
An Average Skeleton in Her Custom Meat Suit.

@lobstronomousskeleton / lobstronomousskeleton.tumblr.com

Lobstronomous is the name; fanfiction, fandom, (bad) humour, horror, and opinions is the game. I also go by Nemo. Enjoy

My favorite is people who send me unsolicited dick pics and then they’re like, “uh, hi? Are you ignoring me?”

It’s just so funny to me. Like one minute I’m designing bioreactors and getting published for heat dissipation in polymers and then I open this godforsaken app to dudes hanging brain who can’t even pronounce “saponification” calling me a slut because I won’t give attention to their limp excuses for existence.

3 billion years of evolution and the greatest form of communication you can conjure up in your fermented omelet of a conscience is submitting your wrinkly ball sac to a stranger on the Internet to substitute the attention your parents never gave their mistake of an offspring.


This is poetry.

The odds are against us, this won’t be easy but we’re not going to do it alone!

so I’m finally starting a tumblr blog, and I just thought it would be nice to begin with my recent SU fanart. I simply had to do a revamp of that scene, especially after the latest stevenbomb.


if anyone wonders, I’m literally just spending all of my time on another account and am just too attached/lazy to delete this one lolol


More Beautiful After Being Broken


What this trite imagery misses out on is the fact that kintsukuroi requires a lot of work to repair a piece like that.  It takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, a great deal of investment.  Sometimes parts of the original are damaged beyond repair, and you have to instead painstakingly create entirely new ones.   It’s still not the same.  Maybe it’s something more beautiful. But it’s not the fact that it broke that makes it beautiful. It’s the work put into it.  It’s the fact that people made the effort to salvage it, because it was worth salvaging, because it was important enough to salvage.      It’s the care that makes the beauty.   An apology can’t always fix what has been broken.  That doesn’t mean it’s not irreparable, sometimes you can go on to rebuild and repair.  But it won’t ever be the same as it was again.   

I really appreciate this addition because I’ve always hated the “more beautiful for having been broken” thing. Being broken sucks and I hate all those tragic romantic sensitivities that try to make it what it’s not. These pieces are beautiful because they’re repaired with effort put in to making them shine.

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