for instance, the user could perform a type of physical therapy on their flesh to increase endurance and natural regeneration.

Notes: The stand, being a bound stand, is able to be locked onto the stand user so that other stands cannot remove it from the user. Additionally, the stand user is able to take it off on their own will, and if any other person were to wear it, they would receive the protection of the stand in the stand user’s place, and optionally the stand user can force Not Hot to bind itself to them so that it cannot be taken off. The user would still be able to control the stand from a certain range, however they would lose the benefits of its protection. Not Hot is both a manual and automated stand, such that the stand user can set a goal temperature for it to work towards, but if the stand user is too far away then the stand will continue to replicate that temperature until the user is once again within range.

Submitted by anonymous


Name: カミング・スーン 「Coming Soon」

Power: None

Speed: C

Range: C

Durability: None

Precision: A

Development Potential: D

Appearance: 「Coming Soon」does not have any descrete form, instead manifesting as whatever the user perceives while 「Coming Soon」is active.

Abilities: 「Coming Soon」activates when the user is unsure how to complete a task that they are about to perform. When activated, the user has an “out of body experience”, during which they see themselves taking the best possible actions to complete the task successfully. The user can move freely during this time, but cannot interact with anything. The user can freely rewind time if they want to see any actions again. When the user is satisfied with the actions they have to take, they are taken back to the moment that 「Coming Soon」 activated. The ability itself does not take any real-life time to use, with any time passed in the “vision” not affecting the actual timeline.



Appearance: A cloaked figure with a mask resembling a gas mask, showing only pure green eyes. The cloak itself is red and cannot be opened or looked into unless「The Game」uses its ability, which reveals a large, decorated hourglass with a silver powder inside. Its hands, which float next to it, are seemingly crude mechanical hands, with clockwork showing all over.

Power: C

Speed: B

Range: C

Durability: C

Precision: A

Development Potential: C

Abilities: Whenever「The Game」opens its cloak, the revealed hourglass turns over, creating a “Save” of reality, recording everything at the moment it’s activated. If at any point within 24 hours the user decides to flip the hourglass over, the Save is “Loaded”, bringing everyone and everything back to the time and position they were in when the Save was created. Only the user retains their memories of the lost time. Unlike Bites the Dust, another Stand that reverses time, this new timeline is independent, meaning that anything that happened in the first timeline is not repeated unless the same actions are taken. While a Save is active, the user cannot use 「The Game」as a defense unless the Save is either loaded or cancelled.

Notes: The user can allow any number of people they want to retain their memories when the Save is Loaded. After a Save is loaded, the user can’t use this ability for 5 minutes. If the Stand or user is defeated, any active Save is automatically cancelled.



Appearance: 「Electric Avenue」 takes the form of a black electrician’s glove worn on the right hand. The fingertips are yellow, with lines running down the hand and converging at the wrist.

Power: E

Speed: E

Range: E

Durability: A

Precision: C

Development Potential: E

Ability:「Electric Avenue」 grants the wearer the ability to enter electronic devices, provided they have an access port (such as a headphone jack or a disc drive). Once inside the device, the user can freely manipulate the files within. If the device has internet connection, then they’re able to use the internet as a means of transportation.



Appearance: The heavily distorted head of a Greco-Roman marble statue, complete with an eyepatch, perched on top of a pair of five-foot-long legs. In lieu of arms, 「Snow Halation」 sports a dazzling array of technicolor 3m-long tentacles extend from its neck in all directions. See file image.

Destructive potential: C

Speed: C

Range: C

Durability: C

Precision: A

Development Potential: B

Abilities: Intangibility: 「Snow Halation」’s tentacles can travel through solid objects completely unhindered. They can only be impeded by stands. Similar to 「Beach Boy」, 「Snow Halation」’s user can gain detailed, precise information about whatever object(s) it is probing around inside.

High-Quality Ripping: 「Snow Halation」’s characteristic ability is to extract discrete objects from the interior of other objects; this is performed with a minimum of collateral damage, and leaves both parts as intact as reasonably possible. Examples might be an organ inside of a human body, a present from its box, or a pebble from a block of concrete.



