
follow that will-o'-the-wisp

@schokolene / schokolene.tumblr.com

Liv, 20s, she/her, tarot enthusiast. I've been on this website for too long

In case anyone is having a bad night:

Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found

Here are some fun sites

Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics

Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli

Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies

*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*

You’ll be okay, friend <3

i will reblog this everytime it shows up because any of my followers could have a bad night right now

All these links, besides the first, are broken. So here’s some more.

Here’s an emergency compliment

Here you can play 2048

Here’s a playlist of Bob ross

Here’s a website to watch movie’s and shows for free

Here’s a website to watch documentaries for free

Here you can to nothing for two minutes

Here you can break something. It’s good for anger

Here’s a button to press to make everything okay

Here’s a site to cut something up (TRIGGER WARNING)

Here’s a site that makes you a website depending on a song you choose

Here’s a gay comic. It’s adorable

Here you can spend Bill Gate’s money

Here you can draw your own island

Here you can learn about patterns website’s use

Here you can get your life stats

Here you can listen to the Tucker Zone (Headphones needed)

Here you can see how fast you’re moving

Here you can see the progress of time

Here you can see the future of the universe 

Want some more? 

Here’s the butterfly project

Here’s a snickerdoodle mug cake

Here’s a link to some free audiobooks

Here’s something to read when you feel like a burden

Here’s a secret

Here’s my playlist of some sea shanties 

Here’s another secret

Here’s a link to some cool websites 

Here’s a blog that gives you recipes for when you’re low on spoons

Here’s some Brony Headcanon’s

Some more? I’ve got plenty

Here’s 100,000 stars

Here you can control the weather (TW FLASHING IMAGES)

Here you can weave silk

Here you can make a castle of your own

Here you can make a kaleidoscope drawing

Here you can explore recursion

Here you can play a jelly block game

I’m back with some more! 

Here you can draw with pasta

Here you can draw logo’s from memory

Here you can play this is sand, here you draw cool sand designs

Here you can play The Organ Trail

Here’s a customizable white noise website

Here you can simulate gravity

Here you can create your own guardian of the galaxy

Here you can make your own galaxy

Here’s a website you can get some support at.

Here you can split circles into smaller and smaller pieces (I found this really satisfying)

Here you can have images of people point to where your pointer is

Here you can paint someone’s nails

Here you can grow a garden across your screen (Audio included)

Here you can try out all kinds of mind illusions (Trigger Warning: Flashing Lights)

Here you can see how many miles you have scrolled

Here you can watch a website load forever, although you might be getting enough of this on Tumblr mobile

Here’s a rickroll

Here you can remind yourself that you’re awesome.

Here you can throw trash into a dustbin only for it to bounce right back out (Audio included)

Here you can make sand dunes using sand (Audio included)

And here you can generate more cool websites like these

pinning thissss

And yet more!!!

Here you can listen to a gentle rainstorm

Here you can make snowflakes

Here is a Line Rider feature film with relaxing music

Here is the entire script to the Princess Bride (many don’t need it but it’s fun to read anyway)

Here is an abbreviated script for the entirety of Book 1 of A:TLA that I made out of anger at the film that definitely doesn’t exist

Here is a playlist of the top 10 most relaxing songs ranked according to science

Here’s a site where you can make a dude beatbox with fun animations


I’m fully aware I will need this at some point.


slides im sharing w my family this week bc it pains me to see how they manage their passwords. and also easy steps they can take to protect their privacy (firefox mainly). if u have any questions let me know.

also. uBlock origin is better than adblock plus bc: it allows NO ADS (ABP will allow certain ads and let bigger companies thru - its "acceptable ads" program) + is more lightweight and easier on your computer's resources than ABP.

im seeing a pick up in rbs for this -- a new and pertinent addition is that chrome is planning to switch from manifest v2 to manifest v3 soon. this means ad blockers will no longer work in chrome.

switch to firefox if you want to preserve your ad blocking abilities and your data privacy!!


The vegan to ecofascist pipeline

Actually I'm going to expand on the steps of the pipeline.

It starts with:

"I want to do something to better the environment". A noble pursuit.

Then, "Large scale animal agriculture is bad for the environment". Accurate statement.

