lungs filled with stardust

@donutcats /

Ryn / 27 / Chaotic Dumbass / 90% Salt 10% Holographic Pink Glitter

So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????

I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.

Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?

Saw a sharp increase in my follower count after posting this. The legitimacy of it is driving me nuts so I also feel the need to say that you can follow anyone on here regardless of whether you’ve interacted with them or not. People like the above mentioned blog are exceptions. Perhaps they themselves think they aren’t and therefore will act like they aren’t, but they are, trust me.

Just follow anyone you wanna follow. The worst thing that can happen is maybe getting soft-blocked by the other person, but if they do soft-block you, then they were never that worth following in the first place.


have i ever shown u people my hand sofa

my prized possession is this loveseat I bought from a divorced dad who couldn’t tell me anything about it and in the years i’ve owned it i’ve never been able to find out who made it or where it came from. it’s got nails and finger creases and palm lines but they’re all kinda hard to see in this pic.


there are 2 types of uncle

  1. kinda goofy
  2. literally the worst human being youve ever had the displeasure of meeting

the songs Beyoncé writes about that man are crazy it's like watching someone build the sistine chapel for a possum they found in a gas station parking lot

having received a lot of feedback about this post in the last 24 hours I've realized that everyone is right and I genuinely do need to apologize. possums are lovely creatures and they don't deserve to be compared to Jay Z, that was a deeply uncool thing of me to say. I'm sorry possums, I love the way you eat ticks and I hope you'll forgive me someday.

I've been informed that the thing about possums eating ticks might also be wrong. sorry that this post has become a monument to bad information about the noble possum. the point about Jay Z stands though.


my desire to see more characters try to self-destruct by vomiting up a deluge of the most damning lies about themselves in a fit of despair and loathing and desire to be punished in some way vs. my knowledge that at least some audiences would take their words at face value and metatextually respond exactly the way they're hoping for


When you're unsuccessfully looking for something and start gradually increasing your It Could Be There range. Like yeah sure maybe the rice cooker pot is in the freezer, idk

Look it has to be SOMEWHERE


They should remove the age requirement for presidency. Its time for america to enter its despotic boy-king era


the downside to harassing a cat constantly is that you run out of ways to bother them. so sure she's "well socialized" but how am i supposed to get revenge when she is being SO so annoying?

she enjoys this. what is left?


the humble "like" is oft mocked despite what it does for us. "like, three people" is a vastly different statement from "three people". "and i was like 'what the fuck'" is vastly different from "and i said 'what the fuck'". i love you "like" and anyone who says you make people sound stupid will be killed on sight

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