
And Deer and Roe, and Kite and Crow

@echtrai-blog / echtrai-blog.tumblr.com

I am a Gaelic Polytheist, my pronouns are they/them/theirs. This blog has returned after a bit of a hiatus. I do not expect to be hugely active, but I am checking the blog daily. You're welcome to send messages and questions as always.

Hey! Allec here! Your neighborhood genderqueer disabled polytheist!

I may have mentioned how bad my mattress is at one point or another. It’s really bad. I need to get a new one but we aren’t going to be able to save up enough money until like… after January. And given I have a sleep disorder, anything that impedes my sleep is just amplified by 100. 

So I’m hoping maybe people can chip in what they can to help me and my sleep disorder out?

Signal boosting is okay. I appreciate any help people can offer!


This is an amazing project on Kickstarter I wanted to share from a Māori artist in Aotearoa, Bronwyn Waipuka-Callander. Here is an excerpt from the Kickstarter, but please click through and view the full details! The art is breathtaking, and I’m so excited to support this project.

NIU - He Tangata Matauhi is a 56 oracle card set depicting 56 unique Maori influenced artworks. An 82 page published guide booklet accompanies the deck which describes the meanings behind each card. Every step of the process, from concept through to design, packaging and production is created or overseen by myself.
The NIU oracle cards and guide utilises many of the teachings of classical Tarot and combines them with a Maori cultural framework to create an intuitive ethnic guidance. What’s unique about the NIU oracle is the way Maori philosophies and knowledge interlaces with modern day ‘mindfulness’ analogies. Mindfulness essentially means being tolerant and accepting of all aspects of human conditioning - pleasant and unpleasant. 
Source: kck.st

I made this today (literally about 30 minutes ago after I finished making a workout log for April) because I got an idea about making devotions a little bit easier for new polytheists as well as more established ones. The layout is pretty simple and allows you to keep track of what deity you prayed to, the date, any offerings that were made, etc. I’ve also included a journaling option. Also (and though it’s not viewable in the pictures below), I’ve left enough room around the borders so people could do their drawings or whatnot. I’m more than happy to provide the documents I created since the pics aren’t that great via email or messenger.

Update: Okay, I think I fixed it so now people can download and begin their devotional book. 

Anonymous asked:

When I met Lugh, I had the impression of golden light and harp music, and to make sure I knew to whom I was speaking, I asked, "Are you Apollo?" He thought that was pretty funny; I had the distinct impression Lugh thought Apollo could only dream of being as accomplished as He is. I'm even more amused as I learn more about Lugh and find that's a pretty accurate statement.

This was a wonderful experience to read about! 


(cards pictured from Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and published by Hay House.)

I have unique spreads and custom-styles of divination. Readings about deities and spirits, readings about life, readings using cards and dice and books and pendulums.

Reviews of my readings can be found here and here.

Prices start as low as $3 USD.

Sincerely, Allec

I have heard people say that men and the Fae are as different as dogs and wolves. While this is an easy analogy, it is far from true. Wolves and dogs are only separated by a minor shade of blood. Both howl at night. If beaten, both will bite.No. Our people and theirs are as different as water and alcohol. In equal glasses they look the same. Both liquid. Both clear. Both wet, after a fashion. But one will burn, and the other will not. This has nothing to do with temperament or timing. These two things behave differently because they are profoundly, fundamentally not the same.The same is true with humans and the Fae. We forget it at our peril.

Patrick Rothfuss, Wise Man’s Fear    (via mosaicstorm)


When: Saturday October 22nd at 3:00 pm Central Time (UTC -6).

Where: Using an application called Zoom

Host: Allec

Guests: Anyone who in some way identifies as a Celtic Polytheist. Anyone at any stage of learning and practicing.

How: Fill out this survey, including your email address. I’ll send you out an invitation via email on the respected day 30 minutes before we start.

What/Topic: “Holiday Traditions”

Why: The purpose of this chat is to discuss theological and spiritual ideas with other Celtic Polytheists in order to help build community as well as build up ourselves.

Policies and Expectations: http://nicstoirm.tumblr.com/policies (please read!)