Then, "Therefore, I am going to stop consuming all animal products and biproducts." A lofty goal, but still reasonable. It's not something that's for everyone, but if that's what you want to do to do your part, more power to you.

Then, "If I can do it, so can you." Inaccurate. The human body is suited ideally for an omnivorous lifestyle. While the human body is very adaptable, its adaptability varies from person to person, and not everyone is able to subsist off of a vegan lifestyle.

Then, "People who don't follow my lifestyle are maliciously contributing to climate change." We're going into dangerous 'us vs. them' territory now. Now everyone who consumes animal products and biproducts even utilyzes large-scale animal agriculture, and there are myriad of reasons for someone to not be vegan. Personal lifestyle choices are also a distraction from the larger issue at hand, which is that corporations contribute the most to climate change, and blaming yourself and other individuals is a distraction.

Then, "Human beings are responsible for climate change. Humans are inherently destructive." False. Corporations and industrialization is responsible for climate change. Humans are inherently neutral, and for the most part are actually good.

Then, "If there were less people on this Earth, we would have less climate change and pollution." And there we are. At the ecofascism finish line.

Not every vegan ends up at the ecofascist finish line. Many vegans stay comfortably on the third rung of the ladder, focusing on their own personal boundaries and lifestyle choices. However, as soon as you dip your toes into the "if I can do it, so can you" mentality, that's when the ball begins rolling down the slippery slope of ecofascism.

As soon as you begin forcing your lifestyle onto other people, that's when it becomes dangerous.

Gotta love people deliberately misreading my post oh my god. I'm not saying veganism is bad or that all vegans are bad. It's literally talking about how a good or neutral thing can become bad if you're not careful. If you're able to be vegan, great! I'm vegetarian myself for a multitude of reasons. Just don't force it on others, and know that you're not morally superior for being vegan.

The vegan victimhood complex is real oh my god.........


rb this with ur opinion on this shade of pink:


This is magenta, and not pink. Unlike pink, magenta doesn’t actually exist. Our brain just invents magenta to serve as what it considers a logical bridge between red and violet, which each exist at opposite ends of a linear spectrum.

TL;DR this color is fake (and also I hate it)


Wait til you learn about Stygean Blue

Your brain is a badly-designed hot mess of bootstrapped chemistry that will tell you that all kinds of shit is happening that has no correlation to physical reality, including time travel. It just makes things up. Your brain is guessing about what’s happening when your eyes saccade, what’s happening in your blind spot, and what the majority of the visible light spectrum looks like, and you don’t know it’s happening because it doesn’t aid your survival to become aware that a lot of what you see is fake.

The human eye only has three types of color sensitive cones, which detect red, blue, and green light. Your brain is making up every other color you perceive.

Let’s have a little fun with that thought. This is the visible spectrum of light.

You will of course note that yellow is on the chart. Yellow has a discreet wavelength, and is therefore a distinct physical color. But we can’t see it.

“Sorry, what the fuck?”

What we call yellow is just what our brain shrugs and spits out when our red and green cones are equally stimulated. We have light receptors that can pick up on the physical spectrum of light we call yellow: that’s why yellow things don’t just look like moving black blocks to us. But your brain has no fucking idea what the color yellow looks like. 

Some animals have eyes that can perceive the color yellow! Goldfish have a yellow cone in their eyes. If they could talk, they could tell us what yellow looks like. But we wouldn’t be able to understand it.

What your brain actually sees of the color spectrum:

We can measure the wavelength of light, so we know that when we see ‘yellow,’ we are seeing light in that 550-ish nanometers range. But we don’t have a cone in our eyes that can pick that up. Your brain just has a very consistent guess about what color that wavelength of light could be. We decided to name that guess ‘yellow.’ We can’t imagine what yellow really looks like any more than a dog can imagine the color red.

Here’s the funny thing: your brain is never perceiving just one photon of light at a time. Something like 2*10⁸ photons per second are hitting your retina under normal conditions. Your brain doesn’t individually process all of them. So it averages them out. It grabs a bunch of photons all coming from the same direction, with the same pattern, and goes, “yeah, that cup is blue, fuck it, next.”