Appearance: A limber, six-armed, dark-green humanoid stand with intricate, jagged tattoos that glow with purple light. Its eyes are similarly luminous. 「Takyon」’s tongue, which hangs out of its perpetually-open and sharp-toothed mouth, is pitch-black and several meters long; it is tied around its torso in a webbed pattern reminiscent of a bondage harness, and terminates with a forked tip hanging over 「Takyon」’s top left shoulder. Each of 「Takyon」’s six hands terminates in six 5cm-long claws, arranged radially. 「Takyon」 also possesses a lizard-like tail, which extends about 1.5 meters before splitting in six parts, each of which continues for another meter before terminating in an arrow-shaped tip.

Power: C

Speed: A

Range: Line of sight

Durability: A

Precision: B

Development Potential: C

Abilities: Triple Six Five Forked Tongue: By touching any object or surface, 「Takyon」 gains control over that object’s internal timeline – effectively, the user can change that object to the form it took (or will take) at any point in its existence. This ability can be used so long as there is nothing between 「Takyon」 (which does not leave its user’s side) and the object, and will not affect the mental state of living beings. The speed at which the object can be moved along its timeline is proportional to its level of illumination; as a baseline, direct sunlight lets an object be moved at 10 years per second in either direction, while moonlight allows almost none.

Subatomic Penetration Rapid Fire Through Your Skull: A specialized application of 「Takyon」’s timeline manipulation that is delivered through its fists, making up for its average physical combat skill. When 「Takyon」 cuts a human or that human’s stand, regardless of the level of illumination, it can perform a short temporal regression on that person’s brain, ranging from five seconds to five minutes depending on the strength of the punch. For the victim, it is as though the period of time in question never occurred – complete and total amnesia.

Six Million Ways to Die: When the user is on the verge of death, 「Takyon」 can send information to its user up to 30 minutes into the past, using the past iteration of 「Takyon」 as a conduit. This gives 「Takyon」’s user a fighting chance to avoid most causes of death, making them exceptionally difficult to dispose of.

Notes: Designed in the vein of the powerful, time-manipulating stands owned by Jojo villains.



Appearance: A swarm of 10000 small flying insects. The insects can also join together to make a humanoid shape.

Power: insects: E humanoid: B

Speed: insects: A humanoid: C

Range: insects: A(100 meters) humanoid: has the same range as in insect form, however when it is more than 10 meters from it’s user it’s strength and speed are massively reduced.

Durability: insects: D humanoid: B

Precision: A

Development potential: D

Abilities: The individual insects can do almost nothing, however they are fast enough to dodge most Stands. The insects can camouflage themselves by choosing to allow only certain things through them, such as sound or light, allowing them to choose to make people be unable to sense specific objects on the other side. Since this only applies to the insect, a single one can only hide an object the size of a pea. However, because of the Stands high precision, it is able to form walls or domes made of invisible insects to hide things from anyone looking through. For example, if a person was surrounded by an insect dome, the user could make them unable to detect a person on the other side, but the other person could detect them. When in humanoid form, the size and power of the Stand is relative to the amount of insects used to make it (if all the insects are used the Stand will be two meters tall, however there will be no insects for the user to control).

Notes: The Stand would be highly effective against opponents used to working in group, as it would be able to separate them, while still keeping in the same area. The user could also use the Stand to make himself completely undetectable to anyone by surrounding himself with the Stand.

Submitted by anonymous


Appearance: A black calligraphy pen with a gold delta near the top.

Power: D

Speed: E

Range: B

Durability: C

Precision: A

Potential: C

Abilities: Shape of You allows the user to write words in the air then send them towards living and nonliving things. When the target is hit by these words, their physical attributes are changed to what was written. For example, if the user wrote “blind” then sent it towards a person with perfect vision, they would lose their eyesight. The longer the word the longer it takes to attack, as the word must be spelled completely and correctly before being sent. The user cannot modify themselves with this ability.

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