When: Sunday October 23rd  at 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) until 5:00pm

Where: Using an application called Zoom

Host: Cunobelinus Betullicnos

Guests: Anyone who in some way identifies as a Gaulish Polytheist. Anyone at any stage of learning and practice.

How: Fill out this survey, including your email address. I’ll send you out an invitation via email on the respected day ~20 minutes before we start.

What/Topic: “Gaulidays” (Holidays & Celebrations)

Why: The purpose of this chat is to discuss theological and spiritual ideas with other Gaulish Polytheists in order to help build community as well as build up ourselves.

Policies and Expectations(The same as Celtic Polytheist Video Chat): http://nicstoirm.tumblr.com/policies (please read!)


Divination Donation Drive

The Situation: My dear friend @catiematie‘s mother died suddenly and her family needs help with the cost for cremation services and any remaining money will be used to take her home to the family plot. To help with the fundraiser, I am offering my divination services. In exchange for donating your money to Catie’s fundraiser, I will do a divination reading for you.

Reviews on my divination services can be found here & here

The Fundraiser: Click here to be taken to Catie’s blog post about the fundraiser.

How to get your Divination: Simply put, you donate to the fundraiser and will get a reading based on how much you donated. 

  1. Go to the fundraiser page here and go through the donation process.
  2. Screenshot either the confirmation page or confirmation email. (You may blackout personal details. I just need to see the amount you donated.)
  3. Email me at allec.guire @ gmail.com and include: - Title your email “Divination Donation Drive [Your Name]” - Your donation screenshot(s) - Your question (see rules) - Optional: Proof you signal boosted the fundraiser (see below)
  4. I will respond via email with your divination reading.

Here is what you get based on what you donate:

  • Donate $1-5 and get a 1-card reading
  • Donate $6-10 and get a 3-card reading
  • Donate $11-20 and get a 5-card reading
  • Donate $21-30 and get a 8-card reading
  • Donate $31+ and get a 10-card reading

Additionally: If you reblog the fundraiser on Tumblr, you will get a picture of your reading. If you share the fundraiser on Facebook, you will get a video of your reading. In the email sent to confirm your donation include either the URL or a screenshot of your signal boost.

If you want to skip all that, you can also buy from my Etsy shop Allecadabra. All earnings will be going to the fundraiser until further notice. 

Rules of Divination:

  • I will not answer questions related to health prognosis (go see a doctor)
  • I will not answer questions related to legal matters (go see a lawyer)
  • I reserve the right to ask you to reword or change your question (you can ask me if your question is something I’d answer prior to donating)
  • Readings will only include a picture and/or video if you signal boost the fundraiser (see above)
  • All readings will be cartomancy. If you wish for a pendulum or stichomancy reading in place of a cartomancy reading, please specify in your email.

Disclaimer: I am legally bound to say that all divinations are curios only. I am not responsible for any actions you take on behalf of the divination. 

Feel free to ask me any questions and to signal boost this post. Thank you!


I’ve never asked for help before because I’m stubborn just like she is. My mommy died very suddenly this morning after showing marked improvement from the day before. I never really expected that there was a battle my mom wouldn’t be able to win. I never knew she could die. We were completely unprepared. She ran everything. She was in charge of the insurance, the bills, everything. Mommy wanted to be near her mommy so this money will be used to pay for cremation services and any remainder will be used to take her home to the family plot. Any amount of help would be seriously appreciated by my family.


I picked up an absolutely gorgeous plate from the secondhand shop today.


Basic Altar Maintenance

Having had an altar (or altars) of one sort or another for quite a while, I know too well that it can be much easier to set up an altar than it is to maintain it.

So I will skim over the initial set-up discussion. You’ve got your flat space, you’ve got your statues or other god-images (or not), you’ve got candles maybe, offering bowls possibly. Perhaps an incense burner, divination tools, prayer book? And as time goes by, little gifts for the god or gods you honor at the altar. So, various altar stuff. Voila and well done! But if you’re using the altar at all, you will have to do some maintenance on it eventually.