That’s how colors blend in our eyes. So sure, if a photon of light with a wavelength of 550 nanometers bounces into our eyes, we see what we call “yellow.” But if we see two photons at the same time, coming from the same object, one of which is 500 nms and the other of which is 600 nms, your brain will average them out and you will still see yellow even though none of the light you just saw was 550 nms.

So how does magenta factor into this?

Well, as we’ve just established, when your brain sees light from two different slices of the visible light spectrum, it will try to just average them together. Green plus red is yellow, fuck it. If it’s more red than green, we’ll call that ‘orange.’ Literally who gives a shit, we’re trying to forage over here. There are bears out here and it’s so scary.

What happens if you take the average of blue and red light, which we perceive to be magenta? What’s the centerpoint of that line?

Fucking green.

Hey, that’s not gonna work? We live on a planet where EVERYTHING IS GREEN. If something is NOT green, that means it’s either food, or a potential source of danger, and either way your brain wants you to know about it.

So your brain goes, WHOOPS. Okay - this is fine. We already made up yellow, orange, cyan, and violet. We’ll just make up another color. Something that looks really, really different from green. 

And so it made up magenta.

So, physics-wise, is magenta “real?”

No; there’s no single wavelength of light that corresponds to magenta. But you’re rarely seeing only a single wavelength of light anyway. And even when you are, every color other than RGB is a dart thrown on the wall by your meat computer. This is the CIE Chromaticity Diagram:

Explaining this thing is a little more than I want to take on on a Saturday morning, but I’ve included a link above that goes into it a little more. The point is that only the colors that actually touch the ‘outline’ of the shape actually correspond to a specific wavelength of light. All of the other colors are blends of multiple wavelengths. So magenta isn’t special.

Given that color is just a fun trick your brain is playing on you to help you find food and avoid danger, is magenta real?

Yeah, absolutely. Or at least, it’s just as real as most of what we see. It’s what we see when we mix up blue and red. It would be disastrous from a survival standpoint to perceive that color as green, so we don’t. Because it’s not green. Light that’s green has a wavelength of around 510 nm. Stuff that’s magenta bounces back light that is both ~400 and ~700. Your brain knows the difference. So it fills in the gap for you, with the best guess it has, same as it does with your blind spot.

The perception of color exists within your brain, and your brain says you see magenta. So you see magenta.

So I googled Stygian Blue and…





Hyperbolic Orange is the color my soul is

Dark tumblr show me the forbidden colors

We are back on this again.


My brain hurts.


Me and mom learned new English word.

Wow…This is probably the most famous posts on my Tumblr lol. 

This is what I drew after this situation 👇


the thing that makes hotd so fun is that there’s no jon snow types to bring the mood down with their fucking morals or whatever. it’s just all crazy bitches all the time.


they're making the sims 4 base game free to play for everyone forever next month

it's gonna be free on every platform too, consoles and computers. October 18th

if you've never played or you've always been interested but deterred by the price NOWS YOUR CHANCE


and mods are half the magic. here's how to install them and here's a bunch of gameplay tweaks.

this is just cosmetic stuff but i highly recommend it:

if you find a sims player that you like the style of, check their tumblr for a resources page. they'll often list most of what they use.

have fun and make sure you look for mod updates after each game update

  • if it sucks hit da bricks <- litany against sunk cost
  • take it easy but take it <- litany against burnout/apathy cycle
  • fuck it we ball <- litany against perfectionism
  • now say something beautiful and true <- litany against irony poisoning

some others i found in the notes


“house of the dragon is about the targaryen civil war and the tragic and preventable downfall of a flawed dynasty” to YOU. to me it is about the girlies


This is exactly how he got the role playing Weird Al.

not far off, actually. al contacted him, and radcliffe said he was very pleased and flattered but uh...why him? and al said he'd seen radcliffe sing the elements song next to a confused rihanna on the graham norton show like 15 years ago and went "this guy gets it."

“I think I fell in love with her in about 45 seconds, and then well, probably worked quite hard to cover that. It was really nice You know those chance meetings that happen where there’s a familiarity? I really felt that with Liv, it was lovely. It was like we had the right language to speak to each other immediately, and that doesn’t always happen. And I speak in a very convoluted way, so that was beautiful.” - emma d’arcy on ew’s west of westeros podcast
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