

@harleyshood / harleyshood.tumblr.com

+Lena I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof

i dont “work” with hades in the way that witches traditionally do, because i dont think im ready, but hes without a doubt helped me and i pray to him every day with offerings and stuff, but the amount of signs he sent to me before i started giving him offerings gihraohgari he deadass sent me fucking VULTURES in the middle of the day for no damn reason one time 


y’all saying BLM for one situation just don’t sit right with me, it goes beyond police brutality!!! it’s Black women dying at a higher rate during childbirth. it’s Black people being exposed to COVID-19 at a higher rate. it’s Black people being forced into low income communities. it's Black people being denied job opportunities due to the name on their applications. it's Black people being denied into higher institutions despite having the same qualifications as their non-Black counterparts. it's Black people having their creations and ideas stolen without being given credit simply because a good percentage of society still believes in 2020 that Black people are not creative enough or smart enough or skilled enough. this isn't just about police brutality. this is deeper than that.


Yo Biden just announced an infrastructure devolopment/clean energy/environmental justice plan and it's honesty pretty fucking amazing and much more ambitious than I ever would have expected from him, goddamn. He's trying to Eisenhower/New Deal our way out of the economic collapse.

Some notable points addressed by this plan:

  • Expanding American railway systems
  • Fixing the crumbling roads, bridges, dams, etc. that haven't been kept up
  • Capping abandoned oil wells
  • Undoing Trump's financial bailout policies for unclean energy companies
  • Reinvesting in American-made automotive companies
  • Getting America to 100% clean energy by 2035
  • Fixing air, water, and ground pollution issues that disproportionately affect poc
  • Getting justice for victims of environmental racism
  • Reinstating a bunch of environmental and medical jobs Trump had cut
  • Getting the US back on the Paris Agreement/Climate Accord


For those who were wondering what the point of voting for a leftist candidate was, if the leftist didn’t win—this is it.  Biden is trending leftward.  That’s what we want him to do.  He wouldn’t be doing it if the left hadn’t shown itself to be a real force.

I know that the work is never done and all that, but I think we can count this one as a win.

please god vote. register ASAP. check to make sure you’re still registered because they’re kicking people off. look into your states mail in ballot laws

I don’t like the guy, and I doubt if most of this would actually get done, but please, it’s better than the guy actively dismantling anything good we have and pushing us backwards

even if you’re in a state that swings dem and you think your vote doesn’t matter, it does. the popular vote tally means something even if the system is broken. Hillary got millions more votes and that was the voice of the people. vote even just to add to the tally of people against Trump because you know the numbers will hurt his vanity


Witchcraft History: Recommended Reading

Many people often tell witches “do your research” and point them in the direction of texts without a lot of historical grounding. The point of this post is not to say that books that aren’t academic or history focused/based are not useful or legitimate forms of witchcraft practice. The point is, instead, to provide those who wish to have historical understandings of witchcraft with well-researched sources on the history of magic and witchcraft. So, I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite books on the history of witchcraft and magic in Europe. Hope this helps!

Wicked Enchantments: A History of the Pendle Witches and their Magic by Joyce Froome

Greek and Roman Necromancy by Daniel Ogden

Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds by Daniel Ogden

Night’s Black Agents by Daniel Ogden

The Witch by Ronald Hutton

Caliban and the Witch: Women, The Body, and Primitive Accumulation by Silvia Federici

Grimoires: A History of Magic Books by Owen Davies

Popular Magic: Cunning Folk in English History by Owen Davies

Witchcraft, Magic, And Culture 1736-1951 by Owen Davies

Witchcraft and Magic in Europe volumes 1-6 edited by Bengt Ankarloo and Stuart Clark


My friend just sent this to me and said "you will appreciate this" and she was VERY correct

Christians: We can still hear its voice Hebrew language: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD!




if you as a father dont think your kid working with robots is cool as all fuck then you not only failed as a father but you failed at understanding what awesome is


Shut it all down

fuck these boomers “i paid for my college so why cant you do it???” literally so fucking entitled. this makes me enraged

I mean I’m not sure it’s the same people who did go to college, it might be people who didn’t have that opportunity when they were young. I don’t think that information is available.

I think the problem here is not that people are mad that there is cheap education happening, i think we are mad that baby boomers are getting it FIRST. The whole generation has had a superior attitude that they worked harder than we do, and now they’re getting the thing we are working so hard for FOR FREE. We don’t want them to not get it at all, but it’s not fair that they are getting it before us when they are so rude to us while we are going further into debt and working harder than they ever did.

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