Basic cleaning and dust removal. Statues tend to have lots of little ins and outs, nooks and crannies that tend to gather dust. You can wash some statues with water, but not all (as I and my favorite Hermes statue know from experience). I generally like to dust with a soft cloth, and I’ve come to really like those disposable Swiffer Duster things. (I don’t do this nearly often enough but I am always glad when I do it.)

The more items on the altar, the longer this will take.

Offerings of food and drink. If you’re offering food, or libations of wine, juice, milk, anything but water, then you’ll want to wash your offering bowls or cups after every use.

If you have a pest problem (no judgment there, in some seasons and in some regions this is unavoidable) you won’t want to leave food offerings out for too long, and you may want to cover liquid offerings to keep bugs and spiders out. Keep your climate in mind–don’t leave an offering of milk out too long in the heat, for example.

Altar cloths. I am actually torn on the subject of altar cloths. On the one hand, I have a lot of them, many of which I hand-knit in different colors (love those ombre yarns!). They can really pull an altar together and give it a more finished look; they are also a wonderful way to add some color symbolism to your altar or shrine.

That said, I really only use altar cloths for temporary altars I set up for rituals. For a permanent altar or shrine, I prefer a bare surface. This is at least in part because of the dust-gathering factor but it’s also because I like a more general-purpose look on a permanent altar.

Candles. Always assume that your candles will drip. Always assume that the drips will overflow the candle holder and onto the altar itself.

To get wax out of an altar cloth, everyone has their own favorite method. I like to stick it in the freezer and remove it once the wax has had a chance to harden (although with a textured altar cloth–like my hand-knit ones–even this is not a guaranteed success). Also keep in mind that a colored candle may leave a stain on the cloth even if you are able to get all the wax out.

I like to use a “candle coaster” sometimes, just a jar lid turned upside down, that can contain the drips. If I’m planning to burn a candle down entirely I’ll put it in a cauldron or other larger container.

Let the candle cool before you pick it up. I’ve had my hands bathed on numerous occasions with liquid wax from pillars, votives and tea lights, and ow.

Incense. I don’t use a lot of incense because there are folks in my household with a sensitivity to scent, but I do use it occasionally as an offering.

I like pressed Japanese incense that comes in sticks entirely made of incense. I like it because you can break it into smaller pieces and it burns just fine even if you don’t want to use the whole stick at once, which is nice if you are on a budget or if you’re doing a brief ritual.

I don’t have the fire-making talent to use granular or resin incenses, but you can get some nice traditional incenses (frankincense, myrrh, etc.) to use on charcoal.

You’ll probably want to clean out your incense burner after every use, or at least empty it out. Otherwise you’re likely to get a faceful of ashes the next time you pick it up (or maybe that’s just me :)).


whOOPS I tried to revert my theme and didn’t bother viewing the changes and accidentally did it to the old hiatus theme ahaha

so don’t worry f you go to my blog and it’s Not There, I’m working on it 



Discernment isn’t just for deities and spirits, you know? It’s really easy for someone in a position of authority in a religious organization to manipulate people. It’s even easier to claim you have authority when you have none.

There’s a good reason people in the Pagan, Heathen, or witchy communities who claim to be “fifteenth generation witches” and the like get the stink eye from me, and it’s not just because I’m an asshole who thinks you’re full of shit (I am an asshole and you are full of shit) it’s because by saying shit like that, you’re putting yourself in a position to manipulate vulnerable people. People look at things like “15th generation” and they think “oh well this person knows shit”. They look at fancy titles and they think “here is a person who knows shit”.

It doesn’t actually matter if you know shit or not, if you have a fancy title and some grandiose claims, people will buy your shit, trust me, it’s worked for a shitton of New Age figureheads.

Question authority. If someone in the Pagan, Heathen or witchy community claims to speak for the gods, question it. If someone in the Pagan, Heathen, or witchy community randomly messages you and says “X deity said to give you this message” question it. If someone in the Pagan, Heathen, or witchy community claims that you NEED their services because there’s a curse on you, or you won’t be a true devotee to your deity without it fucking question it. I don’t care what spiritual powers they claim to have or if they have a hundred titles. Always, always question.

