
Hope It Gives You Hell


What's up, I'm Sophie and I live in NE. I love way too many bands to name and cats. Cats are the shit. Also, tats, piercings, surfing and skateboarding.

people say “if you don’t lower your standards, you’re gonna end up spending your whole life alone!” like being a healthy, happy, financially independent single adult is actually worse than being stuck in an abusive and/or emotionally unfulfilling relationship with someone who isn’t willing/able to meet your needs. like no offense, but I think I’m gonna choose to be happy rather than throwing myself into a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. 


i love when i see my door open a crack and then a second later i see my cat’s beautiful little face

i love when my door is busted open so forcefully that it bounces off the doorframe and my cat barrels onto my bed screaming


how the fuck do people just stay motivated their entire lives? what drives you? I got out of bed once and i’ve been exhausted ever since.

You need to learn to hate life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself 

Best advice ever


not to be a preachy freak but community college is an awesome, underutilized resource. if people could get their heads out of their asses and stop stigmatizing cc, everyone could save so much money.

for some people like myself, it is a 2nd chance. in high school i was seriously considering dropping out but i graduated w a 2.5-2.7 gpa that no uni was gonna take. now im in 1 of the top 10 design programs in tha country. some people did fine in hs but can’t afford a 4 yr right away and cc almost halves that cost. Or maybe u just want ur associates degree.. or maybe u just need to stay close to home to take care of ur fam…or u’re an older student and cc gives u the chance to work while taking night classes. there are so many reasons ppl go to cc and there’s nothing wrong with any of them…stop shitting on cc and cc students


Nothing is going to change. Americans love their guns more than they love people and after Sandy Hook we decided that killing over 20 children was acceptable and not outrageous enough to make reasonable restrictions on guns. This is America, a country that has been around for 200 years, a superpower, a 1st world nation, and one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and we refuse to protect our own people. We respect guns more than we respect the lives of people. 

What specific gun control measures would you propose and how would they directly and effectively make society safer?

  • Absolutely get rid of all AR-15′s and the like.
  • Intense background and criminal background checks and anything violent automatically disqualifies you.
  • Make getting a gun/gun permit more like getting a driver’s license:
  • permit to learn
  • includes an exam with 18 or more questions on the policies, laws, and etc of guns and gun ownership
  • if you get more than 8 questions incorrect you must retake it.
  • 30 hours of practical experience at a gun range with a licensed teacher
  • Must take a 5 hour class on the dangers of guns and how to use them safely which will then yield you a certificate that grants you to take the practical exam and lasts for one year. If you don’t gain the license within the allotted year you must retake the class.
  • A practical exam with a licensed instructor who will grade you on various skills. If you pass you may be granted a permit on the weapon of your choice, the exams may differ on the type of firearm you want.
  • Follow the Japanese model where you must have two gun safes in different areas of the house, one to store the gun and one to store the bullets and you must provide the police with information on where those safes are.
  • No concealed carry and only handguns may be allowed to be out in public.
  • If transporting a weapon, it must be in the trunk of the vehicle, in a bag or some other case, safety on and unloaded and may not leave the vehicle until you are at the destination.
  • If you’re a hunter or some other gun hobbyist that requires a functional weapon other than a handgun then the gun must stay on the premises, whether that is a gun range or the Fish and Wildlife facility.
  • If you live in a rural area where police (and people, for that matter) are few and far between, something akin to a deer hunting rifle should provide plenty of protection from predators and poachers, you still have to follow the aforementioned steps.
  • This doesn’t cover everything but I think it’s a good place to start.

Can you show me evidence that this would directly and effectively create a safer society?

I have never laughed so hard at a gun law post. Like seriously, the evidence is in fucking reality. The proposed restrictions are just fucking logic.


i rly hate when flies rub their hands together. what the fuck are you planning you little asshole you have a lifespan of like 3 days


I never understood why a girl is always suppose to be that ride or die chick that stays with a man and helps him build and become the man she deserves but a guy is never told to stay with a woman while she finds herself. A guy will always look for that perfect woman but we are suppose to settle for a building project?! Fuck that.

I love seeing posts like these because it really makes me realize how much I’ve been conditioned to live to uplift men. We really don’t ever hear about people telling men to stand by a woman when she has nothing and helping her reach her full potential. 

There was this other post about women learning to love what their men love and how men don’t do the same in return and thats so fucking true. 

It just makes feel like I’ve been brainwashed into settling for a partner that really isn’t as great as I probably think he is in my head.

Posts like these really have taught me what to look for in a partner because sometimes I feel like i can’t discern between what I really want and what I’ve been conditioned to want. 

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