Also important, watch how authority figures respond to criticism, if they respond by making complete asses of themselves, yeah, you want to question that.

If this post makes you mad, consider that you may be part of the problem.


(cards pictured from Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and published by Hay House.)

I have unique spreads and custom-styles of divination. Readings about deities and spirits, readings about life, readings using cards and dice and books and pendulums.

Reviews of my readings can be found here and here.

Prices start as low as $3 USD.

This shop is my sole source of income. If you can’t buy anything, please signal boost so I can reach more people. Every little bit helps me feed myself and take care of bills!

Sincerely, Allec

PS - Need a free reading? Check out my divination page for information on my Free Reading Saturday Raffle.


Some salient and important quotations from interviewee Lesa—so much of what she writes seriously resonates:

I am a traditional witch who happens to be an omni- and eco-sensual transsexual woman. In terms of both feminism and paganism, I have a love/hate relationship. Both used to be very important to me, and in some ways I am still engaged with those communities, but not to the degree that I think would be possible if either were more supportive of trans women. The same goes for the environmental defense movement which is where I spend most of my time nowadays because without a planet, it doesn’t really matter who is a real woman or what goddess she believes in anyway.


I think it’s absurd. I think “erasure” gets tossed around a lot by self-proclaimed activists with no merit to their claims. Self-censorship is not erasure. Diversity is not erasure. You are not being erased when someone other than you chooses to live and think differently. You are not being erased when you delete comments you disagree with, or when you resign from positions of authority rather than accept accountability. You are not being erased when you shut down dialogue and re-frame disagreement as a personal attack. Cis women are not being erased by the existence or affirmation of trans people.
On the other hand, cis people who intentionally misgender trans people are erasing us. Cis people who delete social media posts and shut down criticism are erasing the context of conflict. Cis people who assert that being trans is a modern phenomenon are erasing the lengthy history of trans existence which includes the Enaree, the Gallae, Hijiras, eunuchs, the Goddess Aphroditus, the myth of Agdistis, and others attested to in the Bible, in Roman history, in First Nations history, and specifically in the ancient text Lady of the Largest Heart which was written by the world’s first known author, a woman, and includes a ritual ceremony of gender transition presided over by the Goddess Inanna.

And this, with regards to Cherry Hill Seminary:

(7) Over the last year in particular, Pagan institutions like Cherry Hill Seminary, and authors at Pagan news hubs like the Wild Hunt and Patheos Pagan have provided and defended a platform for trans-critical Pagan voices. In your opinion, does this strategy demonstrate or undermine solidarity with trans people?
I understand why they believe that they’re helping move conversation forward by presenting “both sides,” but I’d ask them to consider that they’re undermining that progress by amplifying hostile voices. No one is telling cis women that they aren’t women, female, witches, pagans, whatever, nor that they cannot organize politically or in private rituals however they’d like. But trans-critical voices are telling trans women just that: that we’re men, males, and all manner of hateful made-up terms, or that we’re part of a conspiracy to eradicate gay children and infiltrate feminism. Paganism may be new to these conversations, but they are conversations that have been happening to trans women for decades. When pagans choose to host those voices, they are perpetuating decades of hostility instead of moving any conversation forward. If you’re going to be a journalist about it, be a journalist about it and do your research.
I would also point out that while Cherry Hill Seminary itself hosted one of the defenses you mentioned, which I would also note was reframed to be about one specific faculty member rather than both of the faculty members who signed that petition, CHS associates have also been involved in both the articles on the Wild Hunt and Patheos Pagan. It’s convenient to blame one woman, but CHS clearly has a deeper transphobia problem.
To me at least, this certainly undermines Cherry Hill Seminary’s credibility and interest in having any sort of positive relationship with trans people.

Please do check out the full interview, and if you are a transgender woman who is also a pagan definitely get in touch with the interviewer. Paganism often tends to run a bit right-wing/reactionary/anti-queer/anti-trans so it’s important to carve some space whenever possible. 


Fuck transmisogyny